Yet again it is basically the same as before, just a few word style changes. Working on chapter three right now. Should be posting up sometime today, and don't worry Shizuo will finally be making an appearance in the chapter!

Izaya's Pov

Taking a seat in front of my mirror and looking at my emotionless express looking back at me. Sighing as I move my hand up to my face as I gently touch the small bruise by the corner of my left eye. Flinching right away at the simple touch of said bruise. He had to hit me in the face the night before didn't he? I think to myself as I grab for my cover up.

I hate the feeling of foundation but I had no choice. Not if I want everyone to see the bruise. I had too much pride for that. Too much pride to let others know I allow myself to get hit by my boyfriend. Plus I must look perfect for Shiki's employees. I roll my eyes at the thought. I'm nothing more than an object now.

Opening the foundation bottle and pouring some of the liquid on the back of my hand. Dipping my finger into the cover up and as gently as I could I start to smear the foundation over my bruise. Doing the best I could to cover it up. Jumping at the sound of the bathroom door opening, knowing it could only be one person.

"Beautiful." Shiki says as he walks over to me. I wanted to laugh at the comment.

"Something beautiful for my Bella." He says as he places a long single stem rose in front of me on my makeup table.

"Hurry up now. We only have about an hour till the party." With that he places a quick kiss against my cheek and then leaves.

I glare at the long stem rose in front of me. Did you know that a long single stem rose means 'I love you'? Ironic, isn't? If you truly loved someone you wouldn't hit them out of anger. Or at least that's what I believe. But that's not the only reason I hate seeing this rose in front of me. I hate it because it reminded me. It reminded me of how my nightmare started.

Sighing as I slump myself over the checkout counter. It was getting late and Shiki still hadn't come back for his suit yet. Maybe his date cancelled? No, don't get your hopes up Izaya. I tell myself as I look over at the clock. It was almost eight. Way pass the time I was supposed to clock out. Instead I told my co-work, who was supposed to take over my shift, that I would do her shift tonight.

With no Shiki yet I was started to regret it. The store closes at nine and since I took last shift that means I have to do the boring work tonight of cleaning and closing up. I'm starting to wonder why I decided to wait. I already knew he had a date. So what was I hoping for?

My pity party was over once I heard the doorbell go off, making me quickly straighten myself up and off the counter. Smiling happily as I seen it was Shiki who set the doorbell off. Finally!

"Hello again, ready for your date now?" I tease as I grab Shiki's suit hanging behind me.

When I turn around I was stunned to see a long single stem rose in front of my face. Confused I look up at Shiki who was grinning. "Well I don't know if my date will go on a date with me yet." He said with a chuckle leaving me even more confused. "So I should ask them, will you go out to dinner with me tonight?"

My eyes went wide as I ask "W-what?"

"There has been this beautiful suit clerk that I have had my eyes on every time I pass his store. So tonight I finally decided to buy a suit and a flower he would like before asking him out." Shiki confessed.

Feeling my heart pound at the confession and secretly pinching my arm to make sure this wasn't a dream. "Ouch."


"I mean yes!" I quickly say. Coughing as I blush in embarrassment. "Yes." I say a bit more calmly. "I would love to go out with you."

After Shiki changed into his new suit and once I closed up the shop early, we both went out to dinner. Somewhere Shiki already had reservations for. I had never been more happy or nervous in my life. It had been hands down the best night of my life. I gladly agreed to see Shiki again and then again and then again some more. All the way up to when Shiki asked me to move in with him.

We had only been seeing each other for three months when he asked. But being so much in love with him I said yes. The beatings didn't start till after a year of being together. I don't even remember how they started. It just started.

"Izaya! Hurry up and get dressed already!" I flinch as I hear Shiki yell at me from our bedroom.

Quickly fixing up my face some more and trying to hold in my tears. I will not cry because him. I will not. That is one thing I will not do for him. I tell myself as I leave the bathroom. Making my way to our walk in closet where I see him fixing his tie in the full length mirror. I ignore him as I grab a suit off from the hanger.

Shiki looking at me through the mirror. "Not that one. It makes you look fat." He says bluntly.

Putting the suit away without a word and grabbing for another and turning to him. "Okay your highness how about this one then." I say a little snappy.

Regretting my remark the minute he turned around and glared at me. Me and my stupid mouth I think as he grabs for my wrist, squeezing it tightly as I wince at the pain.

"Don't you dare talk to me like that Izaya. Who's the one who bought you all these clothes in the first place? Who is the one who puts a nice roof above your head? I don't think it's too much to ask you not to look badly at my party." He says angrily.

Looking down I answer him. "You are. I'm sorry. I'm really grateful Shiki, I am. I'm just a little tired is all. Please forgive me." I say quietly.

Letting go of my wrist. "Forgive me to Izaya I'm just nervous about tonight." Shiki says with a smile. Acting as though he didn't just grab me forcefully.

Reaching over me and grabbing a suit out. "Wear this one. You look perfect in it." He says as he bends down and kisses me.

I force myself to kiss back, even though I don't want to. I don't want to kiss if it means nothing.

Pulling away with another smile "Now hurry up." He tells me one more time. Leaving the closet to go down stairs to make sure everything is ready.

Falling to the floor and wiping away the kiss off my lips. Then taking a look at my wrist where another bruise was forming. Another mark to remind me that my dream wasn't a dream anymore. Nor has it ever been a dream. It was a nightmare, and I was stuck here.