Chapter 1 : Team Q4 has a new member.

"Go, Twin Blader! Perfect Guard!" Kamui shouted, slapping the card onto the guardian circle. In the minds of those watching, a mechanical sword fighter appeared, ready to halt the attack from his enemy.

"Alright then, I'm checking for a drive trigger." His opponent, Aichi said, reaching for his deck. "The first check... nothing. Second check..." He said, flipping over the second card, The light caught the blue in the top right corner, and Kamui looked a tad nervous. "Stand Trigger. I'll have Garamore stand up, and have it gain the additional attack power. I'll attack your vanguard with him."

"I can't guard!" Kamui said, reaching for his deck. "Checking for a damage trigger... nothing. You got me, Onii-chan." He said, picking up his cards and placed them in his deck. "That's Ten wins and seven losses.. your really amazing!"

Aichi laughed nervously. "You still have the edge though, but I do feel like I've gotten a bit stronger." He said, looking at his deck with a smile. "Next time, we'll win for sure!" He said. Kamui nodded, the two behind him cheering. Even Misaki, who was checking her deck while watching the store, smiled a little.

"We've been facing the strongest of the strong, and we've faced plenty of strong opponents... we'll win for sure!" Kamui shouted.

"Of course, after all, Aichi is my number one disciple. If it wasn't for the amazing lessons I gave him, you never would have reached the nationals." Morikawa said, narcissist that he was . Miwa laughed a little,, but said nothing.

"So, where's the next match of the circuit?" Aichi asked. "America, right?"

"That's right, in one of the countries biggest cities, New York!"

Even Emi, who was nearby, knew of that incredibly large city in what was one of the worlds great powers. "wow, there must be so much there! I hope we don't get lost!"

Kamui saw this as an opportunity. "D-Don't worry, Emi-San! I'll see to it that-:

"Aichi, be sure sure to go with me if I need something, alright?" She asked.

"Sure." Aichi nodded.

Kamui got down on his knees, once again tasting defeat. "Onii-chan, why do you betray me!". Aichi gave him a confused look, but said nothing.

The door to the shop opened. "Welcome!" Shin said with a smile.

Aichi looked at the door, hoping to see his rival, Kai, That person was not Kai sadly, but the person he saw was just as surprising. "K- Kourin- san!


-a few hours earlier-

She had agreed with the plan... that's why she signed up for becoming an idol along with her two partners. Granted, she could sing, but deep inside of her mind, she was uncomfortable. She could deal with all that, but she still believed in the goal of Team Ultra Rare.

But Kourin had been having... other thoughts as of late. The goal of Team Ultra Rare was to gather those with the power of Psyqualia to assist the fight on the planet Cray. She knew that Psyqualia had a changing effects on the personality, and she THOUGHT she was okay with it.

The first thing to convince her she was lying to herself was Aichi Sendou. She had known him before he headed to his first national tournament. He was still pretty new at the game when she had first fought him, and she could sense his potential, and she knew his was a caring soul.

Then he received Psyqualia. That boy, hopeful and kind, had preformed a complete 180. He spoke with a dark tone, and used his cards to mercilessly attack any of his opponents. Kourin was a little shocked... was Psyqualia really such an addictive and controlling force?

HE showed up soon after... Ren, the man who further bewitched Aichi and gave him the deck Kourin thought Aichi would never use. The Shadow Paladins, a deck made on sacrificing the existence of others for personal game. Kourin was stoic to him then, but even then she was beginning to harbor a fear of this power... and that's why she interfered. It was her that went to Kai, and it was Kai that knocked Aichi back into reality. Rekka wasn't exactly happy that her older sis did this, but she could live with that.

Time passed on, and as the Vanguard fight Circuit continued. People acted normally for one minute, before acting completely different. Their skills increased... at the cost of their previous personality. It was like someone injected personality medicine into their very souls. Seeing all of them in one place fighting... Seeing Aichi get the senses of that power after working hard to defeat it... that was the last straw.

She slung her bag over her shoulder, making her way to the exit of the PSY shop. "So... are you really leaving?" Came Rekka's voice. The light turned on, revealing Kourin's younger sister, looking at her with a cocked head.

"Yes." Kourin said. "I can't stay with you two so long as the plan stays in motion. I won't be able to assist you any longer."

