Chapter 4

Disclaimer: I do not own How To Rock or Laguna Beach. Thanks for all the reviews, they mean a lot. R and R please... Enjoy!

Previously on How To Rock Laguna Beach: Yeah, senior year has definitely been full of the unexpected. But when it comes to Senior Prom, it's tradition to go with old friends. Thats why I decided, Sophomore year to go with Justin! I just hope the drama stays far away from Prom this year, but with Molly you never know what kind of things she will stir up.

"How are you?" Ariana asked as she, Molly and Karissa all entered a dress shop to look for prom dresses.

"We're talking about prom." Molly answered as they searched through the different racks of dresses.

"Oh god."

"Who do you wanna go to prom with?"

"I don't know. I've always wanted a guy to ask me like some cute way."

"Zander asked me really cute last year. He came to my window at like 12 at night with candles all over my yard."

"We say this every year. We're like "Oh no we're not gonna get asked" and then all of us get asked." Karissa said with a laugh.

"But you know some people senior year they're like "What the heck? I don't care. I'll just go even if I don't have a date?" Ariana pointed out.

"Yeah." Karissa agreed.

"I'm not like that." Molly butted in.

"I wouldn't go." Karissa agreed with a nod.

"Oh no. Whatever. It's gonna be me and like you know Ben and Jerry's at home, that's it." Ariana kidded as they all laughed.

(With Stevie and Kacey)

"If you could have anyone to go to Prom with, it doesn't have to go to our school, just anyone, who would it be?" Stevie asked curiously as they entered a dress store in the mall.

"I want to take Josh Hutcherson!"

"No he's mine. Cause he's a hottie too."

"Nuh uh. He's mine!" Kacey replies sticking her tongue out at her friend with a giggle.

"Ooh, how cute is this?" Stevie squealed referring to the whole store.

"We're prom dress shopping." Kacey said to the cashier as they looked around.

"How about this? Is this too ugly?" Stevie asked holding up a black a white flower printed dress.

"That…no. Are you trying on that blue one?"


"I'm trying it on too."

"What boys are there that you go to prom with that haven't asked anyone?"

"I don't know."

"You don't know?"


"What are your options? 'Cause you have to figure that out."

"I don't know."

"Would you prefer going by yourself?"

"Oh no. I'd rather go with somebody, but if I'm not gonna get asked, I don't really care."

"But they pay for you."


"They pay for you if you go with them. Do you like this?"

"Don't you have that?"

"I don't have the yellow."

"What colors do you have it in?"

"Like light blue, dark blue, black, green, orange."

"I like the yellow."

"How are you guys doing?"

(With Molly)

"I wonder who I'm gonna go to prom with." Molly wondered aloud.

"Zander or Zach?" Becky asked confusedly.

"Either one would be a lot of fun." Molly pointed out with a smile.

"I think if Zach asked you, I think you'd be bummed you weren't with Zander." Karissa said.


"Cause then you'd have to see Zander with another date and stuff."

"That's what I was thinking too."

"You know? And then it's Zander's last prom too. So you guys like want to be together."

"If I go with Zander it'll be our fourth dance together."


"Four out of five. Yeah. I don't know, I guess I would go with whoever asked me first."

(At Karissa's House)

"No, no, listen. I'm walking home from school today up to my front door. On my doorstep is two roses and a note that says "Moly", k? I open up the letter. Just read it." Molly said grabbing the note and showing it to Karissa.

"Dear Moly…" Whoever did that spelled your name wrong." Karissa said with a laugh.

"I know. That's why I know they don't know me every well. Okay keep going."

"I see you everyday, and I hope you see me. Everytime I see you, that funny feeling comes to my stomach…"


"And they know where I live."

"I've been meaning to ask you something, but I don't know what to say. I think over the next couple of days, I've going to try to have you notice me and see how you react".

"That is creepy to me, okay?"

"That's weird."

"They know where I live, they put it on my doorstep."

