Did you miss me?

That awkward moment when you're watching ASiB and Benedict's sheet slips and he catches it and you're like LET IT GO.

That awkward moment when you're reading awkward moments allowed to your non-sherlockian sister and she asks "why are you giggling?" and you reply "we're not supposed to giggle. It's a crime scene."

That awkward moment when you want to buy an 'I am SHERLOCKED' t shirt but your mom won't let you.

That awkward moment when Dearest Sherlock, Molly xxx ~long-live-HP-PJ-HG

That awkward moment when you hate the wine you chose for your wedding.
That awkward moment when you get engaged to investigate. ~Rebel Against The Plaid Skirt

That awkward moment when your parents see you get packages in the mail sent to Sherlock Holmes, especially when the return is address is from John Watson. ~reflectiveless

That awkward moment when you tell someone exactly what happened, and they haven't watched it yet, and they hate you for the rest of eternity.
That awkward moment when you get up and pace to think, or close your eyes and use the hand movements and when people ask you what you're doing the only explanation is thinking, and when asked why you pace/close your eyes/wave your hands about, the only reason is, "Because Sherlock does."
The awkward moment when you're talking to a (practical) stranger, realise something and yell out "OH" ~insert-generic-penname-here

That awkward moment when you realize that Sherlock is really hot and that you said out loud in front of the whole school it because people were thinking too loudly during your rostrum speech.
That awkward moment when your mum walks in as Mycroft says: "don't be alarmed, it's to do with sex"
That awkward moment when you realize your best friend does not watch Sherlock and almost kill them, before dragging them to your house to watch a "marathon" of 'ALL SIX EPISODES'
That awkward moment when your mum sees Sherlock wearing only a sheet and you are in front of the TV. THEN his sheet is taken off (almost) by Mycroft and you start punching the downstairs coffee table and THEN you realize she is there. ~Guest

That awkward moment when you visit your mind palace during a test and your teacher comes over and asks you what is with all the weird hand gestures. - happened to me before! That was awkward to explain lol

That awkward moment when I just want to talk about Sherlock all the time at
school but nobody in this town but me watches it.

The awkward moment when you only want to watch the Hobbit because Martin
Freeman (John) is in it - only reason I read the books, too!

That awkward moment when you scream out NO ITS JOHN WATSON! When your science teacher begins to teach about James Watson and DNA... Yeah that was fun to explain... NOT! ~Guest

Well this is my longest running fic, mainly because you guys write it for me so I am eternally grateful :)