It remembered.

It remembered the pain, the lines of fire of a betrayal so deep it could never be forgiven, the excruciating burn of a thousand attacks at once, and being able to do nothing.

It remembered the two histories, the one that was and the one that is. It remembered the first, the smouldering fury, the will for vengeance, the thought of dealing justice a hundred times over once its strength had returned. It remembered the betrayal of its own kind, the anger that rose from that, it remembered not wanting to spare them either for their insolence.

It remembered the second, the blinding numbing searing pain, the third betrayal. It remembered dying, the flooding water that froze around it, the ice-cold realisation of death and the surrender, the lack of hope and the dark, dark hatred that settled upon the entire world for this, all for one small town and a part of its life.

It remembered a light.

It remembered a face, reabsorbing the jewel and regaining its energy. It remembered a reaching hand, a pure intention, an exhaustion from the lack of anger and pain. It remembered a mindless battle, forgiveness and, for once, belonging. It remembered being thankful for those who'd helped it, regaining its non-revengeful thoughts, a final truth.

Arceus remembered everything, because it had to.

Yet it also does not regret those memories, despite the cold and the pain and the betrayals, since they show it to continue to believe.

Guess what? Late to the party. Oh well. The movies don't seem to have much of a party around them anyway.

I felt so sorry for Arceus after watching that film... I mean, concrete? That was no silver water. And did that woman not think to check whether she even had the jewel? Anyway. I liked it, so I wrote this. Thoughts?