"I think it's someone you know but never talked to."

"Well maybe it's Zander?"

"No I called Zander and he was like 'What the fuck?"

"Who just broke up with a girlfriend at our school?"


"Zach, no Zach wouldn't do that. You talk shit to girls when you hook up with them."

"I hate you."

"It's weird. I just wanna know who it was."

"That's weird."

"That's creepy."

"It could be anyone. I can't wait to find out it was."

"Me too."

(With Zander)

"I told her "No I'm not the stalker". And she was like "You didn't leave me these right?" And I was like "Yeah I didn't". And I just kept saying "What? What the hell are you talking about?" And she came into my work today and she's like "I got the letter and the card. Wanna see it?" I was like "You'd better not say yes to this guy". Have you asked Grace yet?" Zander explained with a smile before turning towards Nelson, curiously.

"I got a huge sign. It's pretty sick. It's just huge. I got it way too big. It's like just "Prom?" Nelson said with a smirk.

"Slick dude, very slick."

(With Nelson)

Grace walked out of school later that afternoon. She curiously looked around, at the limo in front her.

"Are you Grace?" The driver asked he got out of the limo.


"Then come with me please!"

Grace shrugged, still curious, before getting into the limo. The driver shut the door before getting in and driving away from the school.

They arrived at the beach 15 minutes later.

Grace was about to ask what was going on, but the limo had took off before she had the chance to.

She made her way up the beach, when she discovered Nelson standing there with flowers and a huge sign that said "Prom?"

"OMG, what's this?" Grace asked running up to him excitedly.

"Will you go to prom with me?" Nelson asked hopefully.

"Yes... Of course!" Grace said shaking her head,still speechless, as she went over and hugged him tightly.

"That was so sweet!" She mumbled excitedly as he kissed her cheek and the spent the rest of the night watching the sunset.

(With Kacey)

Kacey entered her house later that afternoon, after work. She went to her room to put her back down. Surpisngly, she found her room covered with flowers, streamers and other colorful decorations. Her mouth hung open in the shape of an O, when she went to her back door. She found her door covered in green cake frosting with a short poem written on her glass door.

The poem read, "Of all the fish in the sea, prom with me? Love, Kevin.

Kacey immediately took out her phone and called Kevin. He picked up after the second ring.

"Did you do this?" Kacey asked with a laugh.

"So I'm guessing you found the poem, I did do all of that so will you?" Kevib asked curiously.

"Of course sweetheart! I would love to!" Kacey said with a giggle as she sighed happily before they hung up.

(With Molly)

Jenna pulled into the driveway, when she found flower pedals up and down the driveway leading into the house.

"Thank you Karissa." Molly said from their eariler conversation.

"Call me okay?" Karissa said from the other end.

"Okay. Bye." Molly said before hanging up her phone.


"Oh my god. Hello? Molly? Do you know what's going on?" Molly asked, before calling Karissa back, as she walked into her bedroom, the last place that had flower pedals. She curiously looked around her room and was about to head into her living room, but was stopped by someone barging into her bedroom,and attacking her with hugs. She looked up, surprised, at a shirtless, marker-covered Zander.

"Oh my god. I'll call you back. " Moly said before hanging up her phone. "Thank you. You really, really fooled me." Molly thankfully yet shocked as she looked up at Zander, who has written Prom?...please,on his forehead.

"Yes?" Zander asked hopefully.

"With that whole…" Molly trialed off, lost for words.

"Is that a yes?" Zander asked eagerly with a smile.

"Yeah!" Molly said excitedly as she hugged and kisss him multiple times. "That was so funny, Zander!"

(With the other girls)

"Wait I want a clear one like this." Kacey said as they looked at a jewelry store.

"Ooh, look at the keychain." Skylar pointed out excitedly.

"How cute are they?" Grace gushed.

"The Marc Jacobs!" Stevie said.

"I know. How cute. It's $300.00"

"Like everyone else already has reserved dates."

