And we are back welcome to chapter nine not much to say sorry but watch this space

So sit back and enjoy and R&R

Chapter 9

Have you ever had that feeling that you were being watched, if not it was like feeling burning gaze on my back, it never left me during the rest of the trip even as we left the grounds.

I had asked Gaara and the others if they felt it but they all said they hadn't, it wasn't until we reached the school did it stop, I looked over at Sasuke he was sitting looking out the window we hadn't really talk since that incident nothing except the odd word during training and that is a lot more than before.

I waited in our dorm and watched the clock tick by as I waited until Sasuke was fast asleep, I checked one last time then slipped out the window my sibling waited nearby everyone was in their animal forms except for Lee and I, I shifted with my family and I looked to Lee even though he wore a big smile I knew he was sad at his lack of being able to shift – he still had a few months until he turned eighteen – into his form.

"Lets go we have to be there soon this process will take some time" I sent out the message to the other even Lee in his human form could hear it

The others agreed and we rushed off toward the Fortress, the gate opened for us as we arrived and they closed as we continued on our way to the front door.

I moved through in the house and finally reached the ballroom or in this case the throne room, my family wore their cloaks with the hoods down they bowed respectfully as I passed, as I reached the throne they kneeled. I slipped my own cloak on then sat down

"Rise, and bring forth those who wish to join the ranks"

Tsunade, Jiriya, Haku, Zabuza, Ibiki and Anko stepped forward and kneeled in front of me.

"These are those who wish to join us does anyone here object for any reason"

Not a sound was uttered in the room

"Good now I will begin"

"Those gathered here have come to pledge themselves to the Hunters and are to acknowledge me as the Alpha, is there any among you that wish to leave?"

There was nothing but silence so I continued, I stood and made my way to Tsunade and I received her oath

"I, Tsunade Uzumaki-Namikaze give my oath of loyalty to Alpha Naruto Namikaze. Until death or if I am released from my oath" I could feel the magick course through me as the bond snapped in place.

I did this with the others

These were getting worse, how much longer will I last I need to check my level after the rouges I killed I leaned against the wall and felt my eyes water I grabbed my father's necklace from under my shirt I rocked myself to sleep that night.

I woke up in my dorm just in time to get a front row seat to a half-naked Sasuke getting dressed now how is that fair?

"Oi Dobe if you would quit staring we have classes"

"Shut up Teme, there is nothing worth staring at anyway" I said and I quickly got ready for the day classes.

For two months I had noticed Sasuke's more and not long after our camping trip we soon became better friends, my time as Alpha of the Hunters were going well as I received reports of everyone's progress.

That was until Haku never reported back, he was alive but he capture by someone we didn't know last night we had to restrain Zabuzza as the night apporached I rounded up my forces, an informant had brought back information of his whereabouts, he was being held by the Royal Guards but he was unable to tell us of his condition.

Our plan was cocky but it was time for the Royals to remember why they were scared of us.

Tonight marked the anniversary of the end of the great war the time they brought peace to this world – from the blood of my brothers and sisters – we infiltrated the various festival parts until we reached the castle which was open to the public for that night.

Like shadows we snuck into the dungeon, those stupid enough to block us were cut down they reeked of evil.

After finding Haku safe and untouched we went back to the throne room it was full of the rich and famous, I sent Iruka and Anko back with Haku.

Using too much strength I threw the door open breaking them slightly, causing scream of terror from the occupants. I had fire licking up my arms as I walked

"Good evening my Lords… and ladys" I said as I sauntered into the room my allies had spread out and hidden themselves from sight bowing slightly in front of them

"So I guess that makes you the Alpha of the Hunter then?" the King said snapping his fingers for his guards but the guards were already unconscious due to Kakashi and Asuma.

'Now, now that is no way to treat guest but then again I just free another 'guest' of yours from the dungeons"

"How else was I to get your attention all my messengers were sent back with their tails between their legs"

"Father?" Kyuubi said looking at his father in surprise

"I had not heard of a messenger"

"Son clear the room please including yourself"

Kyuubi cleared the room but stayed right next to his father

The room was quickly emptying of people till it was just my team and the royalty.

I walked forward until I found a sword now being held to my neck

"Don't move" god that voice it was deep, a shiver ran up my spine I felt a smirk appear on my face

"Uchiha's? I should have known those dogs would be serving you now"

"Now it not a good idea to insult me and my brother Hunter-san" I saw the eldest son Itachi say as he stepped out of the shadows

"The one holding the sword is my son's protector, he is a little zealous in his job"

I stepped back into Sasuke's embrace surprising him, I slipped my hand around his waist

"Mmm I bet that not the only this he could be zealous with" I said into his ear as I slipped my hand lower, he freaked and pushed me out of his embrace

The other laughed at my show especially when they saw I had his belt making him trip over his falling pants.

"Now that I had my fun want to tell me why you summoned me here before I start lighting this place up like a Christmas tree"

"He's not dead" With those three word the King had our full attention

"How, I saw him die with my own two eyes!" Asuma shouted

"Quiet!" I said before I turned back to the King

"He was never dead, he was hurt to a point where death should have been a short time later"

"You never confirmed it."

