Hello! I wasn't going to start this for a while, but the chapter just formed in my head, and when I had written it down, I needed to know what you guys thought! so, I present... THE SEQUEL! :D

Warning: there is some homaphobia used in this chapter, and maybe later in the story, but no offence is intended, it is not used as a joke or in a positive way. Oh, and Gwen bashing. 'Cause it's Gwen.

BBC owns Torchwood. I do not :(

Ianto fought to hide a smile as Jack anxiously re-did his tie for the fifth time. Wow, thought Ianto. He really is nervous. Today they were going out to dinner with his family. None of them had met Jack before, but then, none of them knew about Jack. He had a feeling Rhiannon would be okay with the fact he had a boyfriend, but he wasn't a hundred percent sure how his mam and tad would react.

Jack turned back to Ianto. 'Better?' Ianto laughed a wrapped his arms around Jack, giving him a gentle kiss. 'Perfect cariad! Look, don't worry so much, it'll be fine.' Jack's apprehension didn't ease, and he muttered 'but… what if they don't like me?'

Ianto placed a hand on Jack's face and said softly 'If, amazingly, they didn't like you, then screw them. I love you, that's all that matters sweetheart. Now let's say goodbye to the others and go, or we'll be late.'


Tosh stretched lightly and glanced up, catching Owens eye. He was looking intently at her, and she suddenly felt self conscious. Blushing slightly, she turned away and brushed her hand through her hair.

Owen was frowning to himself, every so often looking up at Tosh. He couldn't help it; it was like he was drawn to her. Ever since Ianto's kidnapping, he had seen a new side to Tosh. She had stood up against Gwen, for both herself and Ianto, and now she had a new….. edge to her.

She was more feisty and confident, dressing up a bit more and being more forward to the rest of the team. Owen welcomed the change, and the two of them had been growing closer. Tosh looked up again, catching his eye. They stared at each other for a moment, before Tosh turned away, blushing slightly.

Jack's office opened, and he and Ianto walked down the stairs, Jack tugging lightly on his tie. 'Well kids, we have a dinner date, so barring emergencies, let's all have the night off. Just remember to keep your phones on you .'

Deciding to take the initiative Owen called 'Tosh? Did you want to have a drink at the pub?' Tosh looked surprised, before smiling shyly at Owen. 'okay, that sounds good.' Owen was fighting the idiotic grin threatening to break out on his face, when Gwen piped up. 'Can I come along?'

Tosh and Owen looked at each other, exasperation on their faces. Ever since Gwen had returned to work, she had been suspiciously apologetic and kind to everyone, including Ianto. But she was plotting something, Tosh could feel it.

Every night out they planned, even if it was Tosh and Ianto's takeaway nights, she'd attempt to worm herself into it. Tosh sighed to herself and shrugged it off, plastering a smile on her face and nodding at Gwen. 'Sure, why not? In fact, we're leaving quite early today, why don't we meet a bit later and go out to dinner together?'

Seeing Owen open his mouth she laughed and said 'Yes, we can go to a pub afterwards.' Everyone laughed, and left the Hub together.


Jack sat at the table, desperately trying not to be sick. He and Ianto were the first to arrive, and then Ianto needed the loo, so it was just him on his own. A waiter approached his right, with a woman and two children behind him. 'Here is the Jones table madam' he said, gesturing to Jack.

The children were staring at the immortal, looking very shy, but Rhiannon was looking around the restaurant in awe. It was a posh French place Jack sometimes took Ianto to, and Ianto thought his mum and sister would enjoy it. They had a kids meal for David and Mica, but Ianto told him he had bought some little treats for them if they didn't enjoy it.

Rhiannon suddenly noticed Jack stood there, and smiled apologetically. 'Oh, I'm sorry, he said this was our table.' Putting on his best Jack Harkness smile, Jack said 'Are you Rhiannon? Hi, I'm Ianto's…. friend. Jack Harkness.'

Rhiannon stared at him in shock, and Jack could feel his nerves increasing. 'Oh!' She said, still looking a bit shocked. Damn these fiftieth century labels. Then she smiled warmly, reaching out and grasping Jack's hand. 'Lovely to meet you, Jack. I'm Rhiannon, as you know.' She gave a high pitched laugh, and Jack could tell she was still extremely nervous.

Then again, it could be the fact she was meeting her brothers partner, as opposed to just finding out her brother was gay. After all, he got a good vibe from her, and Ianto always spoke very highly of his sister.

Feeling his own nerves evaporate, and deciding to put hers at ease, Jack grinned at her and said 'Rhiannon, a pleasure to meet you. Ianto's told me so much about you, I'm honoured to meet the leading lady in the many amusing stories he's told me.'

Rhiannon laughed, and Jack could feel her nerves leaving her body. 'Well, he always was such a drama queen.' Jack laughed, and turned his attention to David and Mica. 'Hello, you must be David and Mica. I'm a friend of your Uncle, my names Jack.'

Mica just smiled shyly at him, but David was braver. 'Hello Jack! Do you like football? How do you know Uncle Yan? Hey, are you American?' Jack was trying to answer all of David's questions, when Ianto appeared, sitting in his chair and squeezing Jack's hand lightly. Rhiannon noticed, and couldn't help but smile at the tender look on his face.

