This fic randomly came in my head while I was walking home from school. I was so intrigued by it that I just had to start writing it once I got home. I haven't done a drama fic in 2 years (Read Good Princess Gone Bad if you don't know what I'm talking about) and since all my other fics are horror and comedy, I decided to take step out of the box temporarily to do this. I hope you all like it.

Peach's POV

What a beautiful day today was...though, that's pretty ironic considering today is the 10th anniversary of when...THAT happened.

Toadsworth knew how I was gonna be, because every year on this day, I always get so overly-emotional and I just turn into a complete mess. He suggested that I go out for the day, get some fresh air, go shopping, do whatever pleases you.

This is the first time he's said that to me...and I thank him. Each year on this day, I would just stay home and cry and become angry. I would become distant from my other friends for a while. My friends give me that "I know how it is" look all the time during my emotional madness. Yeah right. When you're in love with someone and they just run away for a long time, it hurts. It really freaking hurts. All of the goddamn time. I want to get over it but I just can't. Heh, you would think that 10 years would be more than enough time to get over something like that, but I guess I'm a rare case.

Being at this lovely beach though, it makes me happy. Even if it's just an extremely tiny amount of happiness. The cool breeze rushing through my hair, the sound of the waves crashing onto the shore, the seagulls squawking about as they flock over the makes me feel new again. So refreshing. Like I'm young again...

I also received a letter from 'him' 10 years ago today. It explained why he left but I still don't count that as closure. I mean, everything would've been so much better if we talked it all out. I understand that he accidentally killed his brother, that must be so awful and terrifying to go through. But to just leave your friends for so long? None of us would judge him. Well...Daisy might, but she seems smarter than that. I mean, yeah, we were all shocked and saddened by what happened but it was an accident. He didn't know what he was doing. He slipped. It happens. I don't think he's a monster, nor do any of my friends think that. We all still care for him and he is still a hero to all of us. Accidents happen. Nobody is ever perfect. I just wish he could see that. But then again, killing your own brother...he must've had so many mixed emotions going on inside him all at once. That must've been the worst moment of his life. God, it sounds just like a nightmare actually. So I suppose I can't really judge, can I? would have been better if he had stayed. That's what I think at least. I would take care of him in his time of need, I would do anything to make him happy. That's how much I loved him. Well...maybe 'loved' isn't the correct word. I don't know if I still love him or not. He's been gone so long that maybe...I've fallen out of love now? I don't know, the more I think about that, the bigger of a headache I get.

He's supposedly coming back today though. He better be. He made a promise in this letter that I hold so tightly in my hand. I haven't read it since last year. Might as well read it again to pass time by...

Dear Peach,

If you read this letter, it means I am gone now. Not gone as in dead, just gone as in going away for a long time. Somewhere I can escape all the drama. Somewhere I can become just an average being. I'm honestly sick and tired of being the hero. I know it makes people happy and appreciative of me, but I've been doing it for too long now. Every day, I'm always stressed about if something bad is gonna happen like Bowser kidnapping you or him taking over the kingdom. I tried to keep it hidden inside, but there's just so much that I can take.

I killed Luigi. The look upon yours and the others' faces when you all received the news was horrifying. I know for a fact that that will be engraved in my memory until the day I die. If there was a way I could go back in time and undo it, I would do that in a heartbeat. But that's just wishful thinking. I killed him. My own brother...I told him he shouldn't have come along but he insisted! We were battling those stupid Koopatrols. There were so many of them...I'm surprised I made it out alive. I managed to defeat all of them but then there was this noise behind me. I thought it was another Koopatrol...but it was Luigi. I kicked him in the head and he flew into the lava pit...

My god, I'm a murderer! I can't believe I'm just realizing it now. Killing someone was everything I stood against for. But this just made me the ultimate hypocrite doesn't it? I can't even write this letter without tearing up. Don't be surprised if you see tiny wet marks on this.

I know you all must hate me for this. I don't blame you if you do. I deserve it for the most god-awful thing that any person could do. I want to say that I'm gonna kill myself...but I don't have the will in me to do it. As much as I want to, I just can't. I'm afraid to die, yet I feel like I wanna die. Does that make any sense?

Either way, I'm going to be leaving Mushroom City. I won't tell you where I'm going because I need to be by myself now. I need a blank slate in my life. Please don't come searching for me, I don't want you all to go through so much trouble in doing it.

And Peach...please know that I still love you and I always will. Nothing can ever change that. Even if you manage to be with another guy, I'll still have love for you. I would understand anyways...

Let's meet again in 10 years.

