Chapter 1: A New Beginning

A young boy, around 17 years old, prepared for the day. He had some errands to run today, so he didn't quite think anything of it. This orange haired by was named Yuzuru Otonashi. He threw on a green shirt over his white one and his bag over his shoulder when his phone rang. "Hello? This is Yuzuru." He said as he picked up the phone going to the mirror to fix his hair. "I told you a thousand times man, I can't hang out until I'm done with all my errands today." He said into the phone. "Oh come on Yuzuru, you're always running around taking care of other peoples' chores. Just come hang out for a little while." A voice groaned across the phone line. Yuzuru looked over to the clock on the counter that read 8:30 A.M. on it's face. "Alright." He said reluctantly. "I'll be there in ten." He hung up the phone.

"See you soon." Said a blue haired boy, around the same age. "Alright, let's see, what should I get before heading outside?" He dug through his messy closet. "Hm… oh I know!" He said as he accidentally fell into a large box. "I need a spare bat. He never brings his own gear." He stopped for a moment. "I wonder what will happen today. I have a feeling that today will be no ordinary day." As he was speaking he heard a stern voice interrupt his conversation with himself. "Talking to yourself again? You should really stop that crap, people will think you're crazy." Said a boy around the same age, possibly a year older. "Oh, like you're one to judge Noda. Need I remind you, you're the one that failed basic freshman algebra, not me." He said in a condescending tone. Noda glared. "Listen, just because you're my little brother doesn't mean I won't hurt you if you piss me off." He said cracking his knuckles. "Noda, why are you so interested in hanging out with me lately. And by the way you're only older by like 11 minutes." He said. Noda looked away closing his eyes. "Do I really need a reason? Knock on my door when we're leaving Hnata." With that he walked to his room and closed the door.

Outside, Otonashi was walking past the theater. "Damn, I'm gonna be late." He said concerned. "Oh well. It's not like Hinata's ever on time anyway." As he was thinking to himself he walked by a small gap in the buildings and heard a girl humming a melody. He stopped in his tracks. He turned and the young silver haired woman began to walk away. He chased after her. "Hey, you there. Stop, I need to ask you something." He caught up to her and tapped her on the shoulder. She stopped and stood still for a moment. She then turned to look at him with her pale yellow eyes and moved her hat up so she could see better. She spoke in a quiet tone. "Yes, what is it you would like to ask me?" She asked, hinting that she had heard him. "Uh, the melody." She looked puzzled as she turned all the way around to face him politely. "The… melody?" She asked, leaning her head to the side a bit confused. "Yeah, the song you were humming. How do you know it?" She looked down for a moment to think and then looked at the sky. "I'm not quite sure where I've heard it before. I've just always known it." Yuzuru smiled. "Hey, I'm meeting some friends, are you on your way to meeting someone or anything important?" She shook her head. "Alright then, would you like to come with me? It'll be a lot of fun." She nodded and they began walking off toward Hinata's house. "Oh, by the way, my name is Yuzuru Otonashi. What's yours?" She looked up at him as they walked and stared for a few seconds before answering. "Kanade." She said. "Kanade Tachibana."

After a few minutes passed They finally arrived at the Hideki household. Hinata answered the door and after prying Noda away from his X-Box, PlayStation 3, and retrieving a bat from him he used to try to beat Hinata's head in with, they left the house. "Otonashi, what's with the girl?" Noda asked adjusting his purple and white over shirt. He smiled at her. "Well, she had nothing to do and I met her on the way here so I decided to invite her. She didn't smile but she wanted to. "Well she's a bit short, but whatever. Maybe she can play well somehow." Noda said again. They approached the field and opened the gate. "We're here!" Hinata shouted across the field. "And you're late… again." A maroon haired girl with emerald green eyes approached them wearing a blue sundress under a light purple denim vest. "So, that just means you get to decide who hits first doesn't it?" Yuzuru asked. The girl smiled. "Yes, yes it does. Nice to see you Yuzuru. It's been months since we last hung out. Things just aren't the same without you in the group sometimes. So who's your friend?" Yuzuru looked over. "Oh, this is Kanade. She'll be joining us for the day." She politely bowed. "How are you miss?" She giggled. "I'm doing alright. And you can call me Yuri."

