AN: Umumumu….I don't know, I don't know what I was typing…I don't know how to continue this…sorry…. Also, for making you guys wait, sorry…but believe me when I said this story was my priority, about two of my other works hadn't been updated for God knows how long… |||orz


It was, in a word, chaotic.

Sasagawa Kyoko was suddenly unable to do anything. She was unable to think of a witty answer to that sudden proposal. Granted, it was no more than Rokudo Mukuro's sick idea of a joke. It was still shocking. That was low of him to pull this move. She couldn't refuse and she realized he already thought about that beforehand.

"Well?" urged Mukuro, who was faking a blush and acted awkwardly at the moment.

…how about "Eww"…? The dark thing that resided in Kyoko's mind supplied helpfully. The red haired woman could hear people around them swooning and boldly stopped their activity to watch the two. Kyoko glanced at the forming crowd, and then to Mukuro, who let his act fell for a moment to show her that annoying smirk of his, and then quickly changed it back to a worried frown. Smooth, very smooth, she actually praised him in her mind. That didn't mean she gave up on this game, thought. She carefully placed the fishes on their place and carefully took a handkerchief from her pocket as to not dirty her clothes.

"I…I'm sorry," she began as she wiped her hands clean, and some people began to clicked their tongue in distaste. She glanced at the man before her and her eyes instantly narrowed. He actually put on a sad, kicked-puppy mask, making her looked all the worse.

Kyoko inhaled slowly and added.

"What I mean is…I'm sorry for not realizing it sooner. Had I knew, I wouldn't take you to this place," she said, a hand went inside her pocket and pulled out her phone cell. "So…so please let me make it right for you." She finished, blushing as she operated the gadget. Embarrassing as it is, she didn't have any intention to go down without a fight.

Mukuro raised an eyebrow and for a second his mask slipped. He then quickly resumed his act and watched the woman, preparing himself for whatever she'd do.

"Okaa-san?" she called to the phone and Mukuro froze. The red haired woman was silent as she took in as much air as possible and said, very clearly,

"This is sudden, but someone proposed to me just now and I'm thinking of accepting it." She finished, looking at him straight to his eyes, challenging him to call off their game.

This was not what he expected. He expected her to froze and then turned into a blabbering blushing mess, and then, and then he would solve this problem by dragging her out of this place and it'd be his win.

Kyoko extended her arm to full length, motioning for the man to take her phone.

"My mother would like to talk to you." She said with a glare that was betrayed by her own blushing face.

He lost. Or so it seemed. He didn't want to lose, he loathe being the loser. However there was something that was not hate in his gut. He unconsciously smiled, startling the woman before him as he grabbed her phone.

That, and he was sure that woman was bluffing.

"Good evening, Ma'am, this is Rokudo Mukuro and I wish to marry your daughter." Said Mukuro immediately, sending a smirk to the phone's owner. It was Kyoko's turn to freeze. The answer transferred by the device was obviously a gasp and incoherent babble and he smirked, eyes still not leaving Kyoko's face.

"Ah? Yes, yes, I'd be happy to…. Yes, thank you." He responded to whatever was said to him enthusiastically, it almost looked as if he truly was happy about the prospect of marrying her and Kyoko couldn't help to blush, but quickly shoved that thought away.

"My future mother in law said she'd like to meet me tonight, and that you're free from cooking duty." He said as he disconnected the call and handed the phone back to its owner.

Kyoko didn't react for a few seconds, but then she forced out a smile and accepted the phone. That's when Mukuro ever so smoothly grabbed her hand and let out a big, cheerful smile that was obviously fake.

"Well, then. Thank you for accepting me." He started, "Let's go?" he asked, tugging slightly the hand that he held, signaling for the woman to start moving.

Kyoko was about to reply when the fish vendor suddenly shouted at them to wait. Everyone present immediately turned their head to look at him just in time as he put the fishes that were in Kyoko's hands a while ago in separated bags and handed them to he pair.

