They moved as one, like a large amoeba, slowly treading across the fields. Some broke off earlier wandering in odd directions but the majority stayed straight. The wire fence was the only obstacle that stood in their way, but they were many and they were able to overcome it simply by pressing their weight against it. Carl and Rick looked back in horror to see how close the Walkers were too them. Rick pointed to the barn and both ran for it, some Walkers followed while the rest fanned out in the open area covering as much area as possible looking for food. Outside the barn Rick spotted a can of gasoline and rushed Carl inside, he ran inside too while unscrewing the cap and threw the smelly liquid all over the ground. He spotted another can and rushed over to it.

"What are you doing?" Carl asked fearfully.

"Trust me alright?" Rick said trying to keep his voice even for Carl. He handed his son a lighter and then instructed, "On my mark."

Carl hesitated but then nodded firmly understanding what his father was asking. He scrambled up the ladder while Rick shouted at the Walkers and getting close enough to splash them with the gasoline before jumping out of the way of outstretched rotten arms.

Daryl was ready to launch an arrow at the nearest Walker when a bullet struck it from above and the hunter turned to see Mak and Hope position on the roof. Both armed with rifles and Mak had his bow as a back up for when he would run out of ammo. Daryl rushed back inside to see the others grab clothes and food, stuffing them into bags before rushing out. Hershel tossed T-dog a shot gun while Glenn grabbed his machete off the table. They were all about to leave when a sudden light shone through the cracks in the wooden boards they had nailed over the windows. Everyone was shocked but shook it off in time to hear Daryl give everyone instructions.


Outside Daryl tossed the keys to the RV to Jimmy who immediately crushed a Walker's skull with the wooden bat. Daryl rushed to his motorcycle while Mak jumped off the roof and did a front roll on the ground to protect himself from the impact. He rushed over to his dirt bike, kicked it and then sped off towards the burning barn backing up Jimmy. Hope still shot from the roof taking down one Walker after another while the others scrambled to the safety of their vehicles. Finally she jumped down to performing the same front roll that Mak did and ran towards Hershel who was still firing into the crowd.

"Come on!" she shouted over the moans.

"I'm staying," he replied firmly then gave her a quick shove. "Go hurry!"

Hope was ready to protest when she saw the ferocity in the old man's eyes, the need, the want and the acceptance. She took in a deep breath, nodded once and then was ready to head off into the other direction to fight when a horrified shrill went through the air. Both Hershel and Hope turned back in time to see a Walker take a large chunk out of Patricia's neck. The woman's scream turned into a gargle as blood rushed out of her wound and mouth. Beth screamed too, her expression etched in complete horror unable to look away from the awful sight as Lori tugged the young woman along, in her other hand was Sophia who was evidently crying as she watched Patricia disappear in the bloody feasting. Hope turned back and saw the RV turn the corner. She took aim and fired at numerous Walkers before heading over to her own dirt bike. She kicked the pedal and then looked around to see Carol surrounded armed with only a plank of wood. Hope fired at the nearest Walker before slipping the rifle over her shoulder and taking out her bowie. She was prepared to charge when a Walker grabbed her arm, Hope let out a cry of surprise before stabbing it in the mouth, blood poured out as the Walker fell dead. Hope looked up to see the Walkers advancing and Hope saw no other option. With her bowie gripped tight in her hand, she swung upward on her arm, her own blood flowed freely. She kicked her bike, held her wounded arm out and drove towards the trapped Carol.

"Hey you bastards!" Hope shouted at the top of her lungs. She twisted the handle making the engine growl loudly, the Walkers turned hearing the engine and smelling the blood. Carol struck the Walker nearest and then fled.

"Run!" Hope shouted backing the dirt bike up. "Run hurry!"

She turned to see two figures running up from the burning barn and Mak roaring the dirt bike's motor to attract the Walkers attention away from Rick and Carl. But there were still too many Walkers advancing towards them, Hope took in a breath before speeding towards the other side leading the Walkers already attracted to her blood.

"Go run, now!" Hope shouted to Hershel, Rick and Carl. She slashed Walkers on all sides and then opened up another wound to allow her blood to flow. The Walkers were gaining speed the smell of the blood was overpowering and the Walkers abandoned their targets and turned. She looked back to see the three escape happy that Rick was able to convince Hershel to leave. Hope turned back to see Mak slicing through Walkers with ease, her on the other hand.

"Alright you dirty bastards," she growled. Hope revved the engine one more time and sped forward preparing to break through the thin wall of Walkers but one managed to grab the back of her shirt. The girl choked, the dirt bike slide from underneath her squishing four Walkers as it spun out of control. Hope waved her bowie around, slicing and stabbing but there were too many Walkers. Pain exploded on all parts of her body, and she could feel the skin rip from her and the nails dig in. Hope let out a blood-curling scream as a Walker took out a chunk out of her shoulder, its nails clinging to her back. Hope lost the ability to think, to speak, her vision was fading and she knew that she was dying – her body was dead only her mind was left but that was no use. The fifteen year old gave one last sigh and allowed herself to relax as more Walkers pushed their way through to the food for human she is no longer.

Mak turned to see a Walkers all piling to one area, he didn't want to know who was underneath that pile. Noticing all the remaining survivors gone he kicked the pedal killed a Walker and sped off to safety. As he drove he looked back at the RV parked outside behind the burning barn, it stopped moving and Mak gave a defeated sigh thinking, sorry you had to go down like that Jimmy. He turned and noticed that the kidnapper's truck was still there and through the window he saw something familiar.


