Let's Make A Deal

Chapter One: Of Meetings And Marriages

Althea Brooks was your typical resident of the Enchanted Forest. She had a mother, a father, and a small puppy named Hero. Her parents were gentlemen farmers, and they made a modest enough living. But they were not very happy, and the reason for this was their daughter.

Althea was widely considered to be one of the comeliest lasses in the village, with dark red hair, deep green eyes, and a tall body that had curves in all the right places. She was strong, quick witted, and had a biting sense of humor.

Unfortunately, she was also deemed completely insane by many of the villagers-a notion she did nothing to dissuade. She had been born with magic, and loved to use it at any opportunity-whether it was to turn a man that goosed her into an actual goose, cause her parents' crops to harvest themselves, or simply conjure up whatever her fancy struck. Once, it was a solid gold donkey. Another time, she conjured up a bow and arrows that would never miss. Another, she conjured up a giant stuffed gryphon. Her mind constantly thought of new things, new toys and creatures she could create.

She also had no fear at all and would spend weeks at a time in the woods, hunting and practicing her skills. She had a natural instinct for healing, and could tell a poison plant from an edible one in one look. Her mother and father despaired of her ever becoming a normal daughter. No matter what they did or said, no matter how much they pleaded or threatened her, she went her own merry way, living her mad life.

She had come of age two years previous, and had either chased away or turned all her suitors into animals, and as a result no one for miles around wanted anything to do with her. Her father was beginning to think that she would be forced to live with him and her mother forever-a prospect he did not exactly cherish.

Then one day, a man in a splendid carriage arrived at the farm. He was big, with a bushy beard that covered his fat stomach. "Are you Farmer Brooks?" His voice was oily.

"I am. Who are you?"

The man extended his stubby hand. "Brutus Harris. I understand you have a daughter that's of marrying age."

"Yes, but she will have no man, and Alice and I are beginning to despair. You see, Althea is quite mad."

Harris laughed, waving his hand in dismissal. "All women are mad. I have come with a proposal. I am in the mood for a wife, and I am prepared to give you ten thousand gold pieces for your daughter."

Brooks gaped at him. "Ten...thousand gold pieces?!"

"Yes, and a guarantee that I will shape her into a dutiful wife within six months time."

"We have not been able to make her a dutiful daughter in eighteen years, so if you can do as you say, the gods must surely be on your side." Brooks paused, then grinned. "Won't you come into the house, Mr. Harris? I'm sure Alice would love to meet you." Harris nodded and followed him into the farmhouse.

At first, Alice Brooks was suspicious of the newcomer, but when she heard his offer, she immediately accepted. "We've tried everything, and nothing has worked. Please, take her off our hands!"

"Take who off your hands?" Althea entered the farmhouse, bow slung over her shoulder, and her mother cringed at her ensemble-a black shirt and black trousers. Althea also carried a brace of rabbits in one hand. "What's going on?" She looked over at Brutus and felt her spine tingle in revulsion. "Who the devil are you?"

Her father smiled, and Althea felt an alarm go off in her head. "Althea, this is Brutus Harris. He's your new husband."

"...What?!" Althea clenched her fists, feeling her magic come to the surface. "Father, please tell me you're joking! If you think I will lower myself to be wed to this fat, disgusting pig..." she gasped in anger when Brutus stepped forward and backhanded her.

"You will show me the proper respect. You are my property now, Althea, and will behave accordingly, or I will be forced to discipline you harshly. I will give you one hour to say your goodbyes and then we will leave. I would not advise trying to run. I paid good money for you."

Althea wiped the blood from her lip. "I should have known it would come to this. Fine, I will go with you. But hear me-you will never break me. I will not be the dutiful wife!" She rose to her feet, fixing Brutus with a haughty stare. "There is no need for goodbyes. Shall we go, husband?" She swept past him.

Brutus smiled. "I will send you the money within a week. Thank you, and the gods be with you."

Althea glared at him as he climbed into the carriage, his weight causing it to tilt dangerously. "I suppose you'll be wanting a wedding night?" Harris laughed, a cold, cruel sound.

"Don't be absurd, witch. I would rather be ravaged by an ogress. I only married you for one reason-I want you to use your powers to further me." He grinned at the shock on her face. "Oh yes, I know of your reputation. You have a vast reservoir of power, and I intend to make full use of it."

"And what makes you think I'll do anything for you?"

Harris leaned forward and placed his hand on her throat. "Because if you do not, I will have your parents killed, and I will force you to watch. You will obey me, is that clear?"

Althea nodded. "Crystal." Harris smiled and released her, and she rubbed her throat, her mind churning. 'How am I going to escape?' She didn't dare use her magic in a confined space, and the carriage was moving too quickly for her to attempt to leap out. She sent up a silent prayer. 'Somebody-anybody! Get me away from here!' Nothing happened, and she sank back in her seat, despair filling her.

Six months had passed since Althea's 'marriage', and she had discovered a few things about her husband. She had discovered that he was a drunk, abusive, and loutish, and he would take every opportunity he had to belittle and insult her. He was also constantly attempting to force her to use her magic for his dirty deeds-and every time, she would refuse, causing him to fly into black rages and beat her. But she refused to give in, while every day her hatred for him grew stronger. She wanted nothing more than to snap his neck and be free. Her nights were filled with dreams of him vanishing.

Finally, she reached her wits' end. Brutus had beaten her so severely that she could barely walk, and had it not been for her magic, she would have died. She waited until he was passed out drunk, then ran for the woods, determined to never go back home.

"Lost, dearie?"

Althea jumped at the voice that came from behind her. She turned, grinning at the creature that stood there. "You're Rumplestiltskin."

Rumple bowed. "And unless I'm mistaken, you are Althea Brooks. My, you are a powerful one. I can feel the magic rolling off you in waves. Quite pretty, too. But what brings you here?"

"I've run out on my husband. He is a brutish lout, and I'm tired of being his punching bag. I had planned on living on my own, but I've got a better idea. I wish to make a deal with you." Rumple nodded for her to continue. "I want you to teach me how to hone my magic skills, and in return, I will give you me."


Althea nodded. "I am offering you my body in exchange for your teachings. I am not looking for love or romance, nor do I expect you to fall in love with me. I've not been had by any man, and my husband would not touch me except to beat me. You may be the Dark One, Rumplestiltskin, but you are still a man, with a man's needs." She stepped forward, smiling seductively. "Do we have a deal?"

Rumplestiltskin laughed. "It's the oddest one I've ever made, dearie-but yes. Shall we seal it with a kiss?" Althea nodded, and he grabbed the back of her neck, pulling her down into a hard, bruising kiss before teleporting them both to his bedroom in the Dark Castle.

Two days later, Brutus Harris vanished, and in the town a rumor began to circulate that Althea Harris had done it before running off with none other than Rumplestiltskin.

Nobody was too surprised.