Chapter: 15 Dog days aren't over

As if on cue, once we pulled into the parking lot the first bell rang. I rushed out of the car and towards my class throwing a "See you guys later!" over my shoulder. I didn't want to be late for the first class of the day. After I trotted up the staircase I reached for the doorknob of literature class but stopped abruptly when my name was called viciously from behind.

"Cloudnine!" I turned around to see a little old lady with messy gray hair that stuck out in different places and the papers in her hand all wrinkled.

"Umm I'm sorry but have we met?" I mumbled almost to myself as she made her wake towards me her face flushed a dark shade of frustrated red.

"I'm so glad I ran into you!" she yelled even though we were standing a few feet in front of each other. "You know how I'm always busy as the principle of this academy" she continued but I slapped my hand to my mouth covering my surprised expression. This is the principle?! I thought she was a cute little old lady I sulked she looks completely different when she's angry. "Do you remember my dear puppy, Coco?"

I thought about lying but then didn't feel like dealing with the consequences "Yes." I slowly mumbled and she sighed in relief.

"Good, well you see she has somehow managed to escape my office and I have to attend a meeting right now, therefore I need you to catch her for me." She explained and I gave her a bewildered look.

As much as I want to chase a dog around school all day… actually I don't want to chase a dog around school all day "um but I have to get to-"

"I need you to catch her for Me." she repeated with a smile.


"I Need you to catch her for Me." Sensing danger through animal instincts I gave in with fear for my life.

"C-Certainly" I shrank away from her.

"Good now, I'll be off then." She smiled completely transforming back to nice ol' granny before being off.

"Why me?" I sank to my knees my head hanging low in shame as the second bell rang marking anyone that wasn't in class now tardy.

After sulking for an appropriate amount of time a sudden span of motivation hit me and I jumped to my feet ready for a fight. "Alright! Let's do this!" I sped down the stairs and bumped into someone almost knocking them down. "I'm sorry-Ken!"

I looked down to see the cookie-crazed boy. "Hey Cloud." He gave a weak smile.

I saw his hands filled with books to the brim "What's up?"

He looked down at his arms "Oh, I'm just completing my withdrawal." He shrugged a little sad.

"What! Withdrawal! Why?!" I exclaimed as he pushed his glasses up further the bridge of his nose.

"My father didn't the like the idea of me getting picked on by girls so he's sending me off to boot-camp."

"Boot-camp!?" I repeated and he smiled.

"Yeah, but I so happy I got to see you before I left!" he jumped in glee. I blushed I knew he liked my but never to such an extent. Leaning over I wrapped my arms around him and pulled him into a warm embrace. "G-G-Good bye C-Cloud." His glasses fogged up as his face flushed a dark shade of pink.

"Not good bye silly, we'll see each other someday!" I straightened up and saluted him "Till later, Ken."

Smiling he did the same "Till later, Cloud."

Just then a small mini Rover ran by yapping happily and my eyes shone like diamonds. "Dog!" I dashed by Ken yelling "good luck!" as my eyes locked on my target. "Get back here, Coco!" I ended up outside due to a stray student who opened the door letting the little mutt outside. I rest my hands on my knees and hung my head low catching my breath. God, wrong day to wear a hoodie and no shirt under.

"Having fun?" an all too familiar voice spoke out.

I could feel the smirk he had on his face as I stared at his shoes. "Aren't you supposed to be in class, Castiel?"

Just like I thought he had a smirk painted over his face "I could ask you the same thing."

"Well if you haven't noticed, I'm chasing the principles mutt around!" I yelled drained from running.

"Oh no, I noticed." He stifled a laugh and I glared at him. "Can you help me? Pleaseeeeeee?" I whined childishly.

The redhead crossed his arms over his chest "I would but…" he paused no doubt looking for an excuse but shrugged when he came up empty handed. "Nope I just wouldn't."

I gave him the blankest stare that I had not impressed with the answer "Whatever."