"See I reserved a date. Freshman year. No, I'm going with Justin 'cause I promised Justin a really long time ago."

"What's going on with you and Zander? Are you still hooking up at all?" Skylar asked confused.

"Whenever we're both in the same place, Zander and I, he's usually trying not to hurt one person's feelings and it's usually me." Stevie replied not wanting to talk about Zander at all.

"You and Molly get along really well don't you?" Kacey teased.

"I guess. I mean we're not mean to each other. I can't stand fake people who are just like "Oh you know, Hi!"


"And it's just fake nice and I just can't stand that. So I think even if we're in a situation…even when we're not in the situation I still didn't really care for her. But at the same time she's Zander's date. So I can't like…"

"I know. It's weird."

"Molly's like claimed him. He already promised me a picture though."

(With Molly)

"Why do you hate Stevie so much?" Ariana asked

"I just think she's kind of a brat. I've never liked her, but then when her and Zander were hooking up again this year, it made me not like her even more. And the fact that like she's completely fake. She can't carry on a conversation. The only time you ever hear her talking is like flirting with guys."

"Who's her date?"

"I doubt she even has a date. I mean since Zander is going with me!"

"Who would want to go with her anyway?"

"Exactly! She's a little snuck up princess. Princess Stevie."

(Back with Stevie)

"Formal this year was insane." Grace said as they all got their nails and toenails done.

"Yeah formal this year was too much." Stevie said with a sigh.

"And then you and Molly had some fun."

"It was not fun."

"I was like holding Molly back. I was like "Moly!"

"She pushed me."

"Yeah fight."

"I get a little afraid of Molly when she's angry…" Kacey said with a scared expression before she broke out into a grin.

"She fights dirty."

"I like it. I think it's funny." Skylar laughed.

"I love Molly." Grace said with a laugh.

"Molly's like my favorite junior. Are you bummed that you're not going with Zander, Katie?" Grace asked.

"No. I'm glad I'm going with Justin." Stevie stated firmly even though she knew she would rather go with Zander.

"I don't understand why they would go to their seventh dance together?" Skylar questioned confused.

"Zander and Molly?" Grace asked as they all nodded.

"It's because they're so much alike. They click and they clash because they're two of a kind." Kacey pointed out.

"They're not that much alike." Stevie said as they all looked at her as if she had two heads.

"Yeah they are." They all said in unison.



"I'm not down on the whole hook up on prom night thing. I think it's dumb."

"I'm not getting any on prom night." Stevie replied with a laugh.

(With Zander)

"How you doing? Good, good." Zander said as he entered Nelson's house an gave him a fist bump.

"Good. Your parents coming down?" Nelson asked curiously.

"My mom is. My dad's in DC."

"Oh he is."

"I'm gonna leave a front key for you at the front desk." Zander said as he went into the backyard while he talked to Molly on the phone.

"I know but I don't want everyone knowing that we're in a hotel." Molly replied.


"Um, cuz I have parents Molly!"

"Alright whatever I'll leave the key at the front desk."

"Alright, whatever." Molly said before they hung up.

(With Molly)

"You know what's funny though?" Ariana asked.

"Hmm?" Molly asked quietly.

"That this is like the last dance you'll like ever dance with him at."

"With Zander. I know." Molly said with a pout.

(With Stevie)

"Hey!" Stevie called out with a wave as Zander came up to her at the a nearby Applebees for dinner.

"Hey, what's up?" Zander asked sitting across from her.

"Nothing." Stevie answered with a shrug.

"Just letting you know I'm going with Molly to Prom."

"I know. There's no news there Zander."

"Yeah I was just, forget it. Who are you going with?" He asked curiously, narrowing his eyes at her.

"Justin.." She simply stated before taking a sip of her coke.

"Justin?" Zander asked half angry,half confused.

"Don't look at me like that. Yes, Justin."

"You can do so much better than that." Zander said glancing up at her with a smirk.