On the highway, Rick, Hershel and Carl were the first ones. Slowly but surely the others started to join to a majority in tears. As soon as the truck was stopped, Lori jumped out and rushed over to Carl who immediately stiffened at her hug. Glenn and Maggie came next, the oldest Greene sister jumped out before the van was even parked and embraced her sister and her father. Daryl and Carol came next, Sophia jumped out of the truck, ran up to her mother and both started to cry. Finally Mak drove onto the highway with something dangling from his hand. It was a holster with the pistol that Mak had given Carl as a good-bye gift and Rick's sheriff hat. As soon as he parked he handed the items back to the shocked youth before straightening and scanning the survivors.

"Where's Hope?"

No one spoke, Rick felt his who body go heavy as he had seen her go down through the review mirror, Carl and Hershel saw it through the back window. Mak immediately sensed the guilt and sorrow coming from all three, the others soon realized it and when they did they looked at Mak to see how he would react. The former addict shook his head not wanting to believe it at first, tears threatened to pour down his face but he took in a deep breath trying to control himself. Carol took a step forward wanting to comfort the tortured man but Mak shook his head he took in another breath rising to his steadily to his feet.

"She died saving us," Rick said breaking the silence, "If it weren't for her…I don't think half of us would have made it out alive."

Daryl felt like telling Rick to cram it, but held it in as Mak nodded as if accepting Rick's explanation before falling silent.

They took note of who died or was missing: Shane killed, Patricia, Jimmy, and Hope all devoured by Walkers and Andrea who had gone missing and they dubbed her a lost cause. Once gathering all the supplies they decided to take their leave. Mak decided to join them knowing that he had no other option. When they were prepared to leave he turned back to see Carl adjusting the holster at his side and placing the hat on his head, Carol coming up from behind her daughter who was staring at the faded message they had left her when she went missing should she find her way back to the highway and they weren't there. Mak wondered if Crystal was even alive any more, if she was it would be an absolute miracle he wasn't good at being independent he didn't really like it either. Mak shook the dangerous thought out of his head, started up the dirt bike and followed the others out and away.


They stayed off the highways mainly, sticking to the back roads and sometimes Mak would take an alternate route in order for him to be alone to think and plan about what his next move was going to be. A small thunk came from one of the vehicles and Mak knew that they were running out of fuel. They parked near a small opening beside a creek and unpacked. Daryl started up a fire while the others grabbed blankets from the vehicles. Mak sat down beside Carl who had his arms wrapped around his knees.

"I still want to know," Daryl spoke up, "why Randall got turned when he wasn't bit or scratched."

Lori gave a small sigh and was prepared to tell Daryl to let it go when Rick interrupted her.

"We're all infected."

The whole area went eerily quiet everyone looked at Rick who faced the group properly.

"That's what Jenner told me back at the CDC," Rick admitted, his voice strong and filled with seriousness. "That we turn, no matter what."

Rick allowed the information to settle into their minds, letting them process the meaning of it. Mak's expression remained blank but in his eyes Rick knew that he had understood completely. The others allowed their emotions to show not caring who saw.

"Also…I killed Shane," Rick confessed, as soon as he saw the expression on the faces of those around he immediately began to argue. "You saw how he was, you saw how far he was dropping."

"Now you realize it," Daryl murmured.

Rick bristled. "What?"

Daryl stood challenging the man before him. "He was downhill ever since the CDC, ever since this whole damn thing started. You were just so blind to see it."

Rick looked like he wanted to reply, wanted to tell Daryl off but he hung his head in defeat.

"So I was wrong about Shane, so perhaps I was…blind but that is over and done now, he is dead."

"Good riddance," Daryl said to himself as he leaned against the tree. While everything was going on Mak was thinking hard about his next move, he realized that he was the last survivor of the group. He then began to think something else, something that he tried to get rid of but it sunk deep until it was the only thought that he could think of. He pushed himself up from the ground, adjusted his bow on his back and rifle on his shoulder. Everyone watched him intently wondering what he was doing, Daryl and Carl however knew the very moment from the highway.

"I'm leaving," Mak said firmly looking at the others.

Rick walked over to Mak's side, his expression was shock. "Are you sure?"

"Stay with us," Lori pleaded, she too was shocked. "It'll be safer."

Mak shook his head. "Before…everything happened we were thinking of taking leave as soon as Carl was better. But…"

"It'll be safer with us," Rick promised, "you'll be better off."

Again Mak shook his head. "Sorry Rick, but…honestly ever since Anthony died we wanted to leave, but it kept getting put off now that Hope is gone I'm going to stick to it."

He nodded to everyone and then headed back to his dirt bike. Rick followed and in a low voice asked, "Is there anything I can do to change your mind?"

"Sorry," Mak said with a sad smile, "but I need to do this…for me. Take care of your boy."

Rick nodded firmly and backed up from the dirt bike. Mak kicked the pedal ready to leave when Carol came up with a bag half filled with food and clothes but Mak declined.

"You guys need it more than me."

From the campfire Carl watched as Mak gave the engine another kick and then sped off, the youth watched as the darkness swallowed Mak up. Carl turned to see Daryl turn to him both knowing why Mak left; guilt. Rick turned back to the group saying that he would take first watch. Daryl offered to stay up with him and Rick nodded saying that would be a good idea. Carl felt his mother shift and lie flat on her back he looked over to see the others positioning to fall asleep as well some still crying but they made no noise. Carl looked back at Daryl who adjusted the position of his crossbow. He gave a nod to the boy as if to say don't worry I'll protect you.

Carl nodded back. I know.

A/N: End of Tremble. Thanks to everyone who read, reviewed, faved and alerted. Not quite sure if I'll continue onto the third season and if so might wait a little bit at least until the last episode of the first half. Until then starting a new short story By the Teeth which should be up sometime this weekend. Thanks again, Spitfire47