'L-Logan ngh…please…I-I cant…' Carlos moaned as I kissed in between his thighs, kissing everywhere but where he wanted it most.

He gasped as I bit his inner thigh, no doubt leaving a nice mark for him. Finally I took his member in my mouth. I licked the head slowly and teasingly, before taking him all the way, thank God I don't have a gag reflex. I started to bob my head as he ran his fingers through my hair. His moans got louder.

'Oh G-God! I-I'm gonna…beep beep beep!

I jolted from my dream, as it came to an end. I hit my alarm clock ending the annoying beeps. I looked down and saw the cum stain. I groaned in frustration, this was becoming far too often. Don't get me wrong I loved the wet dreams, but I just changed these sheets yesterday.

I pulled myself out of my bed and ripped my sheets off the mattress. I put my sheets in the hamper I kept in my room. I put on new sheets, then took my dirty sheets down to the basement. Then put them in the washing machine. Thank God I wake an hour before my parents.

I went to the restroom and freshened up for school. I took my time in the shower, in other words, I jacked off. Still a bit horny from my dream.

I stepped out of the shower feeling relieved, and clean. I had become quite used to my lustful thoughts about the captain of the hockey team, who didn't know I was alive.

The only time I had ever talked to Carlos Garcia was when we worked on a science project together. I did all the real work, he made the poster and the visual aids. So other than that we had no contact, but I still felt something for him.

I knew nothing about him, or what he liked and disliked. There was just something about his beautiful chocolate brown eyes. They had some type of Logan-magnet hidden behind those orbs.

I got dressed in my normal nerd style. White button up shirt, sleeves rolled up to my elbows. Tight black jeans to go with my favorite VANS.

I went down stairs to make myself something to eat. I was responsible for making the family breakfast and making everyone's dinner. I love my mother, just not her cooking.

I made some scrambled eggs, biscuits, sausage patties, and some orange juice. I knew my parents would be up soon so I set the table, and made their plates for them. Just as I was finishing my mom walked in, in her Spongebob pajamas, yawning and stretching.

'What's for breakfast sweetheart?' she asked as she sat down at the table. To anyone else this was a stupid question, seeing how the food was right there, but I knew it took twenty minutes for my mom to really wake up.

'Eggs, biscuits, sausage and orange juice to wash it down, your plate is right in front of you.' After about five minutes I realize dad hadn't came down yet.

'Where is Dad?' I asked. My mom dropped her fork and made a face of realization. She jumped up and bee lined up the stairs yelling


I winced at the thought of my innocent father being tied to God-knows-what by my kinky mother. As weird as it sounds, my mom wears the pants in and out of the bedroom. I find it cute and simply funny when my dad blushes at some of my mom's dirty talk. Funny in a gross and disturbing way, cute in all ways. They made me wonder who would wear the pants if I ever managed to magically bag Carlos.

I quickly shook the thought before some kind of fantasy popped up. I checked my phone for the time. It was about ten before I normally left, but I didn't want to see what state my dad was in.

'Mom! Stop tying dad up! You never remember to untie him!' I yelled as I went upstairs to get my backpack. Sadly I had to pass my parents' room to get to mine.

'Margret… not again…' my dad begged. I knew I didn't want to know what was going on in there, but I was curious.

I stood by their room and listened.

'Why not John? We both know I could get what I want anyway, besides you are still tied up.'

Mom please don't be doing what I think you're doing in there.

'But I cant go another round, and c-can you at least take this thing off of me?' my poor father was begging for mercy, we both knew there no point in that. What 'thing' was on him anyway?

'Nope, not til I get my morning quickie. The cock ring stays til you agree.' she said. Come on dad, say no.

'F-fine… be gentle.'


I ran to get my bag and ran out the house. I knew for a fact that my parents could get loud. If it wasn't for the fact my room is sound proof I might never get any sleep.

I walked across the street and knocked on my neighbor's door, I step back and wait for someone to answer. After about ten seconds I am greeted my best friend Kendall Knight. We've been friend since we were in diapers. Literally, our moms were best friend so it wasn't avoidable. We were what some called more than best friend, but less than dating. We had our first kiss together in the sixth grade.

We were both open gays, we came out together, for some reason no one believed us. So we took a picture of us kissing each other last week. We were still debating on sending it or posting it. He thinks the internet is best but I don't want the world to know, just the whole school.

'Hey babe. What up?' he said before flipping his hair. I rolled my eyes at my friend's antics.