"He's one of your good friends..." Stevie asked with a confused expression.

"So, that means I know exactly what he's like." Zabder shrugged.

"Yeah, well the person I really wanna go with is taken, and anyway chill out, we're just going as friends." Stevie said with a shrug as Zander just stated intensely at her letting out a long sigh.

(The Next Day)

"Oh Stevie. Lisa's here." Kacey called out to Stevie as Lisa, Stevie's hair stylist, walked into Kacey's house.

"Do you think I should wear my hair up or down?" Stevie asked curiously to Lisa who just shrugged as they agreed on Stevie wearing it up.

"So you're gonna come to Nelson's house?


(With Zander)

Zander, Nelson and Kevin are getting dressed.

"You been talking to Stevie at all?" Kevin asked curiously as they got their suits on.

"I've been talking to her. We've hung out the last few nights. Dinner last night."

"Oh yeah? She know you're chillin with Molly tonight at a hotel?"

"Yeah, I can tell she's not happy but what can you do about it? I'm not happy bout the situation either."

"I guess but doesn't being with Molly make up for that?"

"It use to."

(With Stevie and Kacey)

"So what do you think the boys are planning on for tonight?" Lisa asked curiously.

"They're planning something." Kacey replied.

"They're planning on going to this dance for like half an hour and then going straight to the after party and getting some. And we're all planning on showing off our dresses." Stevie said with a knowing grin and a laugh.

(With The guys)

"This is so funny. Every single one of us is getting laid tonight." Nelson said with a smirk.

"I don't want to have a plan. Whatever happens, happens." Zander said with a shrug.

"I'm right there with you dude."

(With Molly)

"Do I look okay?" Molly asked her dad curiously as she looked in the mirror.

"Yeah you look great, sweetheart."


"Heavy on the makeup, light on the dress."

"Oh right. That's really not as bad as last prom."

"Yeah that was pretty bad." He replied with a laugh as he hugged Molly.

(With Stevie)

"This is my good side."


"When we take pictures tonight, I get this side."


"So who are you girls going with tonight?" Kacey's dad asked curiously as he took pictures of them.

"I'm going with Justin!"

"And I'm going with Kevin. Yes!"

"This looks good." He said with a smile as he observed the picture.

"We have to go in like 5 minutes." Kacey said checking the time on her phone.

"I think I'm gonna bring a big bag with a change of clothes. Do you want to put a change of clothes in there? Jeans?"

"Maybe just for afterwards." Kacey shrugged.

"Yeah and I'll put it in there and I'll keep it in the limo."

"Yeah." Kacey agreed as they made their way to the limo.

"Okay we're gonna go pick up Grace and Skylar now?"

"I guess so. Hey girls where are you?"

"Oh great. Molly's here." Katie groaned.

"I'm gonna go get those girls." Kacey said as they got out of the limo and went into Skylar's house.


"We're gonna get those girls cause they're so slow."

"Wait for me."

"Hi!" Karissa said as Kacey gave Molly a hug.

"How cute."

"Oh my god, it's the same pattern. I know. Is Ariana ready? We're so late." Kacey said giving Grace a hug.

"Oh I have to grab my stuff too." Molly said disappearing up the staircase as Stevie and Kacey went back to the limo.

"Dude Grace has my dress, same pattern just a different color." Kacey groaned annoyed.

"That is so funny." Stevie laughed.

"It's the same pattern. She's a whore." Kacey said angrily yet Stevie knew she was really joking.

They got to Nelson's house, where everyone would be taking pictures before prom.

Stevie spotted Justin before she went over and hugged him tightly. Zander watched jealously before he quickly turned his attention back to Molly, his eyes lingering on Stevie.

"Hi Kevin. I'm doing very well. How are you?" Kaceg said with a smile as she hugged him.

"I'm good!" He said returning her hug.

"I wanna get my picture taken with Zander." Stevie said excitedly as she went over to Zander, and they took a couple of pictures together, since Molly was distracted by talking to Karissa and Ariana.

