
Disclaimer: CBS owns Criminal Minds...

Summary: When Emily's sidelined during a case, she's forced to watch Jack and Henry while wondering about her own little predicament...

A/N: Here's a new series of oneshots, there will be three of them. So sit back and enjoy.

By the way: the title for this chapter Je suis enceinte? is French for "I'm Pregnant?"

Thanks for reading, don't forget to leave a review.

Ralph Waldo Emerson said, "Children are all foreigners."

Emily groaned as she looked at the clock counting down until she could look at the test results in front of her.

'Come on, three more minutes?' Emily glared at the not there results 'Why the hell is three minutes so long?'

"EMMY!" Jack shouted from the living room.

Sighing Emily put the test stick down and hurried into the living room.

"What's wrong?" Emily asked checking for injuries "Why were you yelling?"

"Henry" Jack said pointing to the younger boy "He won't give me back the remote."

Wincing at the two boys bickering, she kneeled down to Henry's eye level and plastered on a big smile.

"Henry, sweetie" Emily said softly "Why did you take the remote from Jack?"

"I wanna watch cartoon" Henry murmured eyeing Jack "Please?"

Turning to Jack, "What were you planning to watch?" Emily asked the older boy.

"A movie" Jack said casually.

"What movie?" Emily asked narrowing her eyes at the impish boy.

"That one" Jack said pointing to the DVD on the table, Emily picked it up and her eyes widen in horror.

"Absolutely not" Emily firmly reprimanded, "There is no way either of you are watching The Hills Have Eyes."

Pouting, Jack protested, "But Emmy."

"No, Jack" Emily said "This will give you nightmares for weeks, and I don't think your Dad would be so thrilled that you were watching this."

"He wouldn't care." Jack said lamely not meeting her eyes.

Raising an eyebrow "Really? How about you look me in the eye and say that?" Emily said.

Huffing out a sigh, "Fine." Jack said flopping on the couch eyeing Henry.

"Don't give him that look, Jack" Emily said sitting down next to the boy, "Your Dad and JJ will be back from their consult soon and besides I don't think this is a very good movie."

Frowning he looked at her, "Then why was it in your DVD collection?" Jack asked.

"Your Uncle Morgan brought it over" Emily said "He's the one who likes scary movies."

"Oh" Jack said resting his head against her side, "Emmy, what can we do here? I'm bored."

Emily chuckled, "Well there are other kid appropriate movies," pointing towards the collection on the television "Right there."

Jack got up and stared at the choices before turning to Henry "Toy Story 3?"

Henry nodded jumping up and down, making Emily queasy.

"All right boys," Emily said, "You watch that and I'll go get you some popcorn and..."

"Sodas!" Jack and Henry both said excitedly.

"Seven-up" Emily said "No Pepsi's."

"Fine," Jack said begrudgingly.

Emily came back out seeing the boy settled in front of the television with pillows propping them up, handed over the popcorn and drinks, she sighed as she went over to the couch and closed her eyes.

She opened her eyes when she felt Jack shaking her awake.

"What's wrong?" Emily asked the boy.

"Someone's at the door." Jack told her.

"Oh" Emily said getting up and sighing when she saw Hotch and JJ after opening the door "You know you could have used your key."

JJ raised an eyebrow "They wore you out huh?"

"How can you tell?" Emily replied dryly, while Hotch kissed her forehead.

"Tired?" Hotch asked.

"Not so much now" Emily said "Seems I fell asleep during Toy Story 3."

Hotch chuckled, "So Jack didn't try to trick you into letting him watch a scary movie?"

Tilting her head to the side as she eyed Hotch, "Oh no, he did. The Hills Have Eyes."

JJ shuddered, "Henry, time to go."

The three adults laughed when they saw Henry covered in popcorn butter and salt followed by an equally covered Jack.

"Jack, buddy. Why don't you and Henry wash up?" Hotch told him.

"Ok" Jack said taking Henry's hand and leading him to the downstairs bathroom.

A few seconds later, Henry returned and JJ gave her thanks as she left.

"Jack?" Hotch called out, "You better not be making a mess in there. Jack?"

Jack came out with a frown on his face, "Emmy? What's this?"

Emily's jaw dropped while Hotch's eyes widened when Jack held up her pregnancy test.

"Are you...?" Hotch asked taking the test from Jack ,"Jack, go watch some tv."

Emily looked from the test in Hotch's hand to the floor.

"Are you...?" Hotch asked "Are we having a baby?"

Shrugging, she murmured, "I don't know."

"What do you mean you don't know?" Hotch asked "Jack found this."

"I got distracted with the boys" Emily whispered "I completely forgot about the test."

Hotch looked down at the stick in his hands, frowning "Where's the box with the results?"

The two went into the bathroom and Hotch picked up the box, looking from it to the stick then to Emily.

"What?" Emily asked.

"You're pregnant." Hotch said looking for a response from Emily "We're going to have a baby."

"Ok" Emily got out after a pause.

Hotch licked his lips, "Do you not want to have our baby?"

Shaking her head, "No I do. But do you?" Emily asked not looking him in the eye.

"Yes" Hotch said as he lifted his thumb to her cheek, "I am so happy. I love you."

Emily felt Hotch pull her close and kiss her cheek.

"I love you too." Emily said as the two walked back out and found Jack asleep on the couch.

Picking the sleeping boy up, they walked up the stairs both content with the new changes in their lives.

"We find delight in the beauty and happiness of children that makes the heart too big for the body." Ralph Waldo Emerson

To Be Continued...

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