Popularity Feud

Summary: Tifa and the Avalanche – or that's what they call themselves are second best to the Populars, which consists of Zack, Genesis, Angeal, Sephiroth and his brothers Yazoo, Kadaj and Loz. With a war raging on for popularity, there are some unexpected events happening along the way. Will enemies ever accept each other? Or will the feud between the two carry on for the rest of the school year?

Disclaimer: I do not own any character in any shape or form. They belong to Square Enix :)

Tifa walked towards her school she will be attending at, as a junior she is faced with hardships regarding her classes. However, she is not one to slack off and always maintained a well enough grade for a scholarship. Spotting her group of friends, she ran towards them, enveloping them in a hug. Her group, The Avalanche are the people Tifa loves the most, well in a friendly matter, except for one person. She looked longingly at the chocobo haired blonde whose eyes are trained on a beautiful maiden named Aerith. Envy flowed in her veins, she averted her gaze from the boy and towards her friends. Hearing the bell toll signaling that it is time for their 1st class, her friends said their goodbyes and walked their separate ways. Yuffie stayed behind to walk with Tifa to their first class.

"Oh gosh! Isn't this great? We have three classes together!" Yuffie exclaimed in happiness, causing Tifa to smile at her friend.

"Yes it is great, I wonder who else is in our class…"

"I don't know, but hopefully we won't have a class with one of the Populars," Yuffie said in disgust, making Tifa wonder why they were in a feud with the Populars. Sure, they lost to them sport-wise and they are good looking, but what is the real reason for the hate. That is something she'll never understand. Shaking her head she replied to Yuffie.

"It's not that bad, right?" She said hopefully, but she was wrong. There she stood along with her friend at the doorway of their Chemistry class, looking at the people they'd never expect to see this early in the day.

"Ah, you two are late." Hojo said, adjusting his glasses and checking off people in his attendance sheet. "Tifa Lockhart, and Yuffie Kisaragi, am I correct?"

Both girls nodded, still not believing that they have to share this class with them. Aerith stood up from her table and waved them over, "Tifa, Yuffie. Come sit next to us," she said eagerly referring the two empty seats beside her. Yuffie looked at Tifa like a cat scared of dogs and clung unto her arm. Gulping, Tifa slowly walked towards the empty seats and occupied the one next to Aerith and Yuffie seating next to window which suited her fine.

"Well students, welcome to AP Chemistry, you all should be lucky enough, yes?" The teacher asked, hearing the students reply with a grunt or nothing at all. "For this semester, you all will be paired—" He was interrupted by a few murmurs from the students trying to pair themselves already. "—as I was saying, you all will be paired, however, I have already listed on who will be paired with who." He grinned at the class, holding up a chart that he had paired up.

"Oh fuck no, I will not be paired with an Avalanche crony." Sephiroth said loudly at the teacher – A.K.A his Father – the other populars nodding their heads in agreement. Insulted, Tifa decided to speak up against him which was a bad choice.

"Excuse me, 'Mister I'm so popular', but we don't want to be paired with you either."

Turning around to face her, he spat, "You better keep that mouth shut of yours, Lockhart." They held gazes for a long time until a cough can be heard, turning around they found where it came from.

"Well I guess you both would have fun this semester then." Hojo smiled and handed out the papers to Sephiroth and Tifa, indicating that both of them are paired up together. Tifa looked at the teacher, pleading him with her wine colored eyes to change her partner, Hojo replied with a shake of his head. "Yuffie Kisaragi and Kadaj," Yuffie groaned and looked at Tifa in a sad way, Tifa returned her grief by patting her on the shoulder. After a few minutes, all of the students in the classroom are paired together.

"Now, students if you would please go to your assigned seat with your partner that would save me a lot of stress." He said, turning his back on them and began to write something on the board. The students, after a few persuading minutes later finally succumb to the teacher's orders. Some of them are happy with their partners except for 4 people.

Yuffie groaned and bolstered her head up with her hand and looked at the opposite way, anywhere except from him. Looking at Tifa, she frowned showing her friend for the umpteenth time her disappointment. Why oh why are the populars in AP Chemistry? Shouldn't they be content with just being absolutely 'dead drop gorgeous'? Well this is something new she learned today, she can use this information to share with The Avalanche.


Ignoring the man sitting beside her, she decided to doodle in her notebook.

"Oi, you useless twat." Upon hearing that word, she sat straight and turned her head in anger to look at him. He showed no concern what-so-ever, and continued to look at her with a blank face.

"What do you want?" She spat, trying to resist her urge to punch in the face for saying that word. Who is he to say that to her, of all people? Noticing the anger seeping out from her gritted teeth, he smirked and shook his head.

"There's a spider on you hair," he said and pointed to the top of her head to find a tarantula walking oh so slowly. Yuffie screamed loud enough to disturb the whole school, Hojo turned around to see what the noise is about only to find his student trying to murder his pet tarantula. He calmly walked towards her, knelt down and grabbed her ankle in order to stop her from squishing the poor thing.

"Miss Kisaragi, we do not treat pets that way." He stated while letting the spider crawl onto his palm and placed it in its cage. Yuffie looked at him in disbelief, did he – the teacher – just tell her she was the one who was at fault? It's the spider's fault crawling on her hair, if only the stupid arachnid didn't invade her personal space none of this would happen. Sighing, she nodded and sat back down on her chair.

"Understood, Professor."

Packing up for her things, Tifa peered at her partner who was casually lounging on his chair. She sighed, closed her shoulder bag and coughed hoping to be recognized by her partner. Opening one of his eyes to look at her, he spoke:

"What do you want now, Lockhart?"

"Aren't you going to leave?" She asked, hearing Yuffie call out to her.

"Why does it matter to you anyway, why don't you just leave with your crony." He replied to her. Tifa looked at him for the last time and walked her way towards the door, stopping halfway and looked back at him.

"If we are going to partners this semester, I suggest you'd cooperate. Feud or not, I am serious about my grades." She said, walking towards an irritated Yuffie. The whole gang looked at her as she walked away, Kadaj walking towards his brother.

"Quite an odd one, isn't she?" Sephiroth's gaze lingered on the spot where she addressed him before leaving. "Yes, very odd." He replied absentmindedly, not noticing the smirk from his own father.

To be continued.

A/N: So? Did you guys like it? Sorry if you think they are OOC. I tried my best "OTL. Reviews please? And if you think of any awesome ideas to add the story I'll be glad to consider it. And yes, the main pair for this pairing is Sephiroth x Tifa, there will be some Vincent x Yuffie, Zack x Aerith and possibly a little bit of Cloud x Yazoo ( Because I can /SHOT ) I might add some characters from FFVIII and Kingdom Hearts, but that will depend as the story progresses. R&R Please! `(^O^`)