'Will you ever get over me calling you a great kisser five years ago?' I asked as we started to walk to school.

'Nope, and correct if I'm wrong, but didn't you say I was the 'King of Gay Kissing'?' I blushed remembering how describe him when I was younger.

'Shut up Knight.' it had no bite. This is just how we were, very…physical friends. We did kiss still and…relieve stress together…only when necessary though. We were both total virgins, we only gave each other blowjobs and sometimes dry-humped. Other than that we were just friends.

'Ok Logolicious. I'll keep quiet.'

I laughed at my nick name. He called me that since the first time he gave me a blowjob. The name made me blush back then, now it makes me laugh.

Me and Kendall chatted about anything and everything while we walked to our hell on earth. Also known as Minnesota East High School.

We held hand and walked around, one of our new attempts to get these idiots to accept us as gays. We tried making out in the halls, but people thought we were just a little drunk. Understandable since we did go to a party the day before.

'Hey Kendall!' We heard an annoyingly familiar voice behind us. We rolled our eyes in unison before turning around and facing the dirtiest slut in the school. Jo.

She had the longest sex reputation in the school history of sluts. The football team, the basketball team, every guy on track and field, tennis team, golf club, chess club, mathletes, the all boys choir, every male cheerleader, few random guys, most of the guys on the hockey team, even a few teachers and some girls too. There were said to be only five guys she hadn't fucked yet. Me, Kendall, our friend Dak, and two guys on the hockey team. Carlos (thank God) and his friend James.

'Hey Jo. What do you want other than me in bed?' Kendall never was one to beat around the bush.

'What are you talking about? I'm a virgin.' she said with a 'innocent' smile. Did this bitch just say that with a straight face?

'Oh that was I lie.' Kendall said. 'Anyway, you're wasting time. I'm gay.' he said as he held our intertwined hands to her face.

'Oh really? Well I'll have to bring you back over to the right side of the fence.' she said while playing with his collar. He turned green. Kendall was the gay who could NOT stomach the thought of sex with a female. He needed saving.

'Actually' I cut in. 'He prefers this side of the fence. Right Kenny?' I said while looking at him. He got the memo very quickly.

'Mm. y-yes Logolicious. I like it here, make her go away.' He mumbled before burying his face in my neck, it tickled a bit.

'W-wait you were serious?' Jo was finally catching on. I just had to make the most of this.

'Yes now leave. You're scaring him. Poor thing, its ok. I got you.' I cooed as I felt him sob. The thought of sex with Jo was his nightmare. It really scared him, he thought she had an STD or something. Kendall was all about hygiene.

Jo huffed and walked away, hopefully she spreads the word. Mean while I need to find a janitor's closet for Kendall. The thing with him was whenever a girl hit on him he need to give someone a blowjob. It relaxes him when he's scared. I don't get it, but whatever floats his boat.

Just as I spotted one I went for it, pulling the sobbing boy with me.

'L-Logie hurry up…please. I think I'm gonna throw up if I don't see one soon.' he was serious, he only calls me Logie when he is sick. The last time I said I wasn't in the mood he ruined my favorite grey VANS.

I bumped into someone, I had no time to apologize.

'Logan…Oh Go-brrgf!

I quickly moved over, avoiding Kendall's bile. Sadly who ever I bumped into wasn't so lucky.

'EEEWW! MY SHOES!' I looked to see who I would be buying shoes for this this time.

My heart drops as I look up and see I'm face to face with Carlos. Who looked sooo pissed it wasn't even close to a little funny.

Kendall covered his mouth trying to hold back what was sure to come out of his mouth. Just then James walked in the circle.

'Carlos what's on your-SHIT!' James couldn't finish his question before Kendall covered his shirt with his bile.

'EEEEEEEEWWWWWWWWW!' James looked about ready to die. Finally Kendall passed out, another weird Kendall thing.

'So how much did your shoes and your shirt cost?' I said as I pulled out my wallet. I guessed it was around two hundred bucks combined. I pulled out two hundred dollar bills, handing one to each.

I picked up Kendall, yes, I was stronger than I looked. I decide to just ditch and take care of Kendall. Why stick around and cry over how much Carlos hated me now.

Dammit Kendall! You totally threw away any chance I had with Carlos! You are so dead when you wake up.

yay! My first Big Time Rush fanfic! pleeeaaase review it. i want at least ten before i post the next chapter. thank you for reading and i hoped you enjoyed.