Alright! This is just something that mysteriously came to me while I was listening to music so... yeah, that`s nice I suppose!

Plus I think I just felt like typing something on this BRAND NEW keyboard of mine... hehe.

Ok, so here goes. XD (by the way, I don`t own Legend of Zelda, just saying).

Time moves smoothly and evenly through our lives, but what would happen if something just suddenly stopped it from doing so? If something, or someone, would seek to destroy our world and take over, just so that they could feel the power in their hands... If their evil soul and stone heart would desire to kill all that lives and bring suffering upon happiness... And if infernal darkness fell upon the sun, not letting us ever see its light again... What would then happen?

The answer lies right before our eyes, and that being - it would never happen. Why? Because it all comes down to him and her. The two heroes that are more than famous throughout history. Their legend goes on and on, never ending and never resting. Their souls would eternally fight the Evil and never stop for a break. They would never get the chance to live a normal life, but at least they know it is doing it for us; for the world that we live in.

Their reincarnations would forever deal with great diffuculties, and their future hearts would always bleed in agony for as they would never get the time for their feelings, but they are the ones chosen by the Goddesses to carry out the job of banishing evil, back to its infernal gates.

Their time is carried on to our`s and eventually it would go pass our future generations and never stopping or finishing its job. The great Hero of Time and possesor of the Triforce of Courage, along with her, who owns the Triforce of Wisdom, shall forever defeat the beast that despite having the Triforce of Power, shall forever lose.

We will never be aware of them - them who save our lives, paying for them with their own - and therefore we shall never be able to thank them. Yes, they die for us, bleed to death for us, and all we can do is stand here, doing nothing but not caring. Sometimes, a great thought comes to my mind, saying Have we no shame? Have we no pride? Apparently no. Compared to them, we cannot do a single thing.

Weather you like this idea or not, it is true, and shall always be. Why can`t we all agree, that great heroes, such as Link and Zelda do exist, not just in video games, but in real life too? Heroes shall never die, even if their body vanishes from the Earth and Universe, their souls never go away from those that they once loved.

Well, thanks for reading it. I know it`s kinda stupid and all, but I just felt like typing something. Why do u not understand? hehe, lol.

Please don`t leave any nasty reviews, because I did try my best.

Thank you!