*Disclaimer, I do not own Ed Edd n Eddy or any of it's characters*

hey its me, SockheadWriter

so its been a while I think. about a year or two? idk, but its been ages. of course, I havent got the same inspiration as I used to have. but lately, ive been feeling guilty for a long heckin time, and tonight I looked at my old notes for this chapter and it happened to be what id already written in the first part of whats below. so yeah. anyway. dunno how long this chapters going to be, because I just reeeeally want to get something out there. all my followers on fanfiction are probably all dead. eh. but yeah, my twitter is dalyzor and my tumblr is .com if you feel like actually talking to me or whatever. ya know, actually get to know me as a person, instead of just some man up in the sky showering people with actually competent literature in this community. anyway. some of you probably skipped this part so ill stop this from becoming a whole page on this document. wait, Times New Roman FOURTEEN point font? how old was I when I first made this layout, 10? geez luigi.

Ed Edd n Eddy: Hijinks and Hormones

Chapter 12

Edd and Marie were sitting in the Kankers' upstairs bedroom, studying from Edd's Biology textbook. Knowing that studying was always a must, and that Marie could definitely use some help, Edd decided that he'd take her upstairs so they could study as the her sisters went about their chores downstairs after lunch.

"Therefore, out of the four main types of organic molecules, nucleic acids take the role of storing genetic information about an organism," Edd explained, reading his notes aloud.

Marie moved around the lollipop in her mouth, laying on her stomach and looking at Edd's book. "That's like…DNA? Or whatever?"

"Precisely, Marie," Edd smiled, tapping the page. "I'm glad you're seeing some improvement in your academic abilities. You're a shoe-in for the upcoming lessons in your classes, I'm sure."

Smirking up at her 'boyfriend,' Marie leaned closer and rested her head on Edd's arm. "All thanks to you, sweetie."

Chuckling slightly, Edd blushed and looked down at Marie. He held her gaze for a second, then gulped. Her hazel irises are rather striking, Edd thought with a deep blush. He never thought he'd stare at Marie so closely as he did just now. Edd blinked, clearing his throat and tugging on his shirt collar. He continued to read his notes. "N-now, I suppose we should g-go over our carbohydrates once more?"

Marie took the candy out of her mouth, leaning in to kiss Edd's cheek. "Of course, Oven Mitt. You're the smart guy, right?"

Edd swallowed, smiling nervously at her. "Q-quite, Marie."


A stout, block-headed preteen rifled around in various boxes in his garage. The tall green jacketed lug of a boy stood behind him, scratching his back with his yellow fingernails.

"Don't just stand there, do somethin'!" Eddy yelled to his acquaintance behind him, waving his arms at the other boxes. Ed only stood there, blank-faced.

"What?" was all he said.

Eddy groaned and ran his hand down his face. "Look around, make yourself useful, Ed!" He took out a shiny gold bowling trophy, squinted at it, then threw it to the side. "I'm low on cash until my next allowance, so we've gotta come up with another scam! Got any bright ideas, Lumpy?"

After a beat, Ed bumbled over to a nearby box, stuffing his whole upper body inside it to search it's contents. A few seconds passed and he pulled out a plaid oven mitt, frowning at it. "Why does your mom keep socks in your garage, Eddy?"

"Double D's gone off with his GIRLFRIEND, so I'm stuck here racking my brain with you! What's a guy gotta do to get some attention around here?" He kicked a box next to him that he'd already searched through, scowling and tapping his foot. Eddy turned his attention to the bowling trophy laying on its side at a corner of the garage floor. He raised his eyebrows, a grin breaking out on his face. "That's it!"

Ed looked up at his friend, a red scarf around his head and the oven mitt hanging on his ear. "Dress up?"

"No, stupid! We'll go bowling!" Eddy picked up the trophy and threw it at Ed, the golden man on the brown wooden stand sticking inside his face. "It'll be perfect! Kid's'll line up, pay up for their own custom-made bowling balls, and then pay afterwards for the admission fee! Oh man, this is GOLD. All we gotta do, Lumpy, is sit back and watch Sockhead do the-" He paused, his finger and previously smiling face wilting.

Walking over to Eddy, Ed took the second matching oven mitt and placed it on his friend's head. "But Eddy, Double D's not here today. He is busy having a good time with his girlfriend. Just like you said." Ed smiled, looking off into the distance. A beat passed. Ed's smile formed into a frown and his eyes became alarmed and wide. "GIRL?!"