"by the way I saw the little poor excuse for a dog pass by me over there." He pointed behind me and it took all of me not to kill the poor excuse of a friend in front of me.

"And Now is when you tell me!" I yelled.

"You didn't ask." He defended innocently.

I pointed an accusing finger at him "You, you, YOU!" walking in the direction he came from and never breaking eye contact. Once out of sight I broke out into a run towards the garden. I saw the little rascal rolling around in the dirt a load of flowers hanging from her mouth. "Hey! Coco!" I approached her but once she caught sight of me she ran. Hissing more curse remarks under my breath I chased after her but when I turned the corner I crashed into someone, toppling over onto them. "Owww" I rubbed my nose considering it clashed with something hard and then there was a soft groan from underneath me. I looked down to be face to face with mint colored eyes. "S-Sorry" I sat up to give him enough room and he propped himself up onto his elbows.

The boy looked to the side "Darn that little mutt she keeps ripping out the flowers I plant."

Confused I looked at the boy "You're the one who plants these?"

He gave a small smile "Yeah, that's me darlin'"

"Wow there beautiful!" I laughed and he gave a genuine smile.

"Why thank you, they are until that little rat over there rips them up and out of the ground" he glared at Coco who barked in reply. The little canine sat a few feet out of reach waiting for me to get up and chase after her again.

We sat in silence for a few seconds before the boy cleared his throat. "Umm, sorry but if you don't mind."

He stared down and I followed his gaze to figure out I was still on top of the poor boy. "Ah! I'm so sorry!" I got up before helping him back to his feet. His hair and eyes were a mint-teal and he wore a black long sleeve under a white shirt with dark green overalls thrown over; brown gloves and hat to adorn the gardening outfit. "So what's your name?" I asked curiously.

"Jade." The name suited him if you thought about. "And you?"

"I'm Cloud" we shook hands before he nodded towards the little Rover that ran in circles from excitement.

He smiled showing me sympathy. "Good luck."

"Thanks." I threw myself in the dog's direction in attempt to catch it off guard but it was ready and alert. Coco slipped through my fingers and I continued my chase after the small canine.

I sped by Castiel giving him a good view of the situation and he stifled a laugh. "So is the hunt for the mini Rover going well?"

"Shut up." I quickly spat knowing damn well he knew it wasn't and turned the corner on hot pursuit. We ended up back inside again due to the fact that another passerby looked at me dumbfounded when I yelled 'don't let that mutt pass!' I almost crashed into Nathaniel who looked at me surprised.



I huffed trying to catch my breath "Sooooo, are you like a cat or a dog person? I bet you have a cat, right?" I spontaneously asked him.

Taken back he tilted his head a bit confused at my random question "Um, well no I don't have a cat because my mom's allergic to them and I don't like dogs; but to answer your question I'm probably a cat person."

"Oh wow me too! I have a cat and his name is Captain! I love cats!" I sucked in a breath of air and Nathaniel looked at me strange.

"Are you alright, Cloud?" he asked coming closer.

"Never felt better!" as if on cue the little yappery ran by and I ruffled Nathaniel's blond hair before running after it. "Bye Nathan! Nice chat!" he looked back at me before shaking his head.

I slowly made my way through the basketball court to find Castiel leaning against a tree. "I saw that yappy mutt run by here a couple of times already. You're taking your time to catch him!" he teased and I shot him a glare.

"Shutup." He smiled at my being agitated. "Hey by the way Castiel." He looked at me, signaling to keep on talking. "You said you don't like cats, so does that mean you have a dog?" he nodded and I was starting to dislike his silent responses. "Well what kind of dog do you have?"

He waved me to come closer before cupping my ear with his hand like first graders did to tell a secret "None of your business." He stated before turning around.

"What!" I yelled irritated. "Tell me! Tell me!" I jumped up to meet him eye level, very curious.

