Fjorkavr opened his eyes the snow from the sky above fell to his face. For the first time in a while he felt at peace, the thoughts of war and nearly killing Megan at Skyborn Alter with his bare hands, suddenly all those thoughts left him and were replaced with memories of his family. He felt a sudden warmth breathe on his neck, it was a very familiar feeling one that he hadn't felt in what seemed years. He turned to his side peaking with one eye just to check, and there he saw her, the women he loved most in this world, his wife.

"Ysolda, is that…? " Fjorkvar tried to finish but his wife placed her finger on his lips

"I have missed you my love." she spoke softly

"Ysolda, I'm sorry. I tried to make it back I truly did but…but Ancotar and his Thalmor thugs were already there. I failed you, I failed our children." tears began to roll down Fjorkvar's eyes, as his wife smiled wiping away the tear drops that had fell

"It's okay, you did your best. I could not have asked for more." Ysolda reassured him.

"Ysolda I have to ask, are the kids?"

"Yes, they sit with Ysgramor and the rest of the heroes of old. They tell our children the stories of their battles, and how the Dragonborn came to Sovngarde and vanquished the World-Eater himself. You left quite an impression on them my dear."

He smiled at that response "I am glad you are taken care of." though the smile didn't last for long, he had to inform his wife of his fate "You know, I will never see Sovngarde again?"

"Yes, Kodlak Whitemane told us how you cured him of his blight, but you chose to keep the gift. Would you reconsider?" Ysolda pleaded,

"When I have had my vengeance, my darling wife, then I will see about curing myself. I would like nothing more than to spend eternity with you and our children, but Alduin, he lives and I feel that me and him are bound together until the end of days. I do not see myself ever being able to rid myself of him."

"I understand. But you have bested him before and I know you can certainly do it again." she said stroking her husbands hair

"If I ever find away to wipe him away for good…I will return to you." Fjorkvar promised his wife.

"It's okay Fjorkvar, do what you must. I have one request, my love. It's about that Imperial, Megan."

Fjorkavr quickly tried to explain the relationship "Ysolda, there is nothing-"

"I know. You have a fondness for her. She reminds you of our daughter, yes? Protect her, shield her all you can. If necessary keep her away from the war. She is the only link you have to this world, she makes you care., she makes you keep control. If you lose her I fear you will succumb to temptation, and fulfil Alduin's destiny. Please do what you must to keep her alive" Ysolda

Fjorkavr looked in to his wives eyes promising her "You have my word. I will not fail you or her."

"Good." a cloud of snow circles by the dragon wall.. Ysolda stands looking down "It's time for me to go. Stay safe, my love." She leans down and gives Fjorkvar one final kiss before walking away.

Fjorkvar flips on to his stomach to see his wife depart "YSOLDA!" his wife stops in her tracks before turning. "I miss you,. Not a day goes by where I don't think about, where our lives would be right now. I just want you to know you are, and always will be my only love from now until the end of time-I just needed to tell you."

Ysolda smiles nodding her head. she whispered to herself "I know". She took one step towards the portal and disappeared. Fjorkvar once more laid on his back looking up to the Heavens above. "I will not fail you my love."