Immediately, Ed decided to run and attempt to come to his dear friend's aid. He took off, scarf and mitt still on his head, out of the garage and into the driveway. "Our friend is in trouble! Icky, evil, nasty, girls!"

Eddy, having recovered from his denial and confusion, ran after Ed and grabbed him by the jacket collar. Quickly, Ed fell to the ground on his back, the scarf and mitt falling to the ground. He looked up, seeing Eddy's smirking face above him.

"Sockhead aint here NOW, Ed," Eddy snickered as he rubbed his palms together. "But he'll be here soon. We just need a plan, don't we?" Ed frowned, staring vacantly. He then started to chuckle with his friend, his shoulders bouncing as he started to understand the potential plan his devious friend had in mind.


As Edd concluded his near final review lecture of Biology and Calculus, Marie began to grow bored. More bored than she usually felt in class. Not usually, more like all the time. Even seeing Edd's smiling face as he spoke what just came naturally to him wasn't curing her wandering thoughts. She smiled back, staring into his wonderful sea blue eyes. The last word she remembered hearing was probably 'nucleotides' or 'Pythagoras' before she let her boredom get the best of her. Marie sighed, rolling over and laying her head onto Edd's lap. She felt him stiffen his legs, then try to relax.

"Are you…alright, Marie?" He said, tightlipped as he held his Calculus book.

She nodded, her eyes closed as she felt like just sleeping right there. "Yeah. Just bored, I guess." Marie felt herself cringe at her directness. "B-but, you're doing fine. You're great at this. I love you helping me like this." When she didn't hear him respond, she opened her eyes and looked up at him, frowning. "Y'know, Double D?"

Edd nodded, tapping his book and looking to the side. She frowned deeper, not wanting him to look away. He looked back at her, still looking nervous, like he used to. "O-oh dear, I'm boring you, aren't I? It doesn't feel like any time has gone by at all, I…"

Marie furrowed her brows, putting her finger to his lips before he could say anything else. She sat up and turned to face him. "No, you're not. You're absolutely fine, Double D. It's just been a while, you know? Just sitting here, talking about school stuff." She stared at him, expecting a response. He only stared back, like a frightened doe. Marie reacted, punching him in the shoulder, leaning in and getting into his face. "Can you say something?"

He recoiled, causing Marie to blush and pull her hand back, holding onto her upper arm tightly and looking down slightly. Edd took a breath. "I-I'm very s-sorry about this, I really am. I've had a very good time spending time with you, doing this, although…I…see what you're, um, getting at." He rubbed his shoulder, watching Marie. Edd thought she was going to get into his face again, or hit him, but she only sat there looking incredibly insecure.

Groaning and rubbing her face, Marie looked at Edd with a tired expression. She saw the same face he made whenever he used to see her around him or his friends, the one she beat herself up over seeing every day, but never showed any care for it. But she was here now, they were both here, in the same room having a real conversation like two real friends just a minute ago.

"Edd…I just-" Marie groaned again, holding her face in her hands. "I'm sorry. I'm really sorry, for, just…Everything. I never got to tell you, or the girls, or anyone else, because it…it was just, the rush, y'know?" She looked at him properly this time, almost pleadingly. "I tried to tell you a couple days ago or whatever about it, when we were alone, but…I'm just sorry."

Edd looked towards Marie with a matching look of sorrow, less scared and more concerned. "Marie…That's very…Brave, of you. Why, I'm proud you're strong enough to get something like that off your chest." He started to smile again, putting the book to the side and turning to face her. "I noticed you were acting differently this school year, and now I see that my little theory was correct. You're changing, and for the better, I believe." He took her left hand, held it and looked at her, that big dorky grin on his face. Marie smiled again, turning it into her own sultry smirk.

"Oven Mitt. You are the sweetest thing." Marie wrapped her arms around Edd's upper body, leaning in and pressing her lips against his. Edd was initially startled out of habit, remaining tense for a few seconds as Marie kept going. He simply relaxed into it, for the first time letting Marie do what she wanted to do. She practically melted into him. Marie felt bliss, pushing away her immature desires to give him flirty smooches and pecks on the cheek.

Edd suddenly understood what hormonal emotions felt like.


End of Chapter 12

ok. uh. there it is, the long-awaited chapter. I mightve struggled to put together that last part. ive never, like, been in that kind of relationship, at all, so, there ya go. my interpretation, I guess. anyway, yeah. that's the chapter. r&r as usual, thanks for reading, and I'll tryyy to get to work on future chapters. I have some ideas floating around. but. see you next time.