Sincerely, Mario

I still recognize every word. I knew how the letter was going to end before I finished it. I read it so many times in the past that I've simply lost count.

But why? Why 10 years? I mean, I understand if you need to get away from everything to clear your mind because of something horrible that why so long? Why 10 years and not a month? Or a week? I just don't understand why on earth would he leave for so long. He pretty much abandoned everybody. I honestly don't know how everyone else feels about this though. I'm scared to ask them because of what they'll say actually.

However, it's kind of funny that ever since Mario left, Bowser hasn't even attempted to kidnap me. I guess he doesn't like having no challenges against him.

"Hey you!" I hear a familiar voice shout.

I turned my head and I saw Daisy. My smile instantly grew upon seeing her.

Daisy's POV

What a coincidence that I see Peach hanging around here! I was planning on seeing her much later, but I guess now would be a good time too.

"Hey you!" I shouted.

Peach turned her head to me and said, "Oh hey Daisy! I haven't seen you in so long."

I smile at her, surprised to see her in a good mood, both of us knowing what day it was. Or maybe she's just hiding her emotions...probably that, yeah.

I sit down with her, annoyed at the fact I'm gonna get sand on my dress but whatever.

"So how have you been? Sorry I haven't seen you in a while. I've just been busy traveling. You know, exploring the world and relaxing and such." I ask her.

"Oh...same old crap I guess. Nothing really new or exciting ever happens in my life nowadays." She replies.

Wow, talk about depressing. I really miss the old Peach where she use to be more vibrant and fun. But ever since that awful event, she changed for the worse. She's like a zombie a lot of the time. But I just don't understand how someone can be so affected by that for such a long time. I mean...yeah, Mario killed Luigi. That's some pretty messed up stuff right there. I even liked Luigi too. But I've gotten over it. It took a while, but I got there.

I want to tell this to Peach so badly, but I'm afraid an argument is gonna happen and she's gonna breakdown in tears or madness...or both.

I notice that she's holding something. Oh my god...don't tell that Mario's letter!? Holy crap, I haven't seen that in so long! It's no surprise to me that Peach would bring with this with her on the 10th anniversary.

"You still have that old thing, huh?" I ask with my eyes still fixed on the letter.

"Yeah...I don't know if you forgot, but he's returning soon. Well, supposedly he is. He didn't promise that he would in the letter, but I do hope he sticks to his word." Peach says, also staring at the letter.

"Yeah I remember that part in the letter. I don't remember anything else though. Kinda amazing how 10 years go by so fast, huh?" I ask, looking out into the ocean now.

"I know. It seems like only just yesterday that I had last seen Mario..."


"Oh Mario! Thank god you found me! I couldn't stand the smell in this stupid cell any longer!" Peach cheered, and danced and then ran up to hug him.

"Oh, you know I would always come and save you Peach..." Mario replied, not hugging back.

" took care of Bowser, I assume?" Peach asked.

"Of course I did. That guy thinks he's all tough and whatnot, but after so many years, he just doesn't know when to give up." Mario plainly responded.

"Heh, I know. You would think he'd get the message by now. Now come on, let's get the heck out of this place." Peach gestured and pulled Mario with her. Mario pulled back.

Peach turned around in confusion. "Um, is something wrong?"

Mario looked up at her for a minute. He looked as if he wanted to say something badly, but just couldn't get it out.

"...Nevermind. Let's just get out of here." Mario finally responded and led the way out. Peach had a concerned look on her face.

Mario and Peach later entered the castle and were surprised to find everyone waiting for them there.

"Thank god you guys are okay! I seriously can't believe Bowser tried to kidnap you for like the hundredth time now!" Daisy exclaimed.

"You didn't get hurt, right? You two are okay?" DK asked.

"We're both fine and we made it out okay. Thanks guys for being here though. I'm so tired and hungry beyond belief!" Peach said with a slight laugh.

"Well come on, let's order in some pizza. We all haven't had dinner yet and I totally have been craving some for the last week." Toadette suggested.

"Pizza sounds lovely." Peach responded with a smile but then noticed something. "Hey wait a second! Where's Luigi?"

"Luigi? I thought he was with you guys but I'm guessing not..." DK also noticed.

"Yeah, he didn't come with us here." Dixie added.

"Oh! I completely forgot. Luigi texted me a while ago saying that he was going to help you to save Peach. But...he's not with you two apparently..." Daisy said.

"So where the heck is then? Did he just go back home?" Diddy asked.

Everyone looked at Mario, expecting an answer.

"Well? Spill the beans, plumber boy! Don't make us wait all day because I want pizza now!" Wario demanded to know.

Mario opened his mouth to say something, but nothing came out. Everyone started getting worried now.

