Our Antidote.

What started out as just another plan to get revenge on the Pharaoh slowly became much more complicated than either Bakura or I could have predicted. Of all people, I never guessed that I would grow to depend on Yugi to calm the spirit. You're the perfect drug when it hurts like hell... our antidote, you know us so well. RYOU POV, Yaoi, Quietshipping.

Sort of a mix between Kleptoshipping and Heartshipping. Quietshipping is a fan-made shipping name thought of by a few people on Tumblr for the threesome of Yami Bakura x Ryou x Yugi. I know it sounds strange, but seriously just give it a try. It's not as weird as its sounds, I promise.

DISCLAIMER: I dont own anything. Especially not YuGiOh.

"Speech" = normal speech

"Speech" = mental speech

It had started out as a way to get back at the Pharaoh. At least, that's what the spirit of the millennium ring had told me at the time, and continued to tell me as such even as things between us grew more complicated. Always the obedient hikari, I didn't dare to doubt him or approach the subject far more than was needed. Still, I remember when the subject had first been brought up, a regular day in my life...


A narrow streak of pale morning sunlight filters in through the curtains of my bedroom, casting a glow across the walls. It wasn't enough to wake me, but it causes me to stir, groaning as I roll over. I must have rolled a little too far, because what really woke me up was the loud 'thunk!' and the dull pain in my limbs as I hit the floor beneath me.

"Really yadonushi, you think you would have learnt where the floor is by now!"

Such was my yami's oh-so-helpful advice of the day. I sit up and roll my doe brown eyes in what I hope looks like an annoyed gesture, but the spirit gets the point anyway and I hear a faint growl from somewhere within the corners of my mind. Sighing and giving up on my attempt at annoyance since I know it won't get me anywhere, I push myself to my feet and begin pulling on some clothes.

"I know where the floor is with my eyes open. It's rather difficult to judge in my sleep."

I retort back with relative calm in my voice, running my fingers through my snowy white hair trying to tame it. A few minutes of this along with a glance in the mirror soon proves that the task is pointless, so I relent and exit the room as I am. Sliding down the steps two at a time, I miss the bottom step by a few inches, my foot slipping and causing myself to fall forwards. There's a dark chuckle, louder than the last one, in the back of my head as my face hits the ground for the second time.

"You really do love the floor, don't you? And you weren't even asleep this time."

I know he only added the last part to spite me, so that I would be unable to use the excuse a second time. As much as I hate to admit it, he's right, I'm really clumsy this morning. As the moments pass I manage to make it into my kitchen without killing myself, and by some miracle not tripping other anything else either. The spirit is strangely quiet as I make breakfast, spilling corn flakes on the counter as few of them miss the bowl. He doesn't say anything again until I'm sat at the table with a spoon in my mouth, just beginning to enjoy the peace between us.

"What are your plans for the day, hikari?"

That one simple, casual question catches me by surprise, and I almost choke on the mouthful of soggy cereal I was about to swallow. I look up from my now empty bowl, to see the corporeal form of my darkness leaning against the fridge, his russet eyes downcast as if he's deep in thought. It's strange, but at that moment he almost looks... dare I even think it, but... attractive. Instantly my face heats up a very distinct shade of pink, and im glad he's too busy in his own thoughts to notice.

"I don't have any plans... why? Do you?"

There's an obvious tone of suspicion in my voice, and he chuckles as if I've told a highly amusing joke. I just know he's going to tease me about not trusting him after all the time we've spent together. Still, I know better than anyone not to trust the spirit of the ring the second he starts trying to be friendly. Having made that mistake one too many times in my life already, I wasn't falling for it again.

"Lucky for you landlord, I do. I want you to get closer to that half-pint brat the Pharaoh is so fond of."

My heartbeat stops. The spirit's eyes are suddenly focused on me, and his gaze becomes almost painful as he stares me down. Yugi... he wants me to get closer to Yugi? I struggle to breathe again, and nod my head hesitantly. This couldn't be good...


As usual, it hadn't taken much persuasion on the spirit of the millennium ring's part to get me to do as he asked. Despite my initial feeling of dread at the thought of the evil one getting closer to one of my friends, I had eventually complied and agreed to help him until he was satisfied. I gulped. that was the worst part of our agreement; what if the dark spirit was never satisfied, and I was thus forever indebted to him? The thought, along with the dread that shot through me, caused me to physically shiver.

"Bakura-kun? Is something wrong?"

