Only my 2nd fanfiction and my 1st gilmore girls.

It's set after season 7 episode 2, so Luke and Lorelai have broken up, and she slept with Chris but Lorelai and Chris aren't dating.

This is a way I'd I've liked season 7 to go :)

It was weird. The world hadn't ended just because she and Luke weren't together now. She still felt like she was in a trance, but the pain in her chest felt like it was finally diminishing. This time Taylor hadn't given out ribbons and the whole town hadn't split, she was still a little confused about that, but she was perfectly happy to let it pass. She'd got herself into a nice rhythm, one that involved alot of working and not alot of time thinking about either of the men in her life. Going to Chris had been wrong and it was something she desperately wished to forget and move on from, and work seemed to be her way of doing it. As she walked through the square, she quickly popped into Doose's to pick up some supplies now that she couldn't go to Luke's all the time. She was just paying when she noticed the fruit section; a rare event in her weekly shops. In fact she even decided to pick up an apple, pushing to the back of her mind the worries she'd had last time over eating an apple. Lorelai scooped up her bags and hurried onto work.

-4 months later-

Lorelai collapsed onto the sofa. She'd been busy at work when Sookie had finally ordered her home, telling her to get some rest as she looked awful. And, although she would never have admitted it, she did feel terrible. She was working all the time so to avoid thinking about any painful subjects and she'd been getting such little sleep recently. Sookie had been nagging at her for weeks, but it was only today that she'd finally caved in and gone home. Her head was spinning and she felt distinctly nauseous, so she decided she'd get a glass of water and then call Rory. She jumped up, much too fast, and immediately fell over, smacking her head on the table and finally ending up unconscious on the floor.

-12 hours later-

At 7:30 the next morning, Sookie came round to check on Lorelai, as she really had looked ill when she'd finally made her leave. She called and knocked for 10 minutes with no answer, but Sookie, totally content, decided that she must be asleep and resting, so left happy that Lorelai had finally listened to her. The loud knocking and shouting finally caused Lorelai to come around as she bleary eyed and fuzzy headed tried to get up. The floor was sticky and she realised she was lying in a pool of her own blood. She tried to move again in horror but the effort was too much and slumped back onto the floor, unconscious again.

Although he would never admit it to anyone else, he knew he still loved Lorelai. Although they hadn't spoken in months he still looked forward to just seeing her pass the diner. Sometimes they would make eye contact, maybe exchange a small smile – this was all it took to put Luke in a good mood. He tried to listen into Babette and Miss Patty's conversations and all he'd heard was that she wasn't seeing anyone at the moment, although according to Babette, "not through Christopher's lack of trying." Apparently they had been on a few dates but Lorelai had backed off and Babette hadn't seen him for months now. Rory also came in occasionally so he had all the information he needed to keep him going.

So that morning like every morning, he looked out ,waiting for her to walk by, but she never did. He tried not to get too worked up; maybe she'd gone into work very early?

-about midday-

Lorelai came round again briefly a few hours later and found she still couldn't get up. She also realised she had her phone clutched in her hand. Despite everything still being blurry, and spinning slightly, she managed to get Sookie's number up to dial. As it rang and rang she realised Sookie would be preparing lunch now, and wouldn't have her phone on her. But remembering that Sookie checks her phone as often as she can in case the kids are sick, she decided to leave a message.

"Sookie, it's me... I think... I think I f...f...fell... my head... hit head... I hit my head... I need your hel..." her message drifted off as Lorelai, once again, lost consciousness.

-a few hours after this, the lunch period has just finished-

As the last of the cooking was done Sookie was finally able to nip away and check her phone, but there were no messages. She breathed a sigh of relief knowing that if Lorelai needed her, she'd ring.

At about the same time another person in the centre of town was checking their phone. Now Luke wouldn't normally ever look at his phone but he was expecting a call from Jess, and his landline had been playing up recently. As he examined the phone, he realised there was a little symbol at the top that he didn't recognise. He wandered back into the diner to ask Lane what it meant.

"Oh that means you've got a voicemail Luke. Here just ring this and... there you go!"

Luke set back off up the stairs with the phone pressed against his ear, annoyed that he must have missed Jess' call. But it wasn't Jess' voice on the message. It was Lorelai's.

He listened to the message at least 10 times, trying to decide what to do. The message obviously wasn't meant for him, she said Sookie's name at the beginning of the message. However it sounded like she might have hurt herself and Luke didn't know what to do. He decided he'd call Sookie himself but found he couldn't get hold of her so found himself leaving his own messages, asking Sookie to meet him at Lorelai's. If he couldn't get hold of Sookie, he'd have to go himself.