Chapter 1

Ana's POV:

Welcome to Las Vegas!

I read the sign above the baggage claim as suitcases begin to come around. This weekend is Kate and Elliot's joint bachelor and bachelorette party and of course Kate picked Vegas. She always has to be extravagant. I've only met Elliot a couple times when she brought him to California to visit me, but I think they are perfect together. I can tell that they are head over heels in love even though they were only dating for a couple months before he proposed. I'm excited to finally meet the rest of the wedding party. Ever since I did a photo shoot for a new line in Vogue, my agent, Frank, has had me booked solid. When I first started modeling, I never thought that I would be seen in such a well-known magazine. But here I am, busy as ever. It's really put a damper on my maid of honor duties, but Kate assures me that Elliot's sister, Mia, is making up for that.

The wedding party consists of Elliot's siblings, Mia and Christian, Kate's brother, Ethan, Payton, Kate's girlfriend from work, Trish, our friend from college, and two of Elliot's friends, Miles and Phil. At least I'll know Ethan and Trish. I have never been to Vegas before so this weekend should be fun.

I see my Louis Vuitton suitcase and grab it setting my smaller one on top then head out to find a cab. I'm the last one to show up due to a last minute fitting that Frank somehow forgot about. It's not too hot since it's already dark outside, so I'm comfortable in dark skinny jeans and a white tank with a black vest over top hanging open and my hair down in waves. I have on black heels and a couple long necklaces and bangles to dress it up a bit. I can't seem to leave the house in my simple jeans and T-shirt anymore like I did in college. It does make me feel more grown up in a way though.


After paying the driver, I climb out of the cab at the Cosmopolitan Hotel and pull my bags inside. I walk slowly looking around at all the people and decorations.

"Can I help you, Miss?" I stop and look over to see a man in a suit smiling at me. I glance down and see a name tag indicating he does in fact work here.

"Um, yes. I'm here for a bachelorette party. I believe they already checked in."

"What's the name on the room?" Oh, shit. I completely forgot to get this information from Kate.

"Kavanaugh?" He turns to a computer and types in the name. It seems to be taking him a while. Maybe it's not under her name.

"Or maybe Grey." He faces me again with a grin, not even looking up the name.

"You must be Anastasia Steele." I eye him curiously. How the hell does he know my name?

"I was told that you would be arriving late. The two Grey parties are in the adjoining penthouse suites. The women are at the Chandelier Bar now though. I can take your bags up so you can go join them." I hesitantly hand over my suitcases and look around. Penthouse suites? I knew Elliot came from money, but damn. I have no idea where this bar is. This place is huge how am I supposed to find it.

"If you just keep walking straight that way through the casino, you can't miss it." The man says pointing past the elevators.

"Thank you," I say smiling.

"Of course, Miss Steele. I'm Daniel. Please let me know if you need anything during your stay here." I nod and head in the direction he was pointing. A couple people watch me as I walk through the lobby, mostly men. I've noticed this happening more frequently now that I'm showing up in more magazines. Luckily I haven't had to do any lingerie shoots… yet. I don't know how comfortable I would be knowing that people all over the country had seen my almost naked body.

Walking through the casino I hear all sorts of loud dings and buzzers going off as people gamble away their money. Then I see it. Daniel was right, you really can't miss the Chandelier Bar. There are strands of crystals hanging beautifully around a bar in the middle of the room. I stop when I reach it and look up to see them sparkling up a couple stories. This is amazing.

"Steele!" I bring my head back down and see Kate waving at me from the bar. I smile and head over to her. She squeals running at me and pulls me into a hug.

"Sorry I'm late," I say returning her hug. It's been three months since I last saw her. Her and Elliot had come to visit and told me about their engagement.

"It's fine. I'm just glad you could find time in your busy schedule to come."

"You're last weekend as a single woman? I wouldn't miss that." She hugs me again then leads me over to the bar where the bridesmaids are all sitting.

"God, Trish it's been way too long," I say giving her a tight squeeze.

"I know. I've been looking at your photos on the web. That last shoot you did was amazing." I blush still a little shy about the whole thing.

"Ana, this is Mia, Elliot's sister." A pretty brunette stands and wraps her arms around me. I hesitantly hug her back. I don't even know this girl and she's hugging me?

"I've heard so much about you. You are like one of my idols," she says pulling away and smiling at me excitedly.

"Err, thanks?" I glance at Kate who just laughs then look back to Mia. Her idol?

"I'm a fashion major at WSU right now. I love all your stuff." I had no idea that people were following me like this.

"Thank you." I smile at her.

"And this is Payton," Kate says motioning to another brunette with dark brown eyes. I turn toward her and hold out my hand not really wanting another awkward hug. She takes it and gives me a smile.

"Nice to finally meet you," she says sweetly.

