Chapter 20: Encore! Encore!

Disclaimer: S. Meyer owns Twilight

Thanks to my faithful Beta, WolfGirl Cheri, who stuck with me through this entire story.

We had to call it a night early; I had patrol duty again. Jared and Sam were out of town for a funeral, and weren't due to return for two more days. That meant the remainder of us had to cover their shifts.

I went by Bella's afterwards but she was sound asleep. I made up my mind at that moment to perform an encore tomorrow night—come hell or high water—water, hey yeah, that's the ticket. Maybe I wouldn't have to wait 'til the moon made its appearance.

After school the next day, I took a nap and then called my sweetie. Okay, so I had to be rested up for a night of lovin', didn't I? "Hey, Bells, wanna go cliff diving with one hot wolf!"

She saucily replied, "I thought Paul was already dating Valerie."

"Jeez, you really know how to hurt a guy. So ... do you wanna?"

"Sure, you promised me you'd take me, only this time, don't let go. I drowned last time, remember?"

I looked out the window as I replied, "Ugh, don't remind me. I won't ever let you go again; besides, the weather's nice out today. Oh... and wear a two piece bathing suit."


A grin cracked my face. "I have my reasons."

"Does this have anything to do with what happened the other night?"

"It has everything to do with what happened the other night. So, come on down and make it snappy." Jeez, I hated to be such a horndog, but Bella had me tied up in knots after that night, and I needed her to loosen them ... badly.

We took Bella's truck out to First Beach and walked hand in hand up to the lower jump off point. She removed her cover-up and stepped up beside me.

"You ready to take the plunge?"

"As ready as I'll ever be."

I took hold of her hand, grasping it tightly. "Okay, then—on the count of three.

"One, two, three—Geronimo!"

We sailed over the edge, hitting the water with a great big splash.

She shook the water out of her hair and cried, "Oh my gosh—That was amazing."

Her two little hands found my neck, and we twirled in a circle as the water lapped about us. Pulling her closer, I told her, "Come around behind me, and clasp your hands around my neck. See that rock where I'm pointing? I'm gonna take you for a ride over there."

Her mind wasn't as inventive as mine, at least I didn't think it was. That little crease popped up between her eyebrows, and those chocolate circles looked up at me in all innocence. "What's behind that rock?"

"Nothing yet. It'll just be you and me. That's the love rock and I am sooo gonna rock you, baby!"

I swam with her on my back, and we reached the rock in no time. There was a natural shelf half way up the side of it, so that the water was only chest deep there, and the back of it formed a wall to shut out any prying eyes.

I immediately pinned her to the rock's surface pressing her against it with my body, my hands holding her head still as I smothered her in a hormone induced kiss. Those blissful moans of hers egged me on.

As I drew away, a smile began to form on her lips. "I think I'm getting the picture."

"Smart girl. But, hey, can I ask you something?"

"Sure, go on."

I teased her, tracing a finger lightly across the swell of her breast peeking out above the top of her swimsuit. "Don't get mad now okay, but well, what do you think about having a little sea sex? I mean ... you gotta know I'm dying for a repeat performance. Would it upset you if I took you right here on this rock? After that night we spent together, all I can think about is having an encore."

Bella ran her hand along my shoulder. "You are such a naughty boy—I love it."

In response to my wicked request, she pulled one strap of her top down her arm, and was ready to do the same with the other one, when I heard Leah's voice calling me. What the hell did she want now? Great timing, Leah ...

I stretched my neck sideways to look beside the mighty monolith, and there she was motioning to me frantically. She gave me the signal—a closed fist with the other hand enclosing her wrist—vamp in the area. "Sh**, looked like our sea adventure would have to wait.

Looking at Bella wistfully, I uttered the words that nailed our coffins. "I've gotta go, Bells. Duty calls, dammit! But hold that thought and keep your window open tonight, 'cuz I'm gonna be dropping in—literally. Now pull up those ties and climb on my back; I'll swim us to shore.

There was one measly tick touring our lands. He'll never be a tourist anywhere ever again, that's for sure. The sucker wasn't as adept at evading us as that damn redhead was, but it was still fun watching him try to outrun us. Phht! It was almost over too fast. Unfortunately for me though, I still had to patrol 'til midnight.

The rest of the night was pretty routine, no funny odors reeking in the trees. Our noses were safe.

When our relief showed up, Quil brayed, Better get out of his way, guys, Jacob's got some lovin' on his mind.

And in a British falsetto, Embry chipped in, Release the hound.

We're gonna be hearing Bells ring tonight! Paul added.

Hey, Seth complained. You shouldn't talk like that, there's a lady present.

Oh yeah? I don't see one.

I left speedily as Seth sailed into Paul. They were tumbling on the ground, while Leah was in the middle of it trying to break it up.

I was a blur of russet fur as I flew over the ground to see my mate. When I reached her house, I reverted to skin and after hastily slipping on my shorts, leaped up the tree and vaulted over the window sill. I nearly collided with my sweetie, as she was practically yanking me through the casement. Her mouth was on mine immediately, and her hands were busy tugging at my shorts. I didn't get the pleasure of undressing her this time, 'cuz she was wrapped in a sheet, waiting for me to take her to heaven with me.

My dexterity and wolf-speed served me well. I had her swept up, sheet and all, and on the bed. She was ready for some lovin', in the flick of a wolf's tail. Come to think of it ... she didn't waste much time either. Anyway, we were into some seriously hot and heavy petting, and as I was just about ready to launch my missile, Bella cried out the words I would die for: "Oh my gosh, hurry—please ... Jacob, don't stop!"

I quickly covered her mouth with mine. I would've loved to have heard what else slipped off her tongue while in her passionate state, but I didn't want to wake up the bear asleep in the next room. Good thing Charlie was a sound sleeper. He was used to her nightmares too, right? That little expletive didn't really resemble any nightmare I ever heard though.

Now I had two things to worry about; holding back long enough to be sure my sweetheart got hers, and keeping her quiet so Charlie didn't put a bullet hole in me. We desperately needed a place for our encounters where we wouldn't be disturbed or have our vocal chords restrained. Maybe if I hauled an air mattress into the Taj, and put a sign on the door ...?

So involved in making love with this woman, I didn't realize until later when she was settled in my arms again, that there was a cloud of a sickly sweet aroma outside in the yard. There was no mistaking whose stench I was identifying. Edward apparently returned to make amends. He had been standing under her window, hearing everything—from our telltale heartbeats, to Bella's enthusiastic declaration, to the squeaking of the bed springs.

Needless to say, Bella and I never saw a bronze hair on his head from that day forward. And to my eternal joy, I never once heard the phrase: Jacob, don't! ever again. I looked forward to a new phrase— Jacob, don't stop! Now, I could listen to that plea over and over and over ...

The End