Ianto was just finishing his story, on when Rhiannon had put him in her pram when he was six and pushed him around the park, when his parents arrived. Ianto was the main concern for his mam, and she rushed forwards hugging him tightly, and kissing the top of his head. His tad hung back a bit, giving him an awkward smile and pat on the back.

Jack wasn't sure how he was going to react to meeting Ianto's dad. He knew that when he was little, Ianto had been abused by his dad, but being the kindred spirit he was, he had forgiven him, and the two of them were trying to rebuild their relationship.

Ianto coughed nervously and gestured to Jack. 'Mam, tad, this is my boyfriend, Jack Harkness. Jack, this is my mam, Susan, and my tad, Afan.' The two of them turned to jack, who smiled and held out his hand, saying 'Hi, nice to meet ya.' Neither of them shook his hand, and Jack began to feel a bit uncomfortable.

Ianto was feeling sick, his parents were wearing stony expressions and he could even see a hint of disgust on his tads face. Jack let his hand drop, and coughed awkwardly. There was an air of tension on the table that even David and Mica could sense. Rhiannon felt embarrassed and angry, how dare did her parents think they could treat Jack and Ianto like this!

David was looking at his Uncles boyfriend, confused as to why his grandparents were being so mean, Jack was nice. Jack looked so upset that David walked over to him and gave him a hug, hoping it would show his grandparents that Jack was okay.

His granddad reached out and dragged him back, snapping 'David, do not touch that man!' He glared at Jack, but Jack looked calmly back, he wouldn't start an argument. 'And you, you stay away from my family, you hear?' Rhiannon glared at her tad, and snapped 'David's my son, not yours. Don't you dare tell him who he can or can't hug!'

Ianto spoke up now, his eyes flashing angrily, and trying to keep his cool. 'Don't you dare speak to my boyfriend like that!' His tad turned to him, and the two of them stared at each other, neither man backing down. His mam decided to speak. 'Oh Ianto,' she said. 'I've never been more disappointed in my life! What were you thinking? What about Lisa?'

Ianto looked at his mam incredulously. 'Lisa's dead mam,' he said harshly, really losing his patience now. 'And I think she would want me to be happy. I can't believe you're doing this! You've never supported me, never stood up for me, and now you think you can dictate my life?'

Ianto had stood up, his voice rising the whole time. Most of the restaurant had gone quiet, and the waiter approached Ianto cautiously. 'Excuse me sir, I'm afraid I'm going to have to ask you to quieten down.'

Ianto seemed to realise where he was, and he gave the waiter an apologetic smile. 'Of course, I'm so sorry.' He looked around the restaurant, and gave everyone an apologetic smile. 'Sorry for disturbing you.'

His father stared at Ianto, and when Ianto turned back round, said 'right, now your mother and I would like an apology for the disgusting way in which you've addressed us.' Ianto, Rhiannon and Jack all turned to look at him, before Ianto looked at Rhiannon.

'Sorry Rhia,' he said, and she shook her head and smiled at him. Ianto sighed and said 'would you and the kids like to come back to mine, and we'll do a takeaway?' Rhiannon nodded, and Ianto said to Jack 'right I'm going to apologise to the manager, and I'll book us a table for next Wednesday?'

Jack nodded and smiled, and Ianto hurried off. Everyone walked out into the street, and Afan turned to Jack. 'I don't know what you've done to turn my son, but I swear if it's the last thing I'll do, I'll fix him.'

Jack glared at the man in front of him and said. 'For god's sake! It's the twenty-first century, not the thirteenth! Can't you try to be a little understanding, for your son's sake?' Ianto stepped out the restaurant at that moment, and grabbed Jack's hand, holding it firmly.

'Look, I'm sorry that you can't accept me, for who I am, but there's nothing I can do about that, and I'm not going to change because you can't handle it. Goodbye.' With that, they all turned and walked back up the street, David holding his uncle's hand, and Mica holding Jack's.

Hearing his father shout after him, 'Ianto Jones, you will not embarrass your mother and I, and act like a queer!' filled him so anger and teenage rebellion, that he wrapped an arm around Jack, and kissed him full on the mouth.


Owen drummed his fingers on the table, and Gwen placed her hand over his. She was wearing a low cut top, which was two sizes too small, and Owen was afraid he was going to lose an eye. He purposely pulled his hand away, and turned back to the door to look out for Tosh. She suddenly appeared in his eye line, and Owens jaw dropped.

She looked absolutely stunning, in a black dress, that was a little on the short side, but showed off her lovely long legs. It hugged her hips, showing off her waist, and showed off her chest in a classy way, not a 'I'll sleep with anything way', unlike the woman next to him.

Spotting them Tosh smiled and waved slightly, making her way over to them. Sliding into the seat next to Owen, she smiled and gave him a hug, making him smile bashfully, before frowning at himself. God, what was wrong with him?

Thoughts? Hope you enjoyed the chapter, next installement is more of Owen/Tosh, with a very protective Owen!