Disclaimer: Charmed is nay mine! All your support is greatly appreciated!

When I came to the same two guys and three women were in the living room and I had miraculously landed on the soft sofa instead of the ground which I was incredibly thankful for. I felt incredibly stupid for fainting like that, it just didn't sit too well with me for starters. But once my eyes were fully open I realised exactly why I had fainted.

I was pregnant… with twins.

It was completely and utterly bamboozling, especially considering the fact I didn't even know who the dad was or remember even getting into this situation in the first place.

"It's not as bad as it sounds but I really, really, don't have the energy to explain it to you" The dark haired, tall guy said tiredly to the other occupants in the room, avoiding their curious stares. For some reason, I don't know why, every time I looked at him I got this strange mistrusting feeling in the bottom of my stomach, like he was some kind of evil alien or something.

I sat up, keeping wary glances on all of them – they seemed genuine enough but I wasn't going to be lured into their trap in case they were, in fact, evil aliens.

The dark haired guy looked at me first and relief spread through his eyes instantly, shockingly bright green eyes, I realised with a jolt. But, as soon as that had come they saddened almost immediately and those vibrant green eyes were clouded with guilt. Um… okay? Weird!

"Oh good, you're awake" A relieved voice startled me from my staring to see the same long brown haired women from before who was acting so nice – and I realised I didn't even know her name… well, apparently I did but I couldn't remember it. She strode forward, and sat next to me and I flinched ever so slightly but she didn't seem to notice.

"I'm piper, this is my sisters Phoebe and Paige and my hu-well, this is Leo and that's Chris" She pointed them out individually, "This is so weird introducing ourselves" Piper laughed uneasy and I just shrugged in response. Well… sorry.

"Um… okay" I said back, glancing around nervously.

"Yeah, sorry about before" The phoebe one said sheepishly, sending an apologetic glance to that Chris guy which I didn't get what so ever. I just nodded in response.

"No, no it's…fine" I told her, trying not to look down because surely this was just some kind of dream right? It just couldn't be true. It just couldn't.

The tension in the air could be cut with a knife, that's just how thick it was.

"Well… I'll go ask around, see if anyone has heard of this de-, I mean, heard of this guy before" Chris corrected, glancing at me from the corner of his eye. Gosh, what was his problem?

"Are you sure that's a good idea? Maybe you could help… here" Leo suggested, giving Chris a meaningful look. Okay, what was going on? It was like they were deliberately not telling me something. Chris gave me a long look, once which I tried to ignore before letting out an audible sigh.

"No… not yet anyway" He said sadly and I furrowed my eyebrows. Did we know each other or something? The way he looked at me was almost… fondly.

"I'll be back soon" He muttered, bowing his head and suddenly disappearing into thin air, blue and white… things, floating around him. What. The. Holy. Hell. Was. That? I felt my mouth gaping open but everyone else just treated it like it was completely normal to disappear into thin frigging air.

"Chris, sweetie wait-"Piper called out but he was already gone.

"I hope he doesn't do anything stupid" Paige said, her eyes full of worry.

"I'll go with him" Leo said before disappearing too and I was sure my eyes were going to fall out my head.

"Yeah, Jade? Maybe we should all have a talk" Phoebe suggested, grinning uneasily.

"Oh geez… ya think?" I said sarcastically which got a light chuckle from piper sitting beside me.

"Him? I'm with… him?" I asked in shock, not believing a word Piper had just told me. Apparently that Chris guy and I was together, like in an actual relationship – the logical part of my brain told me it made sense, that's why he looked so upset, but the other part was screaming "BUT YOU DON'T TRUST HIM".

"Yes, really… it's probably hard to believe but you're really in love" She said and I just gaped at her.

"You're not going to faint again are you?" Paige asked, holding out a glass of water. I shook my head numbly. This was all so… bizarre, that was the only word I could think of.

"But… I mean… really?" I asked, "I just – I have this… feeling, like I can't trust him" I admitted and the silence in the room was deafening.

"It was probably the demon – makes it harder for you two to connect again" Phoebe piped up, sharing a glance with Piper and Paige.

"So… this is his kids then?" I asked, trying to get my head around the situation.

"Sure is" Paige smiled and I honestly did not know what to say to that what so ever.

"Okay" I squeaked and Piper grabbed a hold of my hand and I looked up at her in shock.

"We'll get your memories back – don't worry" She promised and at that I gave her a true smile… okay then, they definitely were not evil aliens, that I was one hundred percent sure of.

A few hours later we were still sitting in the kitchen, the sisters explaining to me all about Wiccan duties when, what Paige had explained to me, the boys orbed into the kitchen and I jolted a little bit. Not at the fact they were orbing but because I would have to see Chris again – a blush crept onto my cheeks just thinking about it.

"What happened?" Piper asked worriedly, seeing the blood stained on Chris shirt.

"Nothing, just that demon… god I hate him" Chris growled, sitting down opposite me in one of the stools.

"Can't you heal it Leo?" Phoebe asked and I winced – the amount of blood didn't look life threatening but it looked like it hurt like hell.

"No, apparently the demon and whatever injuries it in flicks are immune to my powers" Leo replied, slight aggravation in his voice. Piper huffed and got the first aid kit, lifting up Chris' shirt gently – he didn't even flinch.

I couldn't help it, my eyes trailed up his torso, lean but toned, the skin slightly glistening with sweat probably because of his injuries. His breathing was slow and regular, his stomach muscles moving with every breath he took and I found I couldn't look away, or rather… didn't want to. I felt someone's eyes trained on me and looked up with great determination.

Those same bottle green eyes were staring into mine, questioning and happy, at the same time. I blushed wildly, ducking my head. Oh god – could that get any worse?

Apparently so because Paige leaned down and smirked, whispering quietly in my ear.

"There's no need to look so guilty for checking out your fiancé Jade – he is yours after all" She giggled and I swear to god, I had never blushed so hard in all my life.

A.N) Please review – it inspires me to write more and I would love to hear your opinion on this! Chow – you're all fab!