Note: Hello. Its me with another Bonnie Story. I already have projects with GWTW, which will be updated soon. Earlier then normal. And with TD, but this one I have been planning along side GWTW. A Bermon fanfic. As those who follow me on Tumblr might have seen my Graphic I made of Damon Salvatore, Bonnie Bennett and Derek Hale. I wanted to do an angsty triangle between those. And thought what better time to do it now when I have no school?

Disclaim: I do not own any of the characters. This story wouldn't be here today without the lovely creators LJ Smith and The CW

You don't realize what you've got until it is gone. And that is what Damon Salvatore realized in that moment when he had noticed that the resident Mystic Falls Witch was no longer living at her home. It wasn't his fault that it had taken months before he realized that she was gone, his hands were tied up with Elena's 'death' and the transitions. Elena hadn't realized, nor Stefan and neither did the runner Caroline Forbes. Neither of Bonnie's friends had noticed her disappearance. Damon did, not until it was too late. Too late for everyone.

Damon walked down the steps of the hard flooring into the room across from the front door. Couches on either side, its arms inline with the fireplace. The small table held a bowl, and nothing else. But all these details passed on Damon as he walked away and towards the bar that he was proud to say was his own. Considering he was the one that spent most of his time behind, mixing drinks. That is when he wasn't at the Grill, in his spot, drinking them dry.

A glass made its appearance in his hand, a bottle of his most favourite Bourbon in his other. Damon had to admit it to himself; he has started to miss Bonnie's presence. Just a little. A tiny speck. Missed having to look over his shoulder into the olive judging eyes, as those plush curvy lips lifted up to quip back a comment. Almost always dripped with sarcasm.

He slightly missed having the waft of Honey, Vanilla and roses in the air whenever Bonnie came barging into the Salvatore Boarding house. Either to yell at him for his behaviour or came when they needed her.

Damon subconsciously took in a deep breath. His chest expanding. Nothing. No scent of her. No scent of her signature Magic in the air.

It has been weeks. Months, since her disappearance. In that time, her mark that she had left on Mystic Falls that was tainted on every house, every person. Was Gone. Gone with the ghost of her smile and lingering attitude.

Although he didn't mind not having to constantly surrender his head to combust of pain every time she sent him an aneurysm. Just because he simply grated her the wrong way.

"She can't be too far Stefan." A voice, a familiar voice he would usually die just to hear, reached his ears. Damon lowered the bourbon in his hand to rest on the armchair he had found himself in moment ago.


"No Stefan." She has to be close by. Her Father..." Damon fought the urge to roll his eyes. Everyone knew, even Damon, how reliable Bonnie had come of her father. The parental figure that was always absent in the young witch's life.

"She will come back when she is ready." The sound of a door creaked open, their voices becoming even louder as the only block between his ears and their voices were removed. Damon eyes never strayed from the flames before him.

"Her phone doesn't even ring anymore."

Ever since he subtly hinted towards the other members of Mystic Falls about Bonnie. They had been on high search for her. Looking everywhere for the witch who went behind there back and undid the biggest plan to take down Klaus.

Elena had taken the guilt with full force; she was the one who had really taken her anger out on Bonnie. Everyone was shocked, even Damon had to admit he was too. Once they found out that Bonnie had saved the biggest threat, Klaus Mikaelson.
No one had realized that the reason she did save Klaus was to save her, and when they did. She was already long gone. Leaving behind a note with Elena's name scribbled on top, above a hastily scrawled 'sorry.' A ring lying next to the small little square piece of paper.

A daylight ring for the new Vampire.

Ever since Bonnie had gone from their lives. Disappeared into the memories that floats around and haunts the gang. Damon had realized that in those long months. That he didn't hate the witch; he hadn't felt that emotion towards her in a long time. But didn't fully realize just how much he had come to be used to her annoying presence.

She was actually the only one around here that he wasn't forced to keep his mouth shut from saying the very things he wanted to say. With Bonnie, she brought a true smirk to his face, nothing like he shared with Elena in all those times he had tried to take her from under Stefan's nose. Those real snarky smiles that he would get when Bonnie and Damon were in a heated argument about goodness knows what. Bonnie was the only one in this little group that challenged him, kept him on his toes. Argued endlessly, as both were too stubborn to relent to the other.

