The sound of light, yet powerful, footsteps echoed throughout the large home as Russia paced, her mouth drawn into a light line as concerning thoughts ran threw her head.

It had been several days since little brother Belarus's abrut departure from her house and the Russian was beginning to get a bit suspicious. Usually, if the Belarusian had business outside of her house, he would get it done in less than a day so he could return quickly and proceed to badger her with the usual demands of marrige and becoming one.

But, come to think about it, little brother Belarus hasn't asked her that in a while. In fact, he seemed rather interested in you...Almost obsessed...

Russia's eyes widened in horror as it all seemed to click. Lunging for the phone, she hurridly punched in America's phone number and silently prayed that he would pick up. "Yo!"

"America!" Russia cried out in relief. "Thank god! Listen, is _ still there?" She stood there, anxiously waiting for the reply. The phone slipped from Russia's trembling fingers as she gasped sharply in horror.

"Nah, bro. She left yesterday with that freaky brother of yours. Belarus, right?"


Your eyes fluttered open as you tried to sit up- which you instantly regretted. A white hot pain slammed your head and for one wild moment you thought Hungary hit you with her frying pan.

Lying back down, you allowed your eyes to sweep the room: it was a rather depressing, deep purple colored room, broken glass all over the floor. What on earth were you doing in this strange room? You tried to stand, but the chains on your hands prevented you from doing so. Wait, so you were chained to a bed...Why?

You heard the door creak open and a platnium blond smirked at you. "Hello, _."

You shot him your best death glare. "What the fuck do you want? And why am I chained to this fucking bed, anyway?!"

"I told you before, did I not? You're mine, _." You realized he was getting closer and closer to you. "And I think it's time we could became one, yes?" Before you could move, he pounced, pinning you to the bed. "We'll always be together." He promised darkly as he planted feathery kisses on your neck. "Always. I won't let you hate me like big sister Russia."

For a moment, you forgot about the position you were in as those last words echoed in your head. Was Belarus just lonely? Is that all it really was? This, of course, didn't change the fact that he kidnapped you, but you felt a little bad all the same. "Belarus..." You murmered. "Are...Are you lonely?"

The platinum blond abrutly stopped kissing your neck and his violet eyes met yours. You saw many things in his eyes.




He leapt off you and made his way to the door. "We can become later." He muttered before leaving, slamming the wood door harshly behind him.

So it was just longing, then...

And, for just one moment, you allowed yourself to feel pity for your slightly insane captor.

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