Carly's POV;

It's amazing how easy it is to lose track of time. Minutes draining into hours, and hours weaving into days. I don't know how long I was there exactly. The only things I can remember clearly are pain, and a feeling of utter hopelessness. No matter what I said, he didn't believe me. No longer how long I denied everything, he persisted. My time on that blasted ship(that I later learned was named the Nemesis), were either spent in silence and pain, or arguments, and pain. No matter what was going on, because of the chains wrapped tightly around my arms suspending me in the air, I was in a constant state of pain.

I could feel the chains digging deeper and deeper every day. My wounds oozing, my head spinning, it was all becoming too much for me.

Starscream had found alternative means to try and make me talk. Means that I can't even bear to name, let alone describe. All I will say is that electrocution was the better option. The less painful one. But finding no means to convince his Royal Denseness of my innocence, the pain never stopped.

Until one day…

My last day…

Starscream had left the room, Soundwave right on his heels. But suddenly, the taller quieter mech stopped. Waiting for Starscream to leave the room before he turned to face me. I could only stare back, I felt lost in bleak despair with no way out. As we stared at one another, a deeper understanding passed through us. He knew I had no information, and I knew he couldn't betray his Lord and set me free. So he instead decided to grant me mercy.

By ending my pain.

In the few steps it took him to reach me, I couldn't help but reflect on a few things, and ponder the meaningless. 'Should I be scared?' was my first thought, for days I had felt as though I was staring down the barrel of a fun, just waiting for the trigger to be pulled.

'Would Lyra ever realize what happened?' No probably not. I could only hope she would forgive herself for something that wasn't her fault.

'Would Cliff have been the one?' I'd like to think so.

'Would he come to peace with this?' I hoped so.

'Would I see them all again?' Yes, one day. One day we would all be together again.

As Soundwave stood before me, his dark figure looming over mine. I managed to give him the smallest smile, the only one I could manage, as a thank you.

Closing my eyes, I fondly recalled one of my oldest memories; Lyra and I sitting on the swings, dad pushing me. Lyra's dad pushing her. Her mom gabbing about anything and everything to 'her boys', while Lyra and I squealed at the height.

Rushing up right after that memory were snap shots of all my happirst moments; eating ice cream with Lyra. Shopping with her. Talking with dad. Goofing off with Lyra. Driving with dad and listening to all his stories. Cramming for an exam, and finding a cooler beside my head when I woke up, hair a mess, cheek stuck to my books. Inside it a fudge sundae for good luck. Dad's smile, and his eyes filled with pride. Jumping off the cliff's with Cliff. The night of the masquerade. Cliff singing to me at our spot. My Superman's warm loving smile.

One small tear rolled off my cheek, a soft, but weak smile on my lips as I whispered; "Daddy, I'm coming home."

Narrative POV (With Lyra and Cliff);

The holoform on Lyra's alt form shuttered off, right before she rolled to the ground, shifting from her alt mode to robot mode, finally finishing with her human form. A deep animal like wail escaped her as she clawed at her chest. If you had heard it, you wouldn't have been able to make out the words. But that wouldn't have stopped your heard from shattering.

"CARRRRLYYYY! NOOOOOOO!" she hiccupped, sobbing.

Cliff's holoform had his arms wrapped around her, rocking her gently back and forth in seconds. "Shhh, Lyra, it's okay. Shh." he soothed, waiting for her to regain her baring's before he asked he what happened.

When she could finally stand again, she took a few more minutes, just breathing. Finally, Lyra looked Cliff in the eyes, her cheeks tear stains, her eyes red and puffy, her voice no louder than a whisper. "Cliff…I-I-I-I I Can't feel Carly anymore…She's-she's- She's g-g-g-g gone."

It took a while for her words to sink in. At first he wouldn't, couldn't believe it. But he knew Lyra would never joke about this. But he still refused to believe it.

"No." he finally whispered. "No! NO! NONONONONONONO!" his words began to slur together to become one giant sob. He held Lyra even tighter, falling to his knees, making her drop to her knees as well.

Lyra hugged him back just as fiercely, a wave of fresh tears pouring down.

Narrative POV (Autobot Base);

Optimus was helping Rachet tinker with the computer when he felt a surge from his bond with Carly, before, just as suddenly, it went out completely. Wavering, his servo landed on Rachets shoulder, trying to steady himself. The medic looked up at the Prime in alarm. "Optimus-"

"Carly is offline."

Rachet closed his optics, placing his servo gently on the Primes, giving it a small squeeze for support.

Devastation tore through the Prime. He squeezed his optics shut, trying to regain control of the emotions raging through him. They wouldn't do him any good now. They couldn't bring his daughter back. Nothing could.

Regaining his composure, he nodded at his old friend before saying; "I'm going to take a drive, I will be back…before tomorrow." Shifting into his alt from Optimus drove, in sensible manner, out of the base. Leaving the good medic along with his thoughts.

A short segment from Carly's final English Essay;

Some of us are destined to make a difference. To be a hero. To overcome all challenges, and to live happily ever after.

But some of us aren't so lucky. Some of us are destined to fall.

We won't know who is who until we are facing down the end. But no matter which we are, we have to make the best of every moment, of every emotion. Take your opportunities, seize the day, and live with a little regrets as possible.


The Drone: I agree. I prefer Soundwave too. No offense to all the Shockwave lovers. He's cool too, I just personally prefer Soundwave. :P

StarLight837: XD I personally prefer water myself, but I must admit, fire is pretty fun too, haha! WHOOO FOR HAMMERS! XD Thank you! :3 I know right! Optimus is such a softie! :D *joins in your happy dance*

Elhini Prime: Haha! Sorry! I can't help myself! XD…Sorry about this ending too…I was personally crying…because I get over emotional about stories…even if I'm the one writing them…but technically, it is only the beginning! DUN DUNN DUNNNN!

Bee4ever: Thank you! And…this ending…I'm sorry…

Okay, I'm expecting a lot of very unhappy readers at this point…which I deserve, because I would pissed at this point too…after I finished crying that is…Which is why I'm posting the first chapter of 'The Oath' right after this. Any questions you may have at this time, will all be answered in the next story…eventually…and I promise the ending will be happier…

It's been fun writing Superman for you all! You guys have made it all worthwhile! I hope that most of you will continue you to read future adventures with most of your beloved characters!

I'm going to end with this;

I hope you all don't hate me too much…XP Feel free to leave a review. I will reply to them in 'The Oath'.

Thank you for your time, patients, and support!

Big hugs to all my readers. Especially big bear hugs to all my reviewers! I love you guys! TT^TT
