Hey you guys, it's been a while. College and life have both been hectic. I have ideas for the next few chapters but they may not be up for a while. For now, I'm going to go back and edit chapters once more due to that being easier for me at the moment and because of other reasons that will be listed below. I started this story when I was 12 and in middle school, so much of it was basically just a rehashing of the events that happened in Rosario Vampire. As I got older and started figuring out where I wanted to go with the story, I began to slowly move away from Rosario Vampire's plot. On another note, the writing was…. Not the best back then either. I'm most likely going to go back and make everything from the 3rd person POV and try to patch up any plot holes there may be so bare with me. I know I've edited this story before but I want to be able to produce the best story possible for anyone who decides to read this so I will be editing once more.

I will also be changing a lot of the sexual assault-type stuff to other issues because it doesn't feel right to me to keep them there at the moment. If there are any scenarios that involve sexual abuse or assault I'm going to be sure to add a warning at the beginning of the chapter as well because some people are sensitive to those topics.

I will also now be changing some of the story. The whole vampire thing won't be a thing anymore. I feel that complicated a lot so I'm switching it up and completely changing that now among some other details. I'm currently in the process of rereading and rewriting this entire story.

Another thing that was brought to my attention by a guest reader was the mention of Inuyasha's mother being dead in the first few chapters. I tried to glance through to see where that was and couldn't seem to find mention of Inuyasha's mother until Kikyo makes her appearance where Inuyasha specifically says Kikyo was sent by his mother to watch him. If anyone can pinpoint where she was mentioned previously, it would be a tremendous help to the editing process as I reupload chapters and such.

Lastly, thank you to everyone who has read all this time and put up with my…. Update schedule. If you can even call it that. I'm grateful to every single one of you and hope you continue to support Yokai Academy until it is finally completed. I love you all and hope everything is well.

Signing off for now,


Update: Sorry guys, I just got a review from a guest and I wanted to clarify and explain some things that were in said review. Regarding Sesshomaru and Rin: I am aware in the anime Rin became his adoptive daughter. In this version, Rin has been made older in all accounts because it makes more sense for the purposes of this story for future events. I personally do not like Kagura. She's a great character but rubbed me the wrong way. IN THE ANIME Sesshomaru didn't like humans at all and did in fact resent Izayoi. IN THIS STORY, I have made adjustments to his character. Regarding dead people coming alive, THIS IS AN ALTERNATE UNIVERSE. Just because it was like that in the anime DOES NOT mean I have to follow that in any way. Inuyasha's parent will remain alive until or if I decide otherwise. You are completely entitled to your opinion just as I am entitled to replying to it. Feel free to continue to review good or bad, but this is me stating this is my story and therefore will be written however I see fit regardless if you don't like it or not. If you want something that is more like the original anime, go find that because my story is not what you're looking for then.