Hey All,

Sorry for not updating sooner but here is the next chapter to this amazing story. I am not sure how many more chapters there will be not I know I am not done yet.

Also a warning to all there is a attempted rape scene in this chapter, I will not being going into a lot of detail as I don't feel ready for that yet but you will get the idea what is about to happen

Last time on P.A

"That would be great Darien" answered Serena with a bit more power to her voice and a small smile playing on her lips

"Okay I would start it and then come get you" Said Darien while walking back towards his room to get to the bathroom.

And the conclusion

Serena sat in the bath trying not to start crying again as well as not to go into shock because she was sitting in her boss's bath tub which shouldn't have happened but it did.

'Why...Why did this have to happen after me work for a few months? I thought I was rid of hi, that would never have to see him again. Oh no what will this mean? Will i be out of the job?'

'Out of the job means fun time with Mr Sexy that just outside the door'

A few knocks on the bathroom door brought Serena out of her thoughts, but Serena didn't answer the knocks she just looked at the door while holding her breathe.

"Serena it's Raye, Can I come in?"

Serena let out a sigh and sending a silent thank you to the sky "Yeah Raye come on in"

Raye opened the door slowly not to freak Serena out by moving too fast "I got your things for you, like your toothbrush, your favoite pj's, your shampoo and conditioner and some clothes"

"Thank you Raye" said Serena and turn away from her friend. Raye move towards the bath tub so she could sit closer to her friend. The closer Raye got she could see the Serena was shaking a bit and from the way her was tilled to the side Raye knew that Serena was trying not to cry.

"I'll wash your hair for you" Said while she was sitting down on the bath tub

Serena didn't say anything she was too busy trying not to cry and stopping the memories of the awful man, which wasn't really working at all.


Serena was so happy that she actually got a job without the help of her parents and it was in her home town too which means she didn't have to leave all her friends. She couldn't wait to tell her friends and family, they all would be so proud of her.

A few months into working at her work Serena was still enjoying herself at work, she a few friends but there was one down side and that was Diamond. He had asked her out a few times and Serena had said no as she didn't want to be dating any co-workers, but he kept trying to get her to going out with him. It got so bad that Serena actually asked her boss if she could transfuser to a different part of the company unknowing that Diamond was the boss's son, so when her boss asked why she told him the whole truth. Serena could see that her boss was angry and got even more upset when Serena said she didn't want to report it to HR as she just feels they didn't see each other everyday things will cool off but as well Diamond was a great worker so she didn't hurt his career. Serena's boss agreed to transfuser her and told her not to tell anyone about it at work.

Serena was super happy but the transfuser was happening on next week Monday, so Serena had three more days with Diamond. That Friday when Serena was packing up to leave for the night Diamond asked if she would like to go out that night together. Serena told that she had plans with her girlfriends but thank you for the offer. This time Diamond didn't smile and say 'Maybe next time' he looked pissed off.

"WHY DO YOU HAVE SOME ONE EVERYTIME?" He yelled "I AM THE BEST YOU WILL HAVE GET MISS TSUKINO!" he took a good look at Serena which was just standing there in shock "I know who you are and I know who your parents are. What would they think if their little girl was fired from her first job. Have a think about it" then he left

Serena was still in shock and upset that he would try to get her fired that she thought the first thing on Monday morning she was going to HR and tell them all about it. No one should be like that especial after she had told him many times that she didn't want to date co-workers.

When Serena got home she was really happy that she was going out with her friends tonight and just having some girl time, she really needed after what at work with Diamond. Serena started to get ready to go out with the girls, when she was just about to put her make-up on she hear a knock on the door and her phone going off. Serena race to the door to unlock for the girls to come in and then race to get her phone because it might be her mother calling, but Serena never got to the phone because it wasn't the girls at the door it was Diamond.

As soon as he saw her facing away from the front door he shut it and grab her so she couldn't leave him

"Is that how you treat your guests" he whipped into her ear. Serena went couldn't move she couldn't believe that Diamond was here, holding on to her so she couldn't move.

"We are going to have some fun and after tonight you will never say no to me again" he whipped again into Serena's ear and with that being said Serena try to get out of Diamond's hold on her.

"No we are not having fun tonight. You are going to leave now and I won't call the cops" Serena said with calm voice as well still trying to get out of his hold.

"My dear Serena, no one is here to help you and no one is going to help you. Also the cops won't believe you because they know who my father is and they won't want to annoy him" Diamond said while pushing Serena to her bedroom.

"So now Serena you are going to enjoy this, that even after you will be wanting more"

When they got to Serena's bedroom Diamond pushed into the room so hard that she fell to the floor, thinking this was a good time to run to her mobile phone as it was sitting on her bed, but Serena didn't get that far as soon as Diamond closed the door and saw getting up towards the bed he jumped making sure Serena was pin down under him.

Serena try to push him off but her was way stronger then she thought and Diamond was able to grab both of her hands and pin them with one for his above her head. Serena was really freaking out because she didn't want to be one of those girls that this happened to. So Serena kept on fighting to get him off and away for Diamond.

"My sweet you can't beat me" he said while having his spare hand travel over her buttons that go from the top of breast, down the valley of her beast, over her tummy towards where her mini skirt starts. "Your mine now"

Diamond grab the start of Serena's top and pulled it down to start rip it open

Serena started yelling at him as she kept trying to get him off her


Lucky for Serena at this moment her friends Mina, Raye and Lita came running into Serena's room but Serena and Diamond didn't hear them as Serena was yelling so loud they couldn't hear if the door opened.

Lita was the first one to act by pulling Diamond off of Serena and punching him in the gut. Mina called the police as soon as she saw Lita deal with this scum bag while Raye went to Serena to comfit her.

End of Flashback

Raye just finish washing Serena's hair when Serena finally said something to Raye.

"This feels like that night again. You were the one that got me back to yours, you washed my hair that night and you were the one that was there to comfit me after it all." Serena looked up at her friend with tears in her eyes "Thank you Raye for being one of the most amazing friends ever"

Raye smiled at Serena "No more tears for the asshole, You are stronger then you were before"

Serena smiled at Raye and got out of the bath.

Unknown to the both of the girls that were in the bathroom Lita and Mina were telling everyone else what happen and why Serena acted that way.

"So what happen after the police got there?" Amy asked wanting to know why Diamond could be still out there after all of this

"He was sent to jail and everything. His father didn't help to get out of at all, but then his father died of a heart attack which meant everything was left to Diamond so he got out earlier then we thought." Said Lita

"But he is being watched, one wrong move and he loses everything" said Mina

"Poor Serena no wonder she froze" Said Amy

No one had anything else to say they were just in their own thoughts but Darien kept his eye's on the bathroom door with only one thought in mind

'Why she sorry, she didn't do anything wrong?'