If you are reading this again or just so happened to come across it when looking for a new chapter, it doesn't really matter for new readers, this is just to say I may have changed it up a bit. Don't worry though. The plot is still the same.

Italics- thoughts.

Blind Date

Sasuke walked up to the door of the restaurant, holding it open for a family of four to pass through, and went straight to the waitress at the front. "Hello I'm supposed to meet someone here with the name Uzumaki," he said immediately.

"Sure let me just check where he is," the waitress mumbled. "Alright sir, please follow me and I'll bring you to your table."

He mentally prepared himself for the possible torture of another awkward first date he forced through. I swear to God that this is the last time ever. They will never be able to do this me again, he thought. He hoped that, at least this time, it will not be another crazy person or someone with horrible manners.

Surprisingly, as he got to his table, he realised that his date looked fairly normal compared to the others. His hair was a messy sun-kissed blonde that framed his face ruggedly, yet stuck up in the air. He had a golden brown tan which was apparently natural, considering it was January. He was very beautiful but he had slight imperfections that should have marred his handsomeness instead of adding to it; he had deep scars on each cheek shaped like whiskers.

He was...nice but, as expected of him, he wasn't Sasuke's type. So, he hid his slight attraction to the guy and sat down, hanging his coat on his chair after.

"Sasuke Uchiha." He stated.

"Naruto Uzumaki," his date answered back. He smiled at him and held his hand out in greeting. "Nice to meet you."

Sasuke answered back quietly and took out both menus and gave one to Naruto. He slowly looked through it and decided to choose a meal at random. He waited for Naruto to choose as well and then they both gave their orders to the waitress waiting by the table for them.

"Right so we should do the 'let's get to know each other' stage over and done with" he demanded bluntly while he got comfortable by resting his head in his hands and peered curiously at Naruto.

"Straightforward. I like it," the blonde simply stated. He paused, lost in his thoughts, pondering on what he should ask first. "Alright, then. Family situation?"

"I have a very big and overbearing family. This means a lot of cousins but fortunately only one brother. I have parents too but I don't really speak to them much."

"Let me guess, he's older than you right?" He looked uncertainly at Sasuke, waiting for his confirmation. "Ah, I thought so. You seem like the kind of person who would be coddled by his overprotective sibling. Anyway, for me, it's my parents and I have a younger brother called Konohamaru. I don't really have any close relatives but more like a lot of family friends."

"That's one thing in common so far; too many birthdays and anniversaries to remember and invited to every party mentionable." They laughed over their little joke and they relaxed a bit as they got more comfortable.

Sasuke was caught off guard when he realised that somehow Naruto had got him to laugh and dare he say it, smile instead of smirking for once.

He was really surprised that somehow, he was enjoying a first date. He wondered if his luck was just changing or if there was something about his date that made this fun. It was rare that he meets someone that he actually liked rather than putting up with them.

He peered closely at Naruto looking for a flaw or something so he call this off and claim he was a bad date or he was bored. But his eyes caught the blonde's gaze accidently and he just smiled this perfect little which made him catch his breath and feel this abrupt rumble in his stomach and miraculously made him blush.

Sasuke turned his face and was relieved to see their waiter come with the food they ordered a while ago. Thankful as he was to the interruption of the silence surrounding them, he was still very mortified that he blushed. Him? Blush? Before today, he had never blushed before, except back from his childhood, which did not count as he was only a child then.

Not even his brother could make blush and that was saying something seeing as Itachi practically make it is life's commitment to make Sasuke feel humiliated as much as much possible. There was that one time though that he was close enough to achieving his goal but that can never be thought of again without dire consequences on Itachi's part for making to remember it.

Sasuke really did not want think of it anymore so he put everything at the back of his mind and paid attention again to Naruto. However, such deep thinking passed time and so when he did look up, it was to see said blonde intensely staring at him.

He refused to turn red so he relied on his immediate defence. Intimidation. He scowled deeply and snapped out a dark "What?"

Naruto leaned into his chair and put his hands up in peace. "No snapping alright? You can't blame me for worrying about your brain exploding from thinking too much. I was only trying to get your attention and say your food is here and already turning cold."

Sasuke blinked, slumped and then shrugged his shoulders apologetically. He didn't have the energy anymore to be act angry or indifferent like he would usually do on any other date. He would rather end this blind date positively for once.

"Yeah, thanks."