"No" the King looked pale

"We reached an agreement that day I may be new to this job but I studied, him being alive is not to our agreement"
"I know I will work to change the this"

"Father what agreement"

"My father, your grandfather after the war tried to wipe out the Hunters using a select group, killing a great many in the path, their leader was a sick man and the creator of the Hunter genetics. When my father died and I took over, under my rule an important person died by the very group that was killing off the Hunter's even after I disbanded the group"

"He was the greatest man to ever be with us he was the one to start the agreement"

"Leo…" Kyuubi said quietly

"DO NOT SPEAK HIS NAME" I shouted turning to the Prince

"I was his friend, I am allowed to speak his name who are you to tell me otherwise"

"He was my mentor the closest person to my heart, I get to dictate because I had to watch him die"

I felt Kakashi put his hand on my shoulder I place my own hand on his

"He told you, didn't he?" Kakashi said looking at the Prince

"Yes, it has been my secret for all these years old friend"

"We can trust him Alpha"

"Fine, I will work with you on this"

"Thank you Alpha Hunter" the King bowed slightly

"Next time just call we are always ready to have a drink with the moon"

With that I left with the other flowing out behind me.

Kyuubi was reeling as the newly created thoughts entered his mind

"My King was it wise to provoke Him, he does have a reputation" Itachi said

"He is a good man at heart" The King said with a small smile

"What does that last remark mean?" Kyuubi said

"Hunter's Moon it is a bar run by the Uzumaki's, Naruto the youngest is my friend" Sasuke said

"Good you and Itachi go there and get to know the place the next full moon is the time that you should go"

"And me father?"

"You will be staying away from this, just go about your normal day"

"I have a right he wasn't just my friend he was… Nevermind"

Kyuubi stalked out of the room all most as the word slipped from his mouth.


"Hey Dobe!" Sasuke said as he caught up to the fast fox

"Hey Teme how many time do I have to tell you not to call me that"

"About the same amount of time I asked you not to call me Teme" he said

I smiled at this it was true, in a short amount of time I had become such good friends with Sasuke, I could also see why so many demons were after him as a mate potential.

"So I thought we could go out and grab a coffee this Saturday and you know have fun"

"Sorry but I have plans that day, Tsunade needs me to tend to the bar that day"

"Ah ok, I could come to the bar" Sasuke said looking a bit down

"NO… uh I mean it wouldn't be a good idea it noisy and crowed you'd hate it" I said quickly as I picked up the pace

Sasuke looked at the dust cloud that trailed Naruto, he was hiding something, something that I would find out.

"Naruto get up on stage it's time" Tsunade said shouting over the chatting of the crowd I straightened my shirt and walked out onto the stage and straight to the mic,

"Evening, to all who don't know me I am Naruto and I will be all the entertainment tonight, So lets get this show on the road"

The drummer started a quick tempo which inturn the guitarist started, then the bar started pumping

As Naruto lost himself to the music.

Sasuke entered the bar to throngs of people dancing to the band, as he made his way through the dance floor to the booth his new friends sat at he was gobsmacked he had barely sat down when the group pointed out Naruto.

Holy God, sweet merciful Jesus tight pants had never looked so good as when Naruto wore them his hips were moving to the beat, I think at some point I was drooling as Kiba pushed my jaw up

I listen for an hour before the music halted, the guitarist was holding his hand like he hurt it

"Sorry gonna have to take a bit of a rest our guitarist has injured his hand" Naruto said into the mic

Then left the stage, our group got up and went to look for him

"Sorry Naru, I can't finish this set" the guitarist said as Tsunade bandaged his hand

"No worries me will just have to go back to the system"

"Hold on Naruto, but Sasuke can play he is an excellent guitarist" Kiba said clapping Sasuke on the back

"Really?" Naruto said looking Sasuke up and down

"Uh yeah been playing since I was little"

"Good give him a guitar and get back on stage" Tsunade said pushing the band back on stage

A country beat started as a sheet of music was shoved into Sasuke face, picking up the guitar he started the song

"Well you are drawing me in with your sweet talking words, you told me I was beautiful that all I heard"

"I'm addicted to you and your blue denim ways, I'm a prisoner baby take me away"

"He's got the Devil's blue eyes, yeah they'll get you into trouble and strife because you are playing sin"

Watching Naruto was like the song he was drawing me in his eyes bringing me into his world, he owned this stage moving around even going off the stage to dance with a few fans and still sang – barely held my growling in – then everyone favourite song started by the sounds of this oh little did I know it would soon be my own favourite

And let it be known I love Rock and Roll.

I have never been so glad to be a guitarist as then Naruto, made me into the guy at the record machine sex with clothes that was the closest it could have been described as, if I wasn't trying to date Naruto I would be now.

Foxes do make for great mates.

As we played the last set and a few drinks later we stumbled home and crashed in one of the beds in our dorms

"Hey Naruto, what would you say if I told you I was your mate"

"Well I would have to kiss you like this" Drunkly Naruto shifted and laid one on me too bad he conked out after and I soon followed after.