Left all these open so I could add parts on later (here, with numbers indicating different parts.) This way, I can always add to the story as I get more pages on, so that more of the individual companions come through. This one is Steven, of course. There are three parts here, right from the get go, because I just had three ideas and wrote them all in order. Hope this makes sense. It's the first time I have written Steven.


Time Travel and Belief for First Timers

When I first got in the TARDIS I didn't even know it was bigger on the inside! I knew it was a ship for sure, but when people told me it was smaller on the outside, I thought they were insane.

All I knew was Ian Chesterton and Barbara Wright were with the Doctor when we first met, and they were the first friendly faces I had seen in years. But when we were taking off and going into space and time, I had no idea what the ship actually looked like. I was hurt in a battle with Daleks and was quite off my rocker when I boarded.

Ian Chesterton and Barbara Wright were gone too! And young Vicki was there. The Doctor had rigged up a Dalek time machine to take them back to their own time and planet. Like me they were from Earth, but at a much earlier time than myself.

The TARDIS being a clever thing brought up the small log entries others had made and I took it as an invitation to add to it. I'm still new to this whole time travelling deal, after all.

They were teachers I see, of science and history. Important things in my time too! I was a pilot. Was, because I crashed and lost my ship and now I am a passenger instead.

From my time, Time Travel wasn't yet possible. To believe these people were taken out of their own time by the mechanoids I could believe, but to see an old man just running around picking people up from history and taking them on adventures, well, that I didn't believe.

I didn't believe it because I thought it impossible.

Well, it's not impossible, as anyone now reading this obviously knows!

To see the small box of the outside the first time I was well and went on my first adventure with the Doctor and Vicki was a shock to say the least. As I never got a good look of that before falling unconscious inside, I had no idea.

So my advice on top of all the rest already on here is this: Don't be afraid of the TARDIS or the Doctor. He may talk big, but he's still just a man. And an old one at that! He's slow, and while he is smart, he does need help at all times to get through an ordinary day.

The TARDIS has been nothing but a help for me so far. But, as a space pilot, I do tend to get on well enough with spaceships. She is a mighty fine ship and I hope the Doctor teaches me to steer her at a later time.

Steven Taylor


Safety NOT Always A Thing!

In capitals so I hope it sinks in to the people that come after me's brains. Katarina, a lovely woman who healed me back to health when I was poisoned in Ancient Troy, is dead! She joined me and the Doctor after Vicki had left. The poor woman actually believed she was dead already, and we were her lift to the Underworld or some nonsense like that.

She sacrificed her life to save the rest of us, basically without a second thought. I'll say this for her; she was a hell of a brave lady! I admire that. I hope she does find her way to her Underworld and isn't lost along the way.

Still, I shouldn't diss her beliefs. I'm Protestant myself.

So, I'll leave this note here as a warning that travelling with the Doctor does NOT always end up with everyone safe and alive at the end of an adventure. People die, even close friends. I hope no one else I get to know dies along the way. If they do, I think I will find my life with the Doctor coming to a swift end.

By me leaving!

Steven Taylor


I think I'm going to leave...

It happened again. Sara Kingdom, a mighty fine lady who could definitely take care of herself, and was from my own time too, just died.

Of old age. She was no older than 30.

Yeah. Sorry old girl, but I just can't stay on board knowing that all it brings is one adventure after another where someone could die. I hope young Dodo Chaplet forgives me for leaving her alone with the Doctor.

This is not a friendly warning that things can get tough, it's a promise things will get tough.

Good luck to the ones that come after me. I hope your journeys inside the TARDIS don't end in death.

Steven Taylor.