"Then... are you going to interfere?" Rekka asked.

"Who knows?" Kourin asked. She had changed outfits before heading out: Instead of the white all three of Ultra Rare wore, Kourin was wearing the opposite: a black coat, with white lines on it. She was no longer associating herself with the idol group... and that was one good thing.

"Very well." Suiko said, walking up next to Rekka. "We'll miss you, and you will always have a spot with us should you ever change your mind."

"But what are we going to do about Ultra Rare?"

"It won't be hard to find a new member. If we announce that Kourin is going on a Hiatus, that should be fine. Is that alright with you?" Suiko asked.

"It is." Kourin said, and walked out the door, and hopping her motor cycle. Her first order of business was to go see about a new place. She had her third from the profits Ultra Rare received in her account, and her stuff had already been taken to storage until she could contract a place, so that wasn't Issue. For now, she chose a Hotel, and would go looking in the morning. So she bought a room at a two store hotel: She wasn't as flashy as Rekka was. The simpleness would do just fine.

With that settled, it was time to put her own plan into motion, and that involved meeting some allies, one in particular. Back on her bike she went, zooming over into a busy district and stopping in front of store that was quickly growing in fame: Cardfight Capital.

As she walked in, the manager gave a hearty "Welcome!" Aichi was looking at Kamui with a confused look, before his head swiveled and gave a shocked look. "K-Kourin-san!"

At the sound of that name, the one man she had hoped to not meet popped his head up... what was his name? She knew it started with a Mor-, but didn't care further than that. "Kourin- san!" He shouted, love in his eyes, and charged at her. With a graceful sidestepped, he tripped and fell into the open door, witch began trying to close repeatedly slamming his side.

"Hello, Aichi-kun." She said.

"H-hello. " Aichi said, still a little surprised. "Is something wrong? Do you need something wrong?"

"I want to join Team Q4, do you accept?" Kourin said, going straight to the point as usual.

There was an audible '-ack1" from The team, as well as most of the others in the store. Misaki looked up from her deck to look at the woman who had just dropped a bombshell. There was a moment of silence, no one quite sure how to respond to that.

"D-did you just say you want to join our team?" Aichi asked, the first to unfreeze. Kourin nodded. "That's right."

"Why do you want to join all of a sudden?" Misaki asked, not bothering to hide her surprise, and was regarding her with her blue eyes, far more focused.

"Because I want to help you three win. I'm tired of standing in the back row, and I want it to be you four." Kourin replied. What she didn't add was she felt as if this team would be the best choice of interfering with the master plan. It was this team she had used to interfere with natural workings: Giving Aichi Blond Ezel was the latest of those actions. "Well?"

Shin propped his glasses so they reflected the light. "Well, this is sudden... but since Kai left, we've been Team Q3. I'm all for it if the others don't object."

"J-just like that?" Kamui asked, surprised at the managers speed of accepting her, though chances were he just saw his chance of making Team Q4 more recognized. "I guess we could use an alternate." He said

"ALTERNATE?!" Came an enraged shout from behind them. Mor- something had recovered, staring at Kamui with angry eyes. ""No one takes my Kourin-san and puts her in the back!"

"Shut up, Lose-umi!" Kamui shouted, not happy being yelled out, and they started arguing.

"I'm okay with it." Aichi said. "We can always alternate out who sits and who participates."

"I'm fine with that too." Kourin said, and the two stopped their bickering to look at them too.

"I don't see a problem with her joining." Misaki said, returning to her deck, and that statement settled the matter

"I still don't understand why, but welcome! Aichi said, offering his hand out to Kourin. She looked at it for a second, then flashed a rare smile and accepted it.

"Well, I'm not quite sure what just happened, but It looks like Team Q4 just got a new member!" Shin said, a very businessman-like smile on his face. "I'll get the papers to officially add you. Mind the store Misaki, Sub-manager!"

The cat meowed as Shin left. Kourin steeped over to a standing fight table. "Let's get to business then." She said, setting her deck on the table.

"Me first!" Kamui said, going to the other side and slammed his deck on the table, both drew their opening hands.

"Stand up, Vanguard!" They both shouted.

-Well, there we go, Kourin-san has joined the ranks of Team Q4! What will happen in the future with this strong player on their side? What is Kourin planning? Find out on the next chapter. Review if you like it!