"Whoa. Nice work on the flash." Zander said to the photographer.

"Let's do a group shot on the grass and then let's go." Kacey called out as the seniors got a group shot, then everyone else came in the shot.

"Zander, where are you?" Molly called out.

"Find Molly. Where'd she go? Come here. Come on. You guys let's go. Okay guys let's go to our last prom!" Stevie said as everyone eventually made their way to the limo.

15 minutes later they were at the banquet hall where the Prom was being held at.

After 3 hours of dancing, taking photos, drinking, flirting, gossiping and kissing, everyone was ready to leave.

"I'm really tired." Grace complained as they all entered the limo.

"Hi. Hey, hey. Psst!" Zander said waving to Stevie, who laughed in response.

"Can we leave please?" Stevie pleaded.

"What are we waiting for?" Moly said impatiently.

"Let's go home!"

"Who am I going to take to Winter Formal next year?" Molly wondered aloud.

"Who?" Zander asked confused.

"Yeah, while you're up in San Francisco? You wouldn't go to a high school dance, would you?" Molly replied raising her eyebrows.

"Yeah if we really loved each other like we claim we do." Zander said with a shrug.

"Like we claim we do?" Molly said with a gasp.

"Yeah only cause its you."

"No, but if we were like still together…when you came back and stuff."

"Still together?"

"When you came back…"

"What the fuck is going happen

"We are going to be together when you come back. Alright, I said it."

"And whatever happens while you're gone…and whatever happens while I'm here…Yeah, we just don't talk about…We're just not gonna talk about it at all.

"Sounds good. You don't wanna know what I'm doing!"

"Zander, I don't want to know…what you're doing up in San Francisco. Like hanging out with girls…I don't want to know about that.

"Nowhere near as bad…what you'll be doing out here." Zander argued.

"This is our senior prom you guys. It's over." Zander said with a sad expression.

"Zander, last prom ever!" Stevie said but Zander didn't listen, since he was to busy making out with Molly.

"Last prom ever." Kacey shouted excitedly.

"Here's our hotel." Molly said getting her stuff.

"Bye guys. Have fun." Kacey called out as Zander hugged Stevie as the limo pulled into the parking lot.

"Good last prom. See you on Monday for finals." Stevie waved as Zander and Molly left.

Pretty soon everyone else got dropped off and it was just Skylar, Grace, Kacey and Stevie left in the limo.

"This was our last prom ever." Skylar said.

"I know. It really makes me sad." Kacey said with a pout.

"Well the thing is I'm so excited to go to school, but at the same time, it's sad." Stevie replied.

"A little part of me just like we're not gonna see each other. Not like, this relationships are not be this bond and this level with each other ever again." Kacey said.

"I know. It makes me sad." Grace said.

"Bye you guys." Kacey said as she and Skylar went to Grace's house.

"Bye Grace, Bye Sky. That was a really good night." Stevie called out as the limo pulled out of the drive way.

"Yeah. Kevin was making out with me for a little while. And I was like "Kevin!" Kacey admitted with a embarrassed laugh.

"You made out with Kevin?" Stevie asked shocked.


"Shut up."

(With Zander and Molly)

Molly and Zander are up in their hotel room. They are making out before Zander puts a "Do not Disturb" sign on the door and shuts the door with Molly giggling about the long wondrous night to come.

(Back With Stevie and Kacey)

"Me and Zander took a picture at the dance. 'Cause I wanna have a picture of me and Zander when I go to college." Stevie said.


"On my wall."

"You and Zander are going to school in San Francisco together."

"He's the best friend ever." Stevie replied dreamily as Kacey got out some sparkling water and poured her and Stevie some.

Stevie and Kacey clinked their glasses together with a laugh as it drove off to Stevie's house.

Next Time on How To Rock Laguna Beach: Graduation Day is finally here! The seniors get presents, parties and a whole new summer worth of life lasting drama.