I had wanted to keep writing this story. I had ideas of how I was going to bring in aristocracy and the church. I was going to explore what it might be like in a hive mind. I was going to have a mechanism where people could become a part of the hive through a plot contrivance with the 'black ooze'.
But ultimately life broke me. I am in constant pain from an injury I sustained in the Navy. As the years go on, the pain gets worse. The VA offers me no options and due to the type of neuropathy I have there are no treatments. To be completely candid, before this whole coronavirus kicked off I was planning to blow my own legs off with a shotgun.
Anyways, enough commiserating. A fan of my story reached out and asked about posting what I had planned. Ill give a synopsis of where I had planned to take it.
In the next chapter Louise would talk with the Princess about her absence, about the creatures she had, and about her future as a noble. The Princess would make it clear that she could not intervene in two family's affairs as she had to keep stability. They would remanence into the night, ending with Louise cuddled up with Tabitha and Kerche. The whole cuddling was supposed to harken back to Alien's Resurrection and a few of the comics like Earth Hive where aliens enjoy closeness as a species. I never set out to start a harem or any kind of sexual implication. Kerche responded the way she did in the one chapter because of her limits as a person to understand intimacy, not because of her desire for Louise. Just like I had Tabitha respond to Louise as a mother figure. It is not a failure of my readers, it is mine as I never fleshed it out in later writing. I'm just telling where I was leading with that.
The next day Louise would be visited by her sisters Eleonore and Cattleya. Eleonore would deliver orders from their mother: in no uncertain terms to capitulate to Guiche and apologize for damaging the heir to a noble family. That day, on the stage of the familiar tournament, Louise would be expected to apologize and accept punishment. I had planned out this moment with her smiling sadly as she walks up and starts her speech with I'm sorry. Guiche and Eleonore smile. Then she says she is sorry that she maimed a womanizer and a cad of a man. Smiles drop. She goes on to insult Guiche, the school, and everyone who expected her to kowtow to such treatment. Then she says she is sorry to Cattleya. She renounces her name and title. She turns and walks out to a stunned crowd in tears. She refuses to see her sisters that night and is comforted by Kerche and Tabitha, with Kerche trying to say she could 'hire' Louise to keep her around.
The next day, the Headmaster would send a letter stating that even though the school is for nobles, a precedent had happened in the past that allowed her to stay. I was going to go into some aristocracy here about titles and wartimes acts and such. Flesh out the world a bit. Louise would send a group the runners for food, but would find that Siesta was no where around. After asking around, she would find out from the Head Maid that her contract had be bought out by Count Mott. Fearing the worst, Louise gathers her brood and heads to Mott's villa. Inside she confronts the Count, only to learn that her fears were well founded and that Mott had abused Siesta and once he tired of her had passed her to his men. Mott then states that since she is no longer a noble, no one would come looking for her either. After capturing him with her brood, she finds Siesta tied up in a guard tower. I was going to make this part graphic in order to set in motion the change in character I was going to bring into Siesta, with her choosing death after what happened to her. Louise manages to get her to join the hive to save her life and in doing so comes to understand that the hive mind could be used to save people. Later, I was going to have Mott thrown into a dark cell. Inside he hears scrabbling from the darkness. Into his view walks a naked, hybridized Siesta. After dissuading him that she is there to free him or be with him, she holds him down as she slides a facehugger over his face, assuring him that he would never be welcome in their hive mind. This would also allow me to introduce aliens from magical folk and how their powers transition. An ice wielding praetorian is born.
one last scene I wanted was back at the academy I would have Fouquet attack the tower once the knights and princess leave. Kerche and Tabitha would be leaping and running up walls due to their enhanced physic. Louise would be lifted and carried away by a warrior, but as she is being held would attempt to cast a spell. She would feel a link form inside herself with her magic and a huge beam would shoot out, cutting through part of the tower and the golem. Just as she is smiling at her magic working, she falls. The warrior is dead, steam rising from the joints of his exoskeleton, vaporized from within. After Fouquet escapes, Louise is mortified to learn that her magic will work as long as she sacrifices one of her brood each time. She is further horrified that her brood deem this acceptable they seem willing to lay down their lives for her. She will not allow for this under any circumstance and feels the hollow spot in her heart where the warrior once was. She and the Queen converse about how precious the progeny are, but the Queen reminds her how precious she is as well.

From there, I was going to have the Princess have Louise retrieve the letter, the whole fiasco with Wardes, etc. Later on I was going to have Kerche's father have the king of Germania arrest Louise for what she did to Kerche. Her hybrids become exposed and Louise is thrown in an oubliette in the dungeons of Germania. Over the course of days, the guards note that she is not losing her mind due to loneliness nor is she succumbing to thirst or hunger. Shortly after, the outermost royalty start going missing. Then the most distant cousins to the king. When confronted, Louise smiles and tells the king it will stop once she is freed. Unable to kill her without starting a war, once again a chance to talk about aristocracy, the king orders her release once his youngest son goes missing. As Louise is exiting the palace, a veritable parade is entering the city, each person on horseback is a hybrid and a noble that had gone missing. I was going to go on to show how a hive mind makes a person happier and the distrust of others due to this. I would either take this in the direction of Louise taking over a country or leaving with her new hive members.

Ill wrap it up here. This was the set up I had in mind. I was going to go wild with magical xenomorphs and how this would be absorbed by a feudal style society and later bring in the church for having 'demons' running around. Ill set story to discontinued and if anyone wants to take up the story, have at.
I wish you all the best. Thank you for sticking with me this long and for all the praise and criticism of my story. Its been real.