"You too."

"Alright." Kate claps her hands together getting all of our attention. "Now that everyone has met. Let's get this party started." We all laugh as she orders shots.


After two more rounds of shots and a couple martinis, we all decide to head up to the room. It is humongous. There is a kitchen to the right when you walk in with a breakfast bar and black couches straight ahead facing a large flat screen TV. There's a fully stocked bar in the back and a floor to ceiling window takes up the entire wall looking out over the strip. Mia, Payton, and Trish head off to their rooms and I follow Kate into the master bedroom. A large king-sized bed sits in the middle of the room and another floor to ceiling window lines the wall. There is a TV mounted on the wall in front of the bed over a long black dresser. To the left is the door to the bathroom and a window looking into the large shower.

"This is different," I say pointing to it. Kate looks up from her bag and laughs.

"I know. Kinky, right?" I nod and walk over to my bag laying next to a loveseat. Looks like Daniel got everything up here okay.

"What are you wearing tonight?" Kate asks laying out sparkly dresses all over the bed. I pull out a red sequined sweetheart cut dress that dips about half way down in the back and hold it up to her.

"I think this."

"Yea that's perfect."

"What about you?"

"I'm not sure yet." She bites her lip looking down at the eight dresses she laid out. We're only here for three nights so I'm not sure why she brought so many. I guess the bride to be needs options.

"Where are the guys?" I ask digging around for my makeup bag.

"They went to have a few drinks, probably at some strip club." She rolls her eyes. "But they will meet up with us at the club later." I nod and head into the bathroom to start getting ready.


Once we are all ready we head downstairs and get in a limo that takes us to the Venetian where Tao is located. The ride is full of singing, dancing, and many glasses of champagne. At the club, we are let right in and lead up some stairs to a private table that looks out over the crowd. The music is so loud it is pounding in my head. Looking down I am grateful that we don't have to deal with the crowd. It looks like they can barely move it's so packed. A young woman comes over to our table bringing us a bucket with a couple bottles of grey goose and different drinks to mix with it. After mixing a drink for each of us she walks off.

"I want to make a toast," I yell over the music raising my glass up and everyone does the same. "Here's to my best friend, Kate. Even though it was fast, I'm glad you found the man you want to spend the rest of your life with. I can tell that you two are going to be very happy together. Congratulations!" Everyone congratulates her and clinks glasses.

"Now let's be sure to make this the craziest couple days ever, because come next weekend you're going to be locked down with your ball and chain," I say we all laugh tipping our glasses to our mouths.

"Ball and chain, huh?" I look over and see Elliot grinning at us. Kate leaps up and runs into his arms in her sparkly white dress. He dips her down and gives her a passionate kiss then stands her back up.

"Hey, baby." She gives him another peck then leads him over to the bench. He stops in front of me grabbing my hands and pulling me up into a hug.

"How crazy is my fiancé going to get this weekend?"

"A level of crazy not even you have seen." He chuckles then guides me over to meet his groomsmen. I see Ethan first.

"Looking good, Steele," he says eyeing me up and down. I roll my eyes and give him a kiss on the cheek and big hug. He has never been one to hide the fact that he has had a crush on me since he was 14 and I was 16.

"It's so good to see you." He hugs me back tightly.

"You better dance with me later," he whispers in my ear. I smile at him and look over to the other men. Elliot introduces me to the blonde Phil who just gives me a friendly handshake, then to Miles. He is a handsome dark skinned, dark haired man. Kate has told me about how much of a playboy he is, but she didn't tell me he was this hot. When I extend my hand to him, he takes it kisses the back of it.

"You are absolutely beautiful," he says grinning at me. I feel my cheeks heat up as they turn red. He lets go of my hand and Elliot pulls me away from him.

"Watch it, Miles. This is Kate's best friend." Elliot warns him and Miles puts his hands up in defeat.

"Alright, man." I giggle and look behind Miles to a copper haired man typing away on his Blackberry. This must be Elliot's brother, Christian. I was told that he is quite the hard worker running an empire, but in Vegas? Come on, guy.

"And this is my best man and brother, Christian." He types a few more words then slides his phone into his pocket and looks up at me. My breath catches in my throat when his gray eyes meet mine. Wow, he has to be the most gorgeous man I have ever seen in my life. Far better looking than half the guys that I model with. His eyes glide down and back up my body hungrily then a boyish smile spreads across his face.

"Hi, I'm Ana." I throw my hand out to him. When his hand touches mine I feel electricity shoot through my body. I gasp and pull my hand away staring at his. What the hell was that? I glance back up at his face and he is no longer smiling, but gazing at me curiously.

"Ana! Come take a shot with me!" Ethan calls from the table. I take one last glimpse at Christian and turn away walking back to our party.