Patriot - Chapter One

He returned to SHIELD. Having spent the week trapped inside the faded hues of his apartment, the former soldier needed fresh air. He needed to be able to breathe without the tightness in his chest. He needed to open his eyes without reliving the past.

And so he met with Fury. And Fury put him back in the game.

Steve Rogers sat in the blacked-out vehicle, his posture stiff. He waited for clarification from the driver - a tall, bearded man in his late forties -, and stared out of the window at the passing scenery. He didn't recognise this area of New York City. As a young man back in the forties, suffering from whatever ailment was circulating the suburbs, Steve had had little exploration of his home city. It was the home comforts, the sight of the Statue of Liberty and the Brooklyn Bridge, that kept him grounded. The bridge was his favourite landmark. It was strong and stable, a representation of engineering's progress.

And he, Steve Rogers, a representation of science's advancements during the Second World War.

"Captain Rogers," called the driver, soot black eyes staring at the soldier through the rear-view mirror, "we're here, Sir. Agent Coulson would like you to exit the car and await his arrival. He shouldn't be too long."

Steve made no move to follow the order. "Where are we?" he asked, glancing back at the tall buildings and lack of familiarity.

"Agent Coulson would like you to exit the car, Sir. He is on orders from Director Fury."

He sat in his seat, unmoving, but his interest was peaked as a second and third black vehicle parked beside his car. Steve grasped the handle of the car door and pushed it inward, the door opening to leave a gap wide enough for the soldier to slip through. Steve shut the car door behind him, folding his broad arms across his chest as the car's engine purred. He stared at the newcomers, trying to see through the blackened glass. Heightened vision was not one of the super-soldier's advanced abilities.

The door opened. A familiar agent stepped out. Steve recognised the man as Agent Coulson. The two had met briefly before during Steve's initiation at the SHIELD headquarters just outside of Manhattan. The Agent was firm, guarded and quiet, though Steve had noticed the way the Agent spoke to him with fervour and merit.

"Captain Rogers," greeted Coulson, extending his hand in a friendly manner. "I'm glad you agreed to meet us here."

Steve shook the agent's hand and nodded his head once. "Us?" he repeated, his tone revealing his own curiosity. Just whom was he here to meet?

Coulson did not offer an explanation, for the newcomer exited the car. The door slammed behind the woman as she stalked forward, her knitted scarf flapping in the breeze. She was of average height, recalled Steve, with tumbling waves of bronze coloured hair touching the shoulders of her winter coat. Her face was small with rounded features, her cheeks tinted pink from the cold. Her eyes snapped from Coulson to Steve and to the surrounding area in less than a second, leaving Steve to read the woman as curious and alert.

"Dr. Wellington," began Coulson, shifting his attention to the woman. "I would like to introduce you to Steve Rogers."

Upon hearing his name, Steve nodded his head in a short greeting. The woman merely stared at him in interest before hesitantly extending her hand.

"Anna Wellington," she said, her voice quieter than Steve had expected it to be.

He masked his surprise with a short, half-hearted smile, and followed the recruit to the third parked car, Coulson leading the way.