A few minutes later after everything was all set up the game started and Hinata was up to bat. "Alright Hinata, just keep your eye on the ball. If you do that then there's no way she can-" Hinata's thoughts were interrupted by Noda shouting "Strike! What the hell are you doing Hinata?" Kanade slightly hiding behind Yuzuru. Hinata shook his head. "Alright, this time you're going to swing." He told himself as if to say "You're a dumb-ass for missing that last one." Yuri tossed the ball in the air once and then threw it toward Hinata. He took a big swing and missed the ball causing him to spin around. "Strike two." Said a blond girl on the sidelines who was keeping score. Kanade looked over and then to Yuzuru. She pointed at the blond girl. "Who's that?" She asked quietly. Yuzuru followed the path of her finger. "Oh, that's Yusa. She doesn't like doing anything physical, but she likes watching everything and knowing what's going on." He smiled. "I think you might get along with her." Yuri shouted at Hinata. "Come on Hideki! Have you gone soft on me or something? I thought you were supposed to be the best!" She taunted. Hinata planded his feet on the ground and focused on everything around him. "Throw the ball already." Yuri smiled. "That's the fire I was looking for." She tossed the ball. A lout klink echoed through the air as the ball went soaring over the fence. "How's that for a hit?" Hinata said. Yuri was facing where the ball had gone. "Uh, Hinata. I think we may have broken another window." Hinata immediately started to panic but tried not to show it. "No way." He said before walking over. When he got where Yuri was he saw a broken window in a house. "Well… maybe they won't notice?" He said, obviously not believing himself. "I'll take care of it…"

He walked to the door of the house he had accidentally broken the window of and knocked on the door. A woman answered the door. "Yes, may I help you?" She sounded somewhat rushed, but not angry. "Uh, yes. I may have accidentally knocked a baseball through your window… may I" Before he could finish she interrupted. "Thank you for coming to let us know. You can come in and get it if you'd like." He walked inside. "Down the hallway and on the second door to the left." He nodded. "Thank you" He proceeded down the hall and opened the door. He then heard a voice from the chair in the room. "Mom, this really hurts, can I have a bandage or something?" He slowly walked around trying not to draw attention. "Mom?" A pink haired girl peaked over the back of the chair. "Who are you? Mom! There's a stranger in the house! And…" she stopped talking for a moment. "What's your name?" She asked. "Uh, well first of all my name is Hinata Hideki. Second-" Before he could continue explaining himself she shouted again. "And his name's Hinata Hideki!" her mother came in the doorway. "Oh, no dear this boy is just looking for the baseball that came in and hit you." She said The girl now looked at him even angrier. "That hurt! Why would you hit a baseball through the window you idiot!" She said snapping at him. Hinata sighed. "It's not like I was trying to. People don't just wake up and go 'hm, I feel like smashing a window today with a baseball.' It just happens. I was just playing baseball with some friends on the field up there and-" She interrupted him again. "Wait, that kid up there with blue hair was you? But he looked so much cuter up there." Hinata fixed up his blue denim jacked and light green shirt as he stood up from the floor after being scared onto the ground. "I don't know if that was a compliment or an-" before he continued he was interrupted once again but this time by a hand inches from his face. "My name's Yui. I'm a sophmore. I'm supposed to be a junior but this and that happened and well I had to stay back a year. I'm doing online things to make up for it so I can be an actual junior."