"But it looks like you're busy." He pointed at the little Rover who trotted by.

"You!" I stuck my tongue out at him before running after Coco.

I made my way towards all the barking before I ran into Iris. "Iris! Long time no see!" I went to hug her but she planted her hand in my face to stop me from going any further.

"I can't believe you had a sleep over without me!" she faked being sad.

"I'm sorry but it's not like it was actually planned" I smiled sheepishly "plus, try to keep it on the down low I don't know how Nathaniel would react if he found out Castiel slept over." I scratched the back of my head and Iris freaked.

"What?! Castiel slept over?!" I slapped my hand over her mouth.

"Shhh!" I looked around before turning back to her "What Bree and Rachael didn't tell you?"

"No, they left that part out" she replied a little embarrassed.

"Well anyways ask them to explain. I'm kind of on a wild goose chase right now." I looked around for the dog.

"What your chasing Coco this time?" I looked at her what did she mean by this time? Was this not the first time? Did the principle always threaten children into capturing the little mutt? I nodded. "Well if that's the case you should try buying some treats at the store. The last kid who did it bought treats and Coco came back to him right away!" she smiled and I gave her a giant hug.

"Thank you! You have saved me! You have my grace!" I kissed both her cheeks before running back inside. For the second time today I almost bumped into Nathaniel who was too busy looking behind him to notice the collision.




"I-um, you're chasing the principles dog right?" he asked and I nodded. "Well I just saw the dog run by here a second ago! I tried to catch him but he was off before I could get close." The blonde frowned in disappointment.

"It's fine Nathan!" I patted his arm and he smiled "At least your helping out" unlike someone I know.

"I'll get him next time." He promised and I smiled running to the nearest dollar store which luckily did sell dog treats. I walked through the hallways where the dog was last seen. "Coco! Come here girl!"

"So, granny lost her dog." I almost knocked into lip gloss, make-up, and blonde curls when I turned the corner to find Amber and her groupie. "I bet you're the one that has to find him, isn't that right?" I sighed not really in the mood for this right now.

"Ah! Hi Anna long time no see right?" she frowned flipping her golden tresses.

"It's Amber! Get it right newbie!" an awful odor filled the hallway and we all stepped back covering our noses.

"Gross the newbie is stinking up the halls" Charlotte snorts. Well I think that's her name.

Amber let out a loud shriek before backing away a few meters; I looked down to find the source of the stench being the yellow liquid Coco spilled all over the floor and onto Amber's jeans. The dog barked at them before standing in front of me, defensively. I laughed bending over and giving her a good scratch on the head. "Good doggie! I think she likes you Amber!" I laughed as the three girls stormed out of the hall and towards the nearest bathroom. I fed the dog so well deserved treats before I went on my way.

Finally after what seemed like forever I returned Coco back to the principle that showered me in her good mood praise. The last bell rang signaling the end of school and I sighed complaining how it was such a long day and how I didn't even get to go to class. I closed my locker after stuffing all my books back into it and made my way to the front of the school, where I would walk home. I read a few text messages on my way there from Bree, Iris, and Rachael who said they were sorry that I missed out on lunch with them and asked if I wanted a ride. I turned down there requests and protests telling them that I was going to stop by the store on my way home for some food, so there was no need for the apologizes or ride home. I slipped my phone back into my pocket as I exited the large double doors along with a lot of other students.

"Cloud!" someone yelled after me and I turned around to meet the very familiar voice.

~hey there! it's kittycloud a funny-not-so-funny thing happened to me with this chapter. I was writing it then my brother (to mess with me) turned off the laptop so I lost 2,000 words that I typed for 3 hours straight O.o funny right! (- . -) .no. I also like to share with you guys that my brother is now also in the afterlife let us have a moment of silence for him….. anyways moving on to brighter stuff-new chapter-yay-please REVIEW-REVIEW-REVIEW!

This is kittycloud now mourning over the lost off her brother! :3