Disclaimer: I honestly don't own Homestuck Hussie does

A/N: Sorry I haven't updated in a while but I just recently got a life and I'm just now learning how to have it so yeah XD Thanks for the comments! Love you all! As usual READ AND REVIEW!

ChapterThirteen: The Day Begins

Egbert and I have been living with each other for about a week and now I have to go to school. The last year I have in this hell hole. Egbert has been going to the same fucking school as me since we started high school even though we've never seen each other before. This isn't very surprising though because this school easily has over 2,000 kids at it. Well now we're in the derp's car on our way to Kent fucking Skaia High School. I already had my schedule and no I'm reading it.

"Well Kar, what do you have?" he asked me

"Teachers, six to be exact" I said rolling my eyes.

I wasn't the only one rolling my eyes as John rolled his, "No you knew what I meant."

"Like fucking hell I did" I said.

"Well I have Lalonde first, then Strider, which should be interesting because he's Dave's older bro, then I have English, and a few other teachers I don't know"


"Well aren't you gonna tell me yours?"


"This is gonna be a long day isn't it"


"Ok, well we're here," he had a slight frown on his face and got out of the car, "I'm gonna go find my friends. See you later."

"K" I said as I went to find Gamzee.

Even though you wouldn't expect it, Gamzee comes to school early every day. He doesn't like school but he needs to see me in the morning. I make sure he's taken his 'medicine' every day and doesn't look like fucking crap. I went to his normal hiding spot behind the art building. Sure enough I saw his clown ass hanging out in his normal spot smoking his 'medicine'.

"Glad to see you remembered to take your fucking medicine" I said walking over, "just don't take too much you don't want to overdose. I know that you need it but just don't overdose ok?"

"Sure thing motherfucker, one in the morning and one at night is what the doctor told me, so that's what I' motherfucking do" he said lazily smiling.




His smile got a little bigger "So, you and your boyfriend…"


"You two aren't…"




"you mean him"

The bell rang, "HoNk. ;o)"

"Shut up and let's go to class who do you have?"

We walked towards his class but he needed to go to the bathroom to get his make up on so I let him go and I left for my class. I had choir first with Ms. Lalonde and…oh god John was in my class? The one year he's in my classes of course is this year, never met him before but that doesn't stop him from being in my fucking class.

I entered class with my head down; maybe Egbert wouldn't notice me without seeing my face…

"Karkat!" nope, he saw me, fuck.


"You didn't tell me you had choir first period!" he said with a big old smile on his face.

"Yeah I…um" think of an excuse, think of a fucking excuse, he might be stupid enough to believe this one… "I wanted to fucking surprise you? I guess."

"Well you sure did!" I let out a bit of breadth, why was I holding my fucking breadth?

"Well, good" I sat down as John sat right next to me.