My first TLV story!

in the story:

Gregory: 17 - Vanessa: 16
Rudolph: 13 - Marianne: 11
Anna: 11 - Tony: 9

Disclaimer: I do not own The Little Vampire

Vanessa's POV

That night, when I fell asleep, I had a nightmare.

There was a man, holding some kind of jewel or amulet and holding it up towards the full moon as a comet was passing over it. The man was chanting strange words, as if saying a spell. All of the people there watching the comet in awe.

Suddenly, a red light descended and connected to the amulet. Most of them gasped; they all looked like a family, or a clan.

Then, something came and attacked them, an angry mob with torches and stakes. One of them growled and grabbed a wooden cross as one of the people bared their...fangs at him and approached. The people were vampires.

They battled, causing the vampire to lose the amulet. One of the vampires watched as it soared through the sky, over a cliff of rocks. He leapt in after it, over the cliff and into the water, heading straight towards me...

I gasped awake to see Marie and Tony at the foot of my bed.

"Nightmares?" I asked knowingly.

They both nodded as I opened my blanket, allowing them to crawl in, cuddling me on either side.

"What were they about?"

Marie closed her eyes, "Vampires were biting me."

"Vampires were chasing me," Tony said as he cuddled into me.

I sighed as I layed back into my pillow, allowing my siblings to sleep soundly as I stared up at the ceiling. This is gonna be a weird year. And Monday is only in three days.

I put in my headphones as Marie and Tony looked out the windows. Tony was talking to Mom from the back seat.

"Hey! Wave 'hi' to dad and Lord McAshton!" she said as we passed the McAshton estate, where our dad was building a golf course for some rich dude.

Dad waved and Lord McAshton tipped his hat to us, but Tony and Marie just looked out the window.

Mom looked at them sadly but it soon disappeared, "Scotland is beautiful, isn't it?"

"If you don't have vampires," Tony responded. He read about Scotland and it being known to have vampires from the old school.

"And you know we really don't, right? But a dream isn't real-"

"I know what a dream is, mom," Tony said sternly.

"Okay! I'm just making sure," a tractor was coming towards us.

"Mom! You're on the wrong side of the road!"I quickly yelled and she, at the last second, moved the car to the other side of the road.

I started breathing in and out, as if I was about to hyperventilate. It's been a week; I'm taking my motorcycle next time.

We started to walk towards the school as our mom drove out of sight. I was going to walk to my section, but I saw Tony get pushed down by a little blonde kid and his brother.

"This is for bein' a little creep!" one of the boys shouted.

"And this is for comin' here in the first place!" his brother shouted as he dumped the contents of his backpack on the ground.

"Hey! Leave 'im alone!" Marie shouted, but his brother pushed her down as well.

I walked over to them, my shadow overlapping theirs. They turned around to look at me and gasped, "Leave. them. alone."

They both nodded rapidly and ran into the school. I helped Marie and Tony up, "You two stick together, alright? I won't always be here to help you."

They nodded, so I went off to my section of the school. I went to my locker to drop off my stuff when Jake McAshton walked over to me and smirked.

"You must be new, I'd remember seeing you around here," he said with a Scottish accent.

I rolled my eyes and walked away, "Hey! I'm talkin' t' you!" Jake grabbed my arm and pushed me into the lockers.

He then grabbed my wrists and held them above my head as he pressed his face against my neck, "Learn some manners, lass, or you're gonna regret it."

He let me go and walked off, I hate guys like that.

I couldn't stop thinking of the amulet last night, so that night, I drew it. Its ruby base and golden frame, hard to forget, honestly. I used my colored pencils to add in the details. When I had finished, I walked into Tony's room and he was drawing something as well, "What's that?" I asked him softly.

He turned to look at me, "It's a vampire."

"A vampire 'ay?" I had developed a Scottish accent from school. My new friends thought it was cool, and it only made Jake keep coming back to my locker every time.

"Yeah," he turned back around and Marie came into the room as well.

"Wanna see something?" I said as I showed him the picture.

Marie eyes widened, "I drempt that!"

I looked at her as mom came in the room, "The babysitter's downstairs."

She sighed and smiled as she crouched down to Marie and Tony, hugging them and kissing their cheeks, "Good night, hun. I want you two in bed by 9, and don't give yourselves nightmares," she buried her face in Tony's neck, as if to be biting him.

I smiled, "I'm gonna head out too, but I'll be back in a sec, okay?" I put the picture on his desk and pulled on my jacket. I went outside the same time as Mom and Dad did.