"Mario? Did something happen with Luigi? Please say something!" Toad said.

Mario still did not speak. He looked as if he wanted to really badly though.

"Come on Mario, talk to us! If something bad happened to him, then we can help!" Rosalina said.

Everyone noticed a tear fall out of his right eye.

"...I killed him..." He whispered.

"W-what?" Peach gasped.

"Wait, what the heck did you just say?" Dixie asked.

More tears fell out.

"I KILLED HIM!" He screamed.

Everybody gasped, some even screamed, and backed away from him.

"YOU...YOU WHAT!?" Toadette shrieked.

"Oh my goodness...tell me you did not just say that!" Rosalina also shrieked.


Daisy dropped to the ground. " no no! This is not happening! This can't be could you!?"

"Well well well, looks someone got tired of playing the hero role, eh?" Wario said and crossed his arms.

"Mario? Is this...really true!?" Peach asked, breathing heavily.

"I-I'm so sorry you guys!" Mario yelled as he let out more tears and ran out of the castle.

No one bothered to ran after him. They were all still taking the horrifying and shocking news in.

That night, none of them slept well. They couldn't believe that, out of all people, Mario was the one who killed Luigi. It was the most unexpected thing they had ever heard. Everyone was either angry, sad, confused, depressed, or just a combination of any of those emotions.

Peach had called Mario on his phone numerous times, but he wouldn't respond. She got no sleep that night.

The next day, she tiredly got out of her castle and went to her mailbox like she does every morning. She had a headache and her eyes felt heavy. She still refused to believe that Mario actually killed his own brother. But she knew she was denying it. She had to accept it. But she just wanted to know something else.


She opened her mailbox and took the contents out. On top of the small pile was a letter addressed to Peach that was sent to Mario.

Peach dropped the other mail and hurriedly opened it. She desperately wanted to know what he had to say.

After a few minutes of reading it, she dropped the letter and held her chest. She felt like she was gonna have a panic attack. She was breathing heavily and she felt dizzy, like the world was spinning out.

She dropped to her knees and screamed out crying, letting all the tears hit the ground.

How could Mario just run away after what happened? How could he leave his lover all by herself? So many questions but no answers.

After what seemed like hours of crying outside, though it was only 10 minutes, she stood up and wiped her eyes. She picked up her mail and the letter and turned to go back inside the castle...

...Only to see someone she really did NOT want to see at that moment.

"Hey Peach...can I talk to you for a second?" Bowser asked.

Peach gritted her teeth. "What the hell do you want!? You want to kidnap me again!? You know what, fine! Go ahead and do it! That's all you're ever known for anyways!"

Bowser tried to ignore her anger. "It's about Mario, Peach. There's something very important that you should know."

"Oh really!? Well that's just great! Are you here to tell me he left Mushroom City? Because I already received that news, thank you very much! Or are you here just to make fun of him like you always do!? Cause if you are, then I sweat to god I will-"

"PEACH! Just listen to me, okay!? After you guys left my castle, I kinda followed you guys back. I wanted to see if Mario would actually reveal to you guys that he actually killed his own brother."

Peach raised an eyebrow. "How do you know that Mario killed Luigi?"

"Because I saw it myself."

"Okay? I'm not really seeing the point here."

"The point is, is that he didn't do it on purpose. He was fighting these Koopatrols and accidentally kicked Luigi in the face, which caused him to fall in my lava pit. It was a pretty sickening sight, actually! God, I felt like I was gonna faint since I've never seen someone die like that before. But, that's beside the point. He didn't mean to do it. He was in a rush to get rid of those Koopatrols and thought Luigi was one of them. That face when he saw Luigi fall tells me he didn't mean to do it. When I heard him reveal the truth to you all, he never mentioned that it was an accident. That's what I came here to tell you. He's not a murderer, nor is he a psycho. Just someone that made a mistake. I hope you guys aren't too angry at him."

Peach stared at Bowser, then at the letter, then Bowser again.

"So...why did you come all the way here to tell me this?"

"To let you know the truth. And I mean that. Have I ever gone to you and told you something as big as this, before? I don't think so."

" DO care for him then!"

"No! Well...just a little, but only because of what happened! I understand if that doesn't make you feel any better, but at least I tried, right? Well...I better get going now. I guess I'll see you later then."

Bowser left the castle grounds into the morning sun. Peach looked at the letter again. She DID feel a tiny bit better, knowing that it was just an accident. But the feeling of him leaving for 10 years weighed heavily over that tiny bit of relief.

End flashback


Next chapter will be the last chapter. A few more characters will appear in it, out of the flashback. Please review.