"Here you go! As a celebration for your marriage, these are free!" he exclaimed, grinning widely and all the spectators went 'ooh….' and 'aaww….' Kyoko was going to protest that no, they were not married (yet) when the man continue, and it's common courtesy to let your elder speak first.

"Having a young couple proposing before my goods surely would bring good luck! It's so nice to see that not all youngsters prefer indecent cohabiting instead of getting married right away!" he said, laughing as he forced the bags in Mukuro's free hand. He then patted Mukuro's shoulder and grinned at him. "Best wishes for you guys! If you ever have a special family occasion, remember to come to my place!" he finished, laughing as he walked back to his place, leaving the pair frozen on spot, until Mukuro found his sense back and lead them both away.

It's weird. Truly it was. As the crowd giggled, both felt something bubbling inside them. Somehow, both of them knew the other also felt the same. Or maybe they secretly wished the other would.

It was after a good half an hour after they left the market that both released their joined hands. Mukuro then handed her the fishes and let out a sigh. Kyoko picked that up and glanced at him, her eyes studying him.

"Yes?" he asked, noticing her stare a while ago.

"Mukuro-san is a good liar. Don't you feel guilty after deceiving them?" she asked, even thought she was also partially to blame, she was curious about what his opinion about their little act.

"And you're better than expected, Wife." He replied, throwing her a glance as he started walking ahead, now no longer needing to control his pace to match hers. From the corner of his eyes he could she her fumbling with her words as a blush came to decorate her face. "I bet you'd be busy explaining things to your friend tonight, hmm?" he commented with a slight cheer in his voice.

"Yes…and thanks to you I might not be able to buy things over there anymore…." She sighed as she tried to construct her tale to answer Haru's questions because surely the short haired woman would call her later. "It'd be awkward if people asked about the where about of my husband the next time I shop…"

Wouldn't you, when your best friend called you their mother, and when the aforementioned best friend said they were going to marry someone that you doubted ever seen with that best friend?

"You got freebies," answered Mukuro, jerking his head to the direction of the bags that were now in Kyoko's possession, "and I also helped warding off nasty bugs that might come to you." He finished airily, waving his hand at the mention of bugs.

"….as much as I want to thank you, all you did was driving off my potential husbands and making it impossible for me to marry at the right age….or maybe at all…."

"Yeah? Anyway, it was fun, but I have to go." He said, turning to face her and smirked. "Don't miss me too much, Wife." He had his fun, and somehow he felt satisfied with the way that word rolled upon his tongue, but he wouldn't say that. Before the startled Kyoko could finished her protest about the new way he called her, he surrounded himself in his illusion and vanished right before her eyes.

Sasagawa Kyoko sighed as she walked alone and she was not sure what brought that up. She couldn't very well differentiate between relief and disappointment when dealing with that man. And that's alright. Their time together was up, the man was gone and they'd continue with their separated ways. Their meeting was random and who could guarantee that their separation wouldn't be so random? It's alright.

It's alright.

It's alright.

'I'm alright.' They thought to themselves as the evening wind picked up everything on its path.

Of course, why wouldn't they be? They didn't know each other for long. And if memory served right they hadn't even talked before. Even if they accumulated their meeting times, it would still be under 24 hours. It was only a drop of water in a bucket.

But it was so fun.

'I'm alright.'

That was a lie. And both closed their hearts as they continued walking with their parade of lies.

((Author Note))

Uhuhuhu…. I had fun reading romance mangas lately so I decided to make this piece a bit more romantic…did I succeed? Are you guys satisfied with this chapter? :D

No? Well…. ;A;

What if I say this piece is….


…. maybe?


But really, don't get your hope up too high, I'm afraid I wouldn't be able to update things as fast as when I was in junior high….umuuu…growing up is such a pain… ;-; *rolls*
Please forgive the grammatical and spelling mistakes, I hope you enjoyed this chapter. See you next time, and..uuhm… I'd be pleased to see a bunch of 6995 fanfictions the next time I update anything. :D