I put on my helmet and got onto my Adventure Triple Black Enduro as I looked up at Tony's bedroom window. He and Marie were looking down at me sadly and waving.

I waved back as I pulled out of the driveway and started to ride down the streets of the night. The cool breeze flying past me and through my hair and I soon saw a familiar figure standing in the middle of the empty road.

"What do you want, Jake?"

He smirked, "I'd watch your language around me." I narrowed my eyes, "it would save your dad's job."

My eyes widened, "What are you talking about?"

He came closer as I took off my helmet and glared at him, "I mean, if you aren't a little more feminine with me, I'll have my grandfather call off your dad."

"You can't do that!" I was angry, but that only made Jake smirk even more as he cupped my cheek.

"Actually, I can. So make your choice," I didn't show any signs of resistance, so he brought my face closer to his and kissed me deeply.

I wanted to die at that very moment.

With Marie and Tony

Without their older sister, there was nothing to really do around the house.

Tony cut out some white paper and put it in his mouth, "Rawr!" Marie gasped, but hit him on the arm nonetheless.

"Cut it out-"

Suddenly, a bat flew into the empty fireplace from the window. They both looked over and saw a little boy covered in dust and cobwebs, around their age.

"W-Who are you?" Tony asked, obviously scared.

The boy glared at him and bared his...fangs, "You are not a brother-"

"Well I'm not a sister," Tony said innocently.

"You are a human; you're full of blood," he hissed at him.

"And I'd like to keep it that way, dude!" Tony and Marie both ran for the door, but he was already there, upside down, glaring at them.

They ran towards the window and looked back at him, but he had fallen off the door.

Marianne's POV

"I'm too weak," he whispered to himself, his head still facing the door.

"Do you need help?" I asked as I kneeled down to look at him. I touched his cold cheek and suddenly felt electricity at my fingertips and through my body.

I can tell he felt it too because, no matter how weak he was, his eyes jolted to look into mine, "No, I need to go. I must feed."

"We can help you walk," Tony offered as I helped him stand.

"Who needs to walk, when you can fly!" he said, and he immediately sprinted to the window and jumped out. He stayed in the air for a moment until he finally fell down...he fell!

I looked at Tony and we both ran to the ledge, where we looked down to see the mysterious visitor. We turned around and sprinted for the door, but tiptoed when we got downstairs because the babysitter was still there.

Once we were outside, we sprinted to find him, and there he was, in the same place where he had fallen.

"Are you okay?" Tony asked. He mumbled something and then a truck started pulling up towards the gate.

"It's too early for the party to be over; they just left," Tony pointed out.

"Then who is it?" I asked him.

He shrugged, but when one of the lights hit the boy, he hissed, so we backed him into the bushes, "Do you know where I can get a cow?"

"If you wanna glass of milk-" Tony started, but he cut him off.

"No, not milk," he stated weakly, "a cow. Hurry."

A cow? The thing that goes 'Moo'?

Nonetheless, we both took a shoulder and started walking him down the long street to the barn. Once he had found the right cow, he looked into its eyes, "Your eyes are getting heavy. You are falling into a deep sleep."

I looked at him like he was crazy until he went behind the cow and we started to hear a slurping noise, "I think I'm gonna hurl," I said as I made my way outside for air, Tony came soon after.

"What's that?" I whispered as I noticed a dark truck with a blinking red light on it. The man inside squinted his eyes at us.

Suddenly, the bright lights turned on and we had to shield our eyes. I heard the engine purr and it started coming towards us at a high speed.

"AHHHH!" We were both screaming when we were immediately whisked off our feet. I clenched my eyes shut until I felt something under me.

"You can open your eyes now."

I did and I saw that we were now on a blimp, "Enjoying the view?"

I smiled up at the stars, "Yeah!" Tony exclaimed, "and thanks, dude, you saved our life. That truck was gonna splatter us."

"You keep calling me dude. My name is Rudolph."

"Dude is slang," I said softly, "for what you call a friend."

"So, we are friends?" he asked, looking deep into my eyes.

"We saved each other's lives didn't we?"

"Yes, we did," he said smiling. "Friends."

"My name is Tony, and this is Marie."

I smiled and nodded, "Come one, let's play!" Tony said, jumping up.

"Yes! Let's play!" Rudolph agreed. I rolled my eyes and laughed as Tony jumped up and down.

"My best friend's a vampire!"

This is my first story for My Little Vampire, so plz reivew, thnx!