I'm broken out of my worries for the first time not by a mocking voice from within my head, but a bright voice filled with concern. The source of the voice was sat next to me on a dull green couch that wasn't my own. Yugi Motou, the king of games and hikari to my other self's most hated enemy, blinked at me though his violet eyes. I stared back into those purple depths for perhaps longer than I should have, because the yami finally made his complaints.

"Answer him you fool!"

I wince at the venom in the spirits tone, and for a moment I'm surprised that he doesn't just take control of my body and answer the smaller boy himself. Still, I would not encourage more trouble than was needed. It was actually rather nice to have a somewhat free reign over my body for once, even if I was still governed by set instructions.

"Hai, Yugi-kun. I'm fine."

Perhaps it should worry me just how easily the lies flew from my mouth these days. Still, my whole life often felt like a lie and it made things so much easier. In the long run I did my best to lie in order to protect those I cared about, my friends, so that made it okay didn't it?

"Heh. Keep telling yourself that yadonushi!"

"Stop distracting me... please? I thought you wanted me to get closer to him?"

No matter how much the spirit of darkness likes to taunt me, even he must have admitted that I had a point, because it grew silent in my head very quickly, although the tendrils of annoyance that flitted through my mind were still there. I could ignore that though, so long as I continued to focus on my given task at hand. Forcing a small smile upon my delicate lips, I turned my attention back to the boy with the shock of tri-coloured hair.

There's a slight glint of something in his eyes that I can't place, suspicion maybe? Still he seems to take my answer as enough and simply shrugs it off, and its all I can do not to sigh audibly in relief. Yugi focuses on the television in front of us, the flashing images reflecting in his eyes as I watch him. This was going to be a very long, and awkward day.


Many hours passed, and the time ticked away quicker than I had expected it too. Once my annoying yami had finally decided to keep quiet, it was pretty easy to start to get along with the young king of games. Perhaps easier than even I expected. Myself and the violet eyed boy by the name of Yugi actually had much in common, least of all the fact that we both shared our bodies with ancient spirits. It had been strangely nice to sit and talk to a friend, like a normal teenager for just one day.

"Heh. It will be for more than just this afternoon Hikari."

I blinked and turned to see the spirit's semi-transparent form leaning casually against the wall in the hallway, an evident smirk on his face. As nice as it was to see the darker one in a good mood, I just couldn't squash the feeling that this was bad news. What exactly was he planning anyway? What did he get out of me befriending Yugi? Taking in a deep breath, I took a chance, and asked.

"Why do you want me to get closer to him? Is this part of one of your plans?"

After such a bold move on my part, it took all I had not to flinch away from the glare he sent me. Thankfully after a moment he seemed to think better of taking any further action, and his expression visibly calmed. Brushing a strand of snowy white hair out of my eyes, I blinked back curiously and let out a small sigh of relief. This seemed to amuse the spirit, for he started to chuckle lowly under his breath.

"You're so clueless my little light, it's rather funny."

"H- hey! I wouldn't be clueless if you told me what's going on!"

Clearly my afternoon acting like a normal teenager had serious effects on my common sense. My chocolate orbs widened and I instantly covered my mouth, stepping backwards hastily. I couldn't believe I had been stupid enough to talk back against my yami. Again his russet eyes flashed with an angry gleam, but for whatever reason, the dark one tried his best to remain as calm as he could.

"You really are trying your luck this evening. Lucky for you, I'm in a good mood."

"I'm sorry... I- I don't know what came over me..."

"Silence! The point of the matter is, what my plans entail are none of your concern. Just do as you're told."

I gulped, and nodded like a schoolchild whom had just been scolded by a teacher. He seemed to be happy with this as an answer, and mentally I thanked every god in every kind of faith that he didn't snap or lose his temper. Still, I was a little bit in the dark so to speak on what my instructions were. The ghost-like man before me seemed to read that thought, and gave a nod of his head to signify that he understood.

"It's not complicated. I simply want you to keep on making friends with the Pharaoh's light."

"That's really it? But... why? You've never wanted me to make friends before..."

"I thought I told you that was none of your concern?!"

This time I couldn't help myself. I squeaked in fear and almost ran half a mile to the other side of the room. In truth he hadn't reacted all that badly, but it has most likely been the sudden change of tone that had scared me the most. Nodding like a car dashboard accessory, I ran up the stairs to me bedroom. A few moments passed in peace and the light beyond my curtains began to dim, signifying it was night time. Sighing I flopped onto my bed and pulled out my mobile, texting the number Yugi had given my earlier that day. If the spirit wanted me to be friends with him, then I wouldn't waste time in making plans for the next day...


End Chapter 1