Now that she was gone. There was no spark in his life. There was no one around this boring place for him to rival up a good argument with. No one was as a good as Bonnie, no matter how much he tried to get one of these other kids to fill her spot. They just didn't reach Bonnie's standards, not even half. And the longer Bonnie was gone, the less Damon became attached and devoted to winning Elena's Heart. His mind and attention focused on something all together.

"How did your little road trip go?" Damon finally spoke towards the couple; his voice implied that he really didn't care what the answer was.

The way these two were going about hunting down Bonnie was ridiculous. It was a waste of time. But yet Damon never offered to help, never appeared to be interested in finding their missing witch.

"Not now Damon." Elena's voice was terse as she glared at him.

"I take that it was a waste of time. Could have saved you the trip and told you that myself." He smirked as he downed the remaining liquor in his glass.

"I don't see you getting off that ass of yours Damon and helping out." Elena rounded on him. Flashing red tinged eyes on Damon, who continued to sit there and watch Elena. Amusement flared in his eyes.

Not the amusement that Elena thought – at her expense, at this situation – but amusement that he didn't find her fiery attitude a turn on anymore. Before, whenever she blew up like this. Damon found that it caused for a nice pleasant reaction. But now, it did nothing. And it wasn't lost on the Vampire of the -lack off- feelings.

"Of course you wont. Not unless it is something that only concerns you."

Damon remained silent as Elena continued to shout her mouth off. Her eyelids lowered into daggers as she came closer to the vampire content in his chair.

"Bonnie has saved your life countless of times." She spat into his face.

"You're .ful." She slammed a finger into his chest. Over and over at each punctation. Strength behind it shocked Damon as he was pushed further into his chair. The chair itself creaked at the sudden pressure.

Damon moved. One second he was sitting having Elena towering over him. The next he was standing before her taking steps forward as she took steps back.

"Have you ever thought, that she doesn't want to see you?" He asked, watching with pleasure and a slight hint of guilt as she flinched at his words.

"That she is hiding from you. What you are?" He continued.

"If she wanted to be found. You would have found her." Damon felt a hand on his shoulder. A quick glance told him Stefan was trying to pry him away. But Damon was not backing down. Not now. This was long over due.

"Her car is gone. Her father isn't here. Her phone doesn't pick up any of your calls. Not a single ounce of a word from her has told you that she is alive. Because." A slow smile spread across his face. That who would rival a predator bearing down on his prey.

"Because. She doesn't want to have anything to do with you. The new you." Damon watched as her eyes glazed over by unshed tears.

"You are heartless." She spoke through a strangled cough. Holding back her tears as she turned on the heels of her boots and headed up the stairs.

Damon faintly heard the tears begin to flow freely as she stormed her way into Stefan's room. Not an ounce of need to go after her was in his body. He had no patience for Elena.

"That was unnecessary Damon. There was no need for you to take your frustrations out on Elena." Stefan spoke from the spot next to the chair that once was vacated by Damon's body.

"Don't you start on me Brother." He sneered the last words as he walked over to the bar again. Pouring himself another glass of Bourbon.

"She is going through a rough time. You didn't need to say those things to her."

"Saint Stefan. Standing up for little woe innocent Elena." He rolled his eyes as he shot his head back. With the glass in toe. Taking the drink in one large gulp. A slight wince in the corner of his eyes gave way the slight burn that appeared suddenly in his throat.

"Hate to break it to you brother." His tone implied differently. "But she isn't little Innocent Elena anymore."

"You have changed." Stefan's loud observant halted the older Salvatore's steps from walking away from his brother. Turning around slowly. A slightly smirk on his lips.

"Everyone changes. As you keep reminding me." His smirk creped even wider, trying to ignore the burning feeling in his gut. As his brother continued to asses him. His gaze burning over Damon.

"Ever since she left. You have been sulking—"

"I don't sulk."

"Acting out randomly, killing more then normal. People are going to start to notice that it is you who is leaving a trail of bodies." He paused for a moment, a knowing look glint in his eyes. As if Damon didn't say a single word. "Being moody. Passing up opportunities to play with Elena's emotions."

