Snape's Daughter

Plot: After Snape's wife, Amelia, is killed by Death-Eaters as a message to Snape. Snape takes his daughter to the Potters, in hopes they will take her in. Sure enough they do, however events happen and Lily and James are killed. Severus takes his daughter to an old friend(Clint Barton) to be raised, still not wanting to risk his daughter's life even if Voldemort is supposedly gone. Now Snape's Daughter, Angelica Lillian, is being raised by none other than the Avengers, SHIELD, and Loki.

Disclaimer: I do not own Harry Potter or Avengers... although I do wish I did. :)


Snape knew he had to get his daughter, Angelica, to safety. His wife had just passed away from another Death-Eater. He took hold of his one month old daughter and disapparated to an old friend's home. He knocked on the door and sure enough she answered. "What do you want?" the red head with emerald green eyes growled. Severus could tell she was pregnant.

"Lily, please." Severus pleaded, he held his daughter close, he was thankful that she had stayed asleep. In his one hand was the small girl's plush horse, the other held his daughter to his chest.

"What, Snape?" Now Severus saw James Potter standing behind Lily, in a protective manner.

"I need you to take my daughter. Please." Severus begged them.

"Why should we do anything for you?" Lily growled, sending him a glare that broke his heart once again.

"I'm just asking you to take her in, raise her as you're own. I don't want her to become a Death-Eater. Please, Lily." Severus begged his childhood friend. Their friendship had been broken after he called her a mud-blood in their fifth year. But he would trust her with his daughter, even Potter, if it meant his daughter would be safe.

Lily noticed the bundle in Severus's hands, and took the child from him, also taking the plush toy. But then Lily growled, "This changes nothing between us, Snape. She will be raised like James and mine daughter. You may visit her once every two months, but not unless I have Remus, Sirius, and James with me. Do you understand?"

Severus gave a curt nod while saying, "Thank you." Then looked at his daughter one last time before disappearing. Not knowing that would be the last time he saw Lily and James. For in two months time Lily had a small baby. Severus told Voldemort of the prophecy, leading to James and Lily's death after Harry's first birthday. Severus had gotten there before the Order and refused to look at the fallen figure that was once James Potter. He went straight upstairs and found the nursery. He saw his daughter screaming, "MOMMY!"

He saw in the other crib was Lily and James's son, Harry, who was now asleep. Severus was torn but he knew he had to protect his daughter, even if it meant leaving Harry behind. He had to visit an old friend. He picked his crying daughter up gently, taking the patched blanket and wrapping her then grabbing the plush horse as well. "It's alright, baby girl... Daddy has you." He whispered gently then with a crack was gone. He had already contacted his former friend, who now stood waiting for him.

"I hope you have a good reason for this, Severus." The man with bow and arrows on his man crossed his arms as he saw the man with shoulder length hair walk towards him.

"Clint, you already know why I'm here. Will you please take her?" Severus asked the young man who had lived down the street from Lily and Him when they were children.

"Where's Lily's son?" Clint asked narrowing his eyes.

"I wasn't able to get him out. I only had time to get one, Harry will be searched for if he is found missing, Barton." Severus replied not taking his eyes off the other man.

"Fine." Clint took the baby girl from Severus then the plush animal before asking, "What's her name?"

"Angelica Lilian. You need to actually adopt her, Clint, then no one can take her from you." Severus said Clint gave a nod and watched as Severus walked away.

"Well, ready for a new life? One with uncles who are two demi-god, a man with a battery in his chest, one who was frozen for seventy years, and another with major anger management issues? Then aunts who is CEO of Stark Industries and the other who is a master assassin? Clint asked the baby girl, who was now quiet and looking at him. Clint knew he was going to have problems with her he could already tell but smiled at her. "So, Miss Angelica Lillian Barton." He smiled at her.

Clint arrived at Avengers Towers and went up to the pent house. Tony was laughing at something he just tricked Steve into doing, causing Pepper to scold Tony and Natasha to glare at Tony. Thor was laughing hysterically while Loki rolled his eyes. But when Clint entered everyone fell silent. "So why did you need to go to Britain?" Tony asked.

"I had to pick up my friend's daughter... its a complicated story, right, Angelica?" Clint asked the small girl who was now giggling at him. "Every this is Angelica Lillian Potter, or Snape depending on which one you think of her as."

"Why does she have two last names?" Steve asked confused.

Clint put the giggling baby girl on the floor to let her explore. Keeping an eye on her he replied, "Her real parents are Severus and Amelia Snape. Amelia killed by the people Severus works for as a warning to him, that was just over a year ago. He decided to get his daughter to safety and left her with our childhood friend, Lily Potter nee Evans, who was pregnant with her son at the time. She married James, after Severus basically called her the worst thing he could at the time and ended their friendship when they were fifteen. James was Severus's tormentor during their school years. Anyway James and Lily got married. Severus went and begged them to take Angelica, my God-Daughter, in. They asked him why they should do anything for him, and replied by saying that he did not want his daughter ending up like him and wanted her to be raised as their own. They took Angelica in and told Severus that he could only visit her if James, Remus, Sirius, and Lily were together. Two months later, Lily and James were forced into hiding after having their son, Harry, no I'm not his godfather Sirius is, I never met him though. Anyway, on October 31st James and Lily were discovered by the Dark Lord that Severus works for, and he was technically after Harry. But he Killed James and Lily and couldn't kill Harry because Lily had sacrificed herself for him-"

"That is very old magic. One that is not used often unless there is no other way, in which the one sacrifices themselves out of pure love. Only then will it work." Loki narrowed his eyes.

Clint nodded. "Severus contacted me and told me that he would try and bring both of the children. He was only able to get Angelica out. That is why she is here."

"She is like them. She has magical powers." Loki spoke watching the small girl with coal stormy blue eyes and black hair crawl across the floor, then tried to stand, but fell backwards. Steve caught her easily, considering the girl was closest to him.

A brown barn owl flew through the window and landed on the Kitchen counter. It waited for Clint to take the letter and give it something before flying off. "Wha-" Tony started.

"The Magical world uses Owls to tell each other things unless they have a floo system, but that would mean you would need to have either an all Wizard family or at least half. She has neither so therefore I must use an Owl." Clint explained as he read through the paper, signed several things then said, "Looks like she now Angelica Lillian Barton."

"Clint, do you even know how to take care of a child?" Pepper asked him, who was now her friend.

"Nope. But how hard could it be? I mean really she has Five super powered Uncles. One Master Assassin as an Aunt and another Aunt who is the CEO of Stark Industries." Barton grinned his cheesey grin that he normally gives Natasha, who rolled her eyes.

"Who are going to be her God-Parents?" Tony asked hopefully.

"Not you, Tony. I was hoping Steve and Pepper." Clint looked at the two, as Tony pouted.

"Of course!" Pepper happily grinned and Steve smiled in agreement. He could already tell that little Angelica was already fond of him.