Yay! Chapter six is out. I apologize for the shortness of the previous chapters, I was having a bad case of writer's block, but I seem to have over come it and I promise the next few chapters will be much longer.
I also apologize for a little mix up in my story. As was pointed out, it seems that I accidentally talked had Director Shepard in one chapter and Vance in another. I was originally going to use Director Shepard, but decided to switch to Vance as it seemed more of his character. Please note, that I have edited the chapter so it's only director Vance, not Shepard.
Also, please note, that I am in no way trying to bash Director Vance. I'm only trying to create more drama, and I can see pulling Team Gibbs from the case for fear that the case is too personal for them, as something Director Vance would do. I am in no way, trying to bash him, and if that is the feeling you got from it, then I am truly sorry, it was not my intentions.

Thank you all for reading, reviewing, following and favoriting my story! And thanks to Gottahavemyncis, Meilea2010, waikiki23, , Eni01, NuthatchXi, puppypants, FallenAngel218, and Evil Cosmic Triplets for your reviews, it really means a lot to me!


Tony groaned. The silence was boring into him like the eyes of a malevolent creature. He was in massive amounts of pain, all radiating from his leg. Tony had been sitting on the cement in the parking lot of the gas station, when the truck driver pulled up. Tony had gotten up and began to run away, as fast as his legs would carry him, despite his injuries. But the man was driving a truck, and of course, the speed of the truck, greatly outran poor Tony, who never really stood a chance of getting away. The man pulled out a gun and suddenly fired at Tony. The driver fired three to five times, and one bullet caught Tony in the calf. Of course, what happened next was given. The man got out of the car and dragged Tony into the back of the truck where McGee lay. The supplies Tony had purchased, were still outside in the parking lot.

Tony lay in the back of the truck, in close proximity to McGee, who'd fallen unconscious, and was trembling in a rather concerning fever. By this time, Tony had managed to stop the blood from his own wound, but was trembling himself from the loss of blood. He was in bad shape, not as bad as McGee, but he still needed medical attention ASAP. And though he'd managed to staunch the blood from his wound with an old towel he'd found, he was still in horrible pain. Although He was thankful, because he knew it could've been worse. If the man had shot him even a little higher, he would've hit Tony in the back of the knee. Not only would that have been excruciatingly painful, but there was an impossibly high chance that the bullet would have done serious damage to his leg; an injury to his knee that sever could've cost him the use of his leg, or his leg entirely.

Tony shivered at the thought. There was a young police officer – a detective actually- named Sammy Kindle who was a good friend Tony's back when he was still working for Baltimore PD. Sammy had only just been promoted to a detective, when he was assigned an undercover case in the middle of a huge drug ring. Sammy got the evidence they needed to bust the creeps. But on the last day of his undercover work, just as the other cops and detectives were driving up to bust the guys, Sammy's cover was blown. In retrospect, it didn't matter. They already had the evidence they needed to send the guys to jail for a long, long time. However, it was a very bad slip up for Sammy. The creeps didn't kill him. They were going to, but decided better against it, knowing the cops were already there, and it would basically be like killing a cop in front of a bunch of cops. So instead of shooting him in the skull, they shot him three times in the knee. Tony had been one of the police officers helping with the bust, and he could here Sammy's screams. Sammy ended up loosing his use of his leg. Actually, he lost his leg entirely. Doctors couldn't remove the bullets, which had embedded themselves in poor Sammy's knee, without totally destroying the kid's knee. And leaving them in wasn't an option because they were lead and would've killed the kid anyways. So they had no choice but to amputate. It ruined the kid's life. And Tony had to watch his friend fall hard.

Tony shook himself, from the memory. It wasn't one he like to think about, but given the circumstances, he was grateful he had something like that to call to memory. He was grateful for two reasons. One, it gave him something to think about, which was important, especially now, when