Damon rolled his eyes.

"Our own Dr Vampire. Want to tell me what my horoscope is for the month? Am I going to be feasting on some twins or even a blonde?" His voice dripped sarcasm.

"Who would have thought you liked having to keep watching your back for when I try and grab your girl. Thats a little twisted don't you think Stefan?"

"You are not going to get a rise out of me Damon. You know I am right."

Damon stared at the blonde Salvatore. Knowing he was partly right, this little argument was a lost cause. The affects of the drinks he had already downed that night was already wearing off.

"Whatever." He turned the moment he spoke the last word and took the stairs two at a time. Ignoring his brothers eyes burning holes into his back.

Slipping into his room, he payed no attention to anything other then the Cupboard at the other end of the room. His hand slipped out to latch onto the handle the moment he reached the wooden door. His mind only partly paying attention on the sound of Elena's sobbing and Stefan's condolences.

The door slid backwards, just grazing an inch away from his chest. A map lined the wall on his door. Marks crossing over parts that have been given the clear.

If only he had his witch to find his witch.

Damon smirked at his own comment as he heard the sound of Elena and Stefan slipping outside and down to his car. Probably taking her to her own house to play the happy and yet distraught couple.
Anger burned inside Damon as he traced a finger over the crosses he had marked on the paper.

Where are you Judgy?

Just as he let that thought take over, the sound of ringing pulled him out of his own head. Slipping the expensive plastic to his ear. He barked a greeting into the phone.

"We found her."

Was the only reply that Damon got as he grabbed his already packed duffle bag that lay nestled at the bottom of the cupboard. Leather jacket, wallet and keys made its way to his hand as the other ended the phone call. Staring intently at the screen, until the sound of a message notified him that the address would be held within the unopened text. With a flash, Damon was by his car, chucking the bag in the back and jumped behind the wheel. His hand still held the phone, and now seated he opened the new text. A frown creasing his eyebrows slightly as he read the address of where the little Witch had ran off to.

"What are you doing there Judgy?"

Closing and chucking the phone onto the passenger seat beside him. The engine roared to life the moment his hand guided the keys in the ignition. Foot slammed on the accelerator. Damon hit the road at full speed, ignoring the flashing speed signs as he headed towards the very sign that stated his departure out of Mystic Falls

Bonnie sighed as she sat back. Her back pressing body shaped dent into the cushions. Her knees up and hugged tight to her chest as her arms wrapped protectively around them. A blanket wrapped over her body, while a cup of tea nestled between her numb fingers. It was cold outside; a frosted chill surrounded Beacon Hills over the night. Causing puffs of air to become visible in front of each waking persons mouth.

A line of white frost was covered over the areas that the shadows were protecting from the early morning sun. Unable to sleep, Bonnie had decided that lying in bed until she was supposed to wake up, wasn't nearly as good as sitting outside. In the cold mid winter chill.

Bringing the coffee mug to her lips, her dried lips stuck to the warm mug with a burning relief. Hot liquid slipped into her mouth the moment she tipped it back and left a course of warmth inside her body as she swallowed. Smacking her lips together while her tongue slipped out and licked the remaining tea of her lips. Nothing beats a cup of hot tea in a cold morning.

"What are you doing out here?" A male voice spoke up from besides her, tilting her head to the side. Bonnie let her green eyes fall onto Dr. Deaton. Beacon Hills own Vet. His bold head was covered by a hat; his hands were inside the long over coat. Shoulders hunched while brown eyes gazed upon his houseguest.

"Couldn't sleep. Thought I might just sit out here with a cupa." Bonnie replied. Hugging the blanket she dragged with her outside, tighter.

"Anything you need to talk about?" He asked as he made his way closer to Bonnie. A soft smile on his lips.

Ever since the moment she had rocked up in the middle of the night, he had been dropping hints and openings that would prompt her to discuss her sudden appearance at his home. He welcomed her in with open arms and respected her privacy. But it didn't stop him trying to get the young stubborn girl to open up. So it wasn't that much of a shock to see her shaking her head.

"No. Its fine Deaton." She smiled around the mouth of the mug. Looking up with wide sleep deprived eyes.

