The Hale house is filled with activity as everyone gets ready. Laura helps her daddy get her brothers ready while Derek sets up the camera. He wants to get the perfect shot, so he takes his time focusing the camera on the front of the house.

Scott and Allison keep Kierstan happy by bouncing her up and down on their legs. But, she won't stay this happy for long, so their alpha better hurry up. The rest of the pack slowly files in to position on the front steps.

Boyd and Erica sit down beside Isaac and his fiancée. Stiles comes out of the house with a boy in each arm. They have on matching outfits, miniature red hoodies and dark blue jeans. Their white tennis shoes are in perfect condition because Stiles has never let them wear them before. He sits down and rests his boys on his legs until Derek can take one. Laura sits beside him and lets Logan play with her finger.

Allison and Scott bring Kierstan over and position themselves on the step below Stiles. The youngest pack member looks up at her papa and blows spit bubbles at him. He looks back at her and scrunches up his nose. She giggles in that perfect little laugh she has.

"Come on guys," Derek tries to hurry them along. He doesn't have all day. The light is getting dimmer and the kids are getting fidgety. Lydia and Jackson finally come and sit down. She sits on his lap, and he rests his hand on her small baby bump. Chris Argent takes his spot behind his daughter, and the Stilinski's sit behind Stiles and Scott. The pack is finally all together, so Derek sets the timer on his beloved camera.

He runs as fast as he can toward the house. He sits down by Laura and takes Logan from Stiles, so they each have a baby in their arms. Mr. Stilinski rests one hand on Stiles shoulder and on hand on Derek's.

Everyone smiles, but Derek's smile might be the biggest of all. He can't believe how lucky he is. About eight years ago, he found himself completely alone. Now, he has a pack again and is surrounded by people whom he loves. He couldn't be happier.

The camera goes off and captures the perfect moment.

Author's Note:

This was originally meant to be a 3 part series, but I could probably be persuaded to write more if enough people told me they wanted a 4th part. If you want me to write more, it'll be a series of one-shots like "The Life and Times of a Werewolf Family". Send me requests of chapters you'd like to see and I'll write them.

Also, I'm writing a new Teen Wolf fanfic right now. It's completely different than this series. I thought I'd give you a little taste, so here is a little teaser…

"Stiles bends down to get a closer look at the strange substance swirling in the leaves in front of him. It moves and wisps up like smoke, but has the consistency of water. It looks grey at first but pulsates into a pale blue. His eyes become locked on it, and he finds himself reaching out to it. He tries desperately to pull back, but he can't; it's beginning to control him. He tries to call for help, but he can't. The smoky liquid coils up and feels cold against his fingertips. 'Nothing like this was in the bestiary,' Stiles thinks just before his mind goes blank and his eyes burn gold." …

Whataya think?