Back on the field Noda was practicing his swing. It was always dangerous around him when he was doing so, since sometimes he would lose his grip and end up throwing the bat. Sometimes during a game he would hit the ball and get a home run when the bat went farther than the ball did. "There he goes showing off for you again." A girl came up and sat next to Yuri. "He really shouldn't try so hard." The other girl smiled. "He's always trapped in his room playing video games. It's hard to believe he could do better than he is." Yuri looked at her. "Masami, are you telling me you want me to date him?" She laughed. "Of course not, I don't control who you date. Besides, I'm not in any position to even give dating advice. My only love is my music." Yuri smiled. "I can already see your name up in lights now. 'Masami Iwasawa' no wait, you aren't a solo act anymore since you have Hisako, Sekine, and Irie huh. 'Girls Dead Monster – Live from uh… Time Square." She giggled. Masami smiled. "Well, let's hope it gets that far. Well I just wanted to let you know that we're having a concert tonight and hoping you could spread the word and come." Yuri nodded. "I can do that. And I'll be there for sure." She smiled as she stood up. "Thanks Yuri. Well, I'd better get back to practice. I'll see you later okay?" With that Masami left smiling with good news for her band.

Meanwhile back at the house with the broken window, things had picked up a bit. "You actually know Iwasawa, oh my god! They are the best! I love their music so much!" Yui had been going on like this for several minutes so far, and it didn't seem like it would ever stop, so Hinata decided to try something. "Yui, would you like it if I could get you an opportunity to meat her and her band?" Instead of shutting her up, all that happened was her voice raising to a point that Hinata thought the other windows would all shatter. "Oh, that would be so awesome! That'd be like the second best thing ever!" That last part caught his attention. "Second best?" he asked. "What would be first?" She glanced at him and got a small blush on her face. "Well… it's embarrassing.. and kind of stupid…" She looked down and began playing with her fingers. "Oh I'm sure it's not that stupid." Hinata insisted. She looked at him and then down again. "Marriage." The room fell silent as a breeze went through the room. "That's what you thought would be embarrassing?" Yui looked up. "Yeah, what else would it be?" Hinata shrugged. "I don't know, you made it sound like some big secret like wanting to have… 'happy time' with someone before 18." She blushed a bit angrily. "Why the hell would I want that? I'll do that when I know the time is right, after I'm married, with the man that I love!" She looked outside. "To think, the man I'm going to marry is out there right now." She smiled lightly. Hinata pointed to himself. "Or he could be standing right here." She looked at him and they both stared for several seconds before both began laughing. "Like that could happen. You're nice Hinata, but I don't know if we'd exactly work out." Hinata put his hand over his chest. "Oh how could you be so cruel Yui." He said acting dramatic before laughing. "You might be a bit too hyper for me to really handle." They both began laughing even harder and then suddenly their laughter slowed into an awkward silence. Both of them now wondering if their joking around was actually just a joke. Hinata eventually broke the silence. "Hey Yui, come outside and play with us. It'll be fun." She looked at him shocked. "Really?" Himata smiled and nodded.

A dark green haired boy approached the field. "Excuse me, miss Tachibana, but we were expecting you come time ago." Kanade turned around. "Oh, Ayato. Yes, I know. But it gets rather dull when we are alone together." Ayato sighed. "You say it as if we've dated. It was just to decide on what band we are choosing for my father's and your mother's wedding." Yuzuru looked at Ayato. "I'm sorry, I asked her if she wanted to come. It's my fault really. I'm Yuzuru Otonashi." Ayato looked at him. "Otonashi… I think I know that name. Oh yes. You had a younger sister in the hospital who got better correct? Yes I remember that." He said adjusting his coat and hat. "It was the same with a boy and girl with your same exact names as well, though the other ones were not so lucky as they both sadly did not live too long." Yuzuru looked at him strangely. "Nice to meet you comes across better you know." Ayato blushed from embarrassment. "Uh, yes of course. It's nice to meet you." Yusa walked to Ayato. "If you would like to join the game still you may. It is boys against girls." Ayato looked at her. "Game? Oh right a baseball field would involve a baseball game." A bat came flying through the fence and stuck in it centimeters from Ayato's face. "Dammit!" Noda shouted from 20 feet away. Yuzuru turned to him again. "Don't worry, we'll make sure he doesn't hurt you." He looked back and forth and then cleared his throat. "I'll um… keep score with this beauty- I mean uh… young lady here." Yusa seemed not to catch how he stumbled in his words. "I do not need help, but thank you." She turned and sat back down where Yuri was.