Hello! I would like to take a moment to thank you for the interest you must have had to consider stopping by. My story is an SSHG romance based around the marriage law. Overdone? Perhaps. But I enjoy it so deal. There are a few character modifications in my story such as the fact that Severus Snape is still very much alive. I am also going to assume that his pureblooded mother raised him for the most part and imparted her class based manners in him. Anything else is minor and can be taken up with me via comment. Thank you so very much for reading! I hope you enjoy my very aptly named story "The Marriage Law"

"This will not go over well at all." Kinglsey Shacklebolt, the recently instated minister of magic muttered to his assistant as he read the order from the Wizengamot. A completely unanimous vote gave him no choice in the matter. Regardless he thought to himself I would have voted in favor of it anyways. He shook his head once more as he signed his name on a piece of parchment that would affect so many members of Magical Great Britain that he might even have an uprising on his hands. He was in a bind. It was this or watch the population of the wizarding world die out. There was nothing the man could do.

Hermione sat at the table in the dining room of Grimmauld Place sipping some tea and lost deep in her thoughts. All she could think about were her parents. She wanted very much to bring them back but with revenge hungry death eaters still on the prowl she couldn't risk it. She missed them a great deal but could not do anything about it but think about them. Not thinking about them was always easier. She knew repressing things wasn't wise though. After a few moments of staring blandly at the black family crest that was sitting on a dresser with the china that had been cleaned once they all got settled she stood up, stretching her legs. She hadn't realized how long she'd been sitting. With a long stretch she paced around to get her blood flowing comfortably. She heard a rustling in the kitchen and figured that Harry must be up.

Since Voldemort had been defeated the boy who lived and the brains that helped had been inhabiting Number 12 Grimmauld place until they decided on a path for their finally free lives while the other third of the golden trio was still living with his family in the Burrow. Things were going to change soon one way or another as Hogwarts was opening its doors in three weeks to begin another year of education of witchcraft and wizardry. The trio, and many other seventh years faced a decision. They could either take their NEWTS now and graduate or they could return to Hogwarts for another year and basically become eighth years with special privileges. The decisions for Harry and Ron were already made. Harry would be returning to Hogwarts to both spend time with Ginny and try to figure out what he wanted to actually do with his life. Ronald Weasley had been recruited by the Chudley Cannons as a second string keeper. It was very clear that he was going to test out. That left Hermione.

The brightest witch of her age knew that if she chose to take her NEWTS two years ago she would have passed but she also had no clue where to go and what subject to apprentice in. She felt such mixed emotions. Leaving now was leaving too soon and staying until the end of term would be delaying the inevitable. She was overwhelmed by the decision of what to do. She pushed it to the back of her mind as she greeted Harry.

"Good morning!" The girl said cheerily. She wasn't usually a morning person but she had already had her caffeine fix for the morning and was bright eyed and bushy tailed. Harry muttered back a very unenthusiastic "Morning" it was clear he wasn't in top form yet. Immediately after Harry fell silent they both heard tapping on the first floor window. Hermione went to get the mail, leaving Harry to figure out what he was going to have for breakfast.

What Hermione originally believed to be a single owl turned out to be two. What was more odd was that she didn't recognize either of them. Her heart let out a dull thud when she saw the Ministry seal on them. She always feared bad news from them. She knew it wouldn't be anything regarding their Order of Merlin dividends because those came every three months and they had received it a week prior. She took the letters from the birds and sent them on their way with treats she and Harry kept for such occasions.

She opened the letter as she walked into the kitchen, skimming it. She read a few words that didn't quite make sense together and stopped walking in the hallway to reread them to make sure she got it right this time. And again.

"HARRY!" she called out desperately. Something was terribly wrong. Harry, in pure defense mode, dashed into the hall wielding his wand and ready to battle. He cocked his head sideways when he saw Hermione standing with two pieces of parchment and trembling like a leaf.

"What's wrong?" He questioned, slightly out of breath. It was very clear that he was completely puzzled by the witch's behavior. Instead of answering him, she simply held out what she had just read for his inspection. He read it slowly, out loud. He topped it off eloquently with a "bloody hell".

I'm sorry! I know it's short! That's just where I needed to end the first chapter! I promise the next ones will be longer!