"You are going to be late." Bonnie commented. A small chuckle left her lips when his hand instantly made to become visible in his line of sight.

"Keep warm Bonnie. Don't stay out too long." He replied as he waved. Hurrying down the steps and to his car that sat in the driveway. A reassuring bang of a car door slamming shut spread relief over her bones, as she listened to the car driving out of the driveway and down the road.

For the past month, she had been caught up within the dramas of Beacon Hills. Bonnie had to wonder if it was her own fault for supernatural drama's unfolding around her. First Mystic Falls with the Vampires now Beacon Hills with werewolf's. Maybe she was a beacon for Supernatural creatures.

Now that they knew that there was an Alpha running around. Killing people left, right and centre. She had been brushing up on her protective spells. Placing them on the Animal Clinic, on Deaton's Home and even when she was at the Pack's house.

"You are going to catch a cold." A deep voice spoke, this time coming from in front of her. Glancing up, she felt the familiar tingle in her gut every time she was around a werewolf. A big smile spread across her lips as she let her eyes fall onto the guy that was becoming easier to like as each day goes by.

"I wonder what gave you that idea." That earned her a smile from him. His leather jacket was fitted over his broad shoulders. Wrapped around the muscles that packed his arms. A while shirt underneath, with a black pair of pants on. The classic Derek Look.

"Is it safe for you to be out here?" He asked as he took the few steps up onto the veranda and sat on the outside couch next to Bonnie.

"You know that I can protect myself Derek." She shot him a pointed look before re-wrapping the blankets around her. Taking a sip of her tea.

"Bonnie. We don't know who this Alpha is. He could be anyone. He could hurt you." He growled, his hands fitted onto his jeans. Clenching onto his knees as his eyes glowered over to the street. His car sat on the edge. How Bonnie didn't hear his car rock up was beyond her.

"I will know, just like I knew what you are. Like I knew what Scott is." Exasperated, she turned her attention back onto the scene before her.

"Fine. Your not going to listen to me either way." He shook his head as his body moved to lean back. Arms crossing over his chest. The leather bunched up around his arms.

"About time you learnt that."

"Is there any point in asking for you to keep out of this? Keep yourself safe?"

That earned him a scoff and an eye roll.

"Thought so." He grunted as they lapsed into a quiet, comfortable silence.

Bonnie was at a lost on how they were going to find this guy. Find the Alpha that had been terrorizing the Citizens of Mystic Falls. They already know his plan. Get Scott to Kill his Pack and join him. After that, they were clueless. It was like this guy was always one step ahead of him.

"Can you at least promise me that if it ever comes down to saving yourself or saving someone else? Can you look after yourself?"

"Derek. I am not going to stand by and watch people get hurt. If there is a way that I can save them, I will."

"What if you die?" His hands shot up in the air as he turned on the seat, his eyes boring into the green depths of the witch's.

"Then I will die." She said simply.

"And I will make sure I take down whoever I can in the process. While protecting you guys."

"Why do you have to be so good?"

"Its part of the package, the charm." Derek growled low in his throat.

"This isn't something to joke about Bonnie. This is your life."

That had rendered her silence, her bottom lip captured into her teeth. Chewing onto the skin as she let her eyes lock onto the light blue ones. His eyes were fierce, as his words hung in the air between them

Your life.

Nobody had ever taken into consideration of her life. Never asked her to stay out of something and look after herself. Nobody back at Mystic Falls had asked Bonnie if she wanted to do this, or even asked how she was feeling about doing what she had to do to protect her best friend and her two love struck puppies.
No one expect the people she had met in Beacon Hills.

Scott, Stiles, Allison, Lydia and Jackson. They all cared. Even when most of them didn't understand what was going on around them. They put her first, while she put them first.
And last Derek. He had shown many times that he wanted nothing more then to place her into a glass case and keep her protected and out of harms way.

"I know Derek." She finally answered. Her eyes leaving his to look out at the trees around the place. The woods on her left.

"Its hard you know."

"I know." He finally answered after a moment of silence.

And he did know. He was the one that she had told, along with Stiles and Scott. About the things that she had done at her old home. They knew how many times she put her life on the line to protect the people of Mystic. How many times she actually "died." They knew all about the sacrifices she made, and the lost that had fallen on her. They knew everything.

"Just protect yourself." His voice was low and thick. Bonnie smiled from around her finished mug; the only thing remaining of her tea was the slight lingering smell of her herbed tea.

Before Bonnie could reply she saw two figures make their way towards the house. Both were walking with their hands deep into their pockets. Their lips moving as they talked to each other. Bonnie couldn't hear a word that left their mouths. But she knew that Derek could hear them as clear as if they were standing right before him.

"Bonnie!" Stiles the shorter of the two, his hair cut to an army like shave. Pale face coming closer as he slowly took the steps up onto the veranda. A smile on his lips as he pulled his jacket closer, the brown thick coat suited his colouring and was zipped up tight. The jeans his wore were a little baggy, as his sneakers seemed to look too big as well.

"Stiles. I haven't seen you in a long time." Her green eyes twinkled as a smile curved her plush lips.

Stiles laughed as he took a seat on the lone chair that was facing Bonnie. His eyes shifted ever so slightly at Derek whose eyes were on Scott.

The brown shaggy hair of the other boy, pushed backwards as a gust of wind suddenly appeared. His brown puppy like eyes appeared as they gazed between Derek and Bonnie. A small smile on his lips, making his uneven jaw line become even at the one sided crocked smile.

"Hi Bonnie." He greeted, taking a seat on the railing that was connecting the house wall to the pole that kept the veranda roof up.

"Scott." Bonnie smiled in greeting.

"What are you two doing here? You weren't meant to come here until..." Her eyes went down to the phone in Derek's hand, glancing at the numbers blaring at them.

"Another two hours."

"Your magic is finally rubbing off on us and we can sense now when you are up and about." Stiles joked from his spot. Bonnie let an eyebrow rise as she tried to fight the smile that was pulling at the corners of her lips.

"Actually we are here to tell you that School is cancelled for the rest of the day." Scott quickly spoke from his spot. His right leg propped up on the banister, his back against the pole.


"Another Death." Derek asked, even though it came out as a statement. Scott nodded his head.

"Who has he..." Bonnie's voice trailed off as a sight in the woods caught her attention. A flash of something that appeared in the trees. Letting her magic slide away from the group and out into the forest, she ignored the burning gut feeling of Scott and Derek and felt a familiar and yet foreign feeling settle in her stomach.

"Bonnie?" Stiles asked noticing her distracted look. Bonnie ignored him. Eyes trapped on the black bird that was flying towards them. Bonnie's whole body tensed, her back rammed up straight. Her fingers straining white as they clutched to her cold mug with a fierce hold. Her green eyes followed the crow until it landed on the opposite banister to Scott. Its inhuman eyes locking on Bonnie's. Her mouth parted as her heart raced in her chest. Thudding against her ribcage. Trying to escape its confines.

"Bonnie." Scott jumped down from his spot and knelt down in front of her. But she kept her eyes on the bird. Derek eyes were too locked on the bird. Noticing the weird behaviour that the Crow was displaying.

"Bonnie" Her name being called over and over as Stiles and Scott tried to get her attention. But she couldn't answer them; she couldn't see anything but the bird.

They are here. They are here.

Repeated over and over her head, along with a chorus of no's.

It can't be. Not this long. Not now.

"Bonnie." A deep voice penetrated her thoughts; her head snapped to the side and looked up into Derek's pale eyes. Her green ones focused on him before her lips moved, whispering. Derek frowned and they both heard Stiles.

"What did she say?"

"Its him." Scott supplied as Derek looked at the Bird again, Scott got up and tried to scare the bird away. The Bird remained seated where it was, even as Scott grew closer.

"Shoo." "Go Away." Scott spoke as his arms moved outwards to hit the bird. The crow's beady eye locked on Scott and with a look only a crow could muster as annoyance it flew into the woods and out of sight.

"Who is he?" Stiles asked as Bonnie got up in an instant, walking quickly indoors. Eyes burning as she tired to keep her tears from escaping. The three boys following behind.

Stiles asking again who he was.

Note: And here is the first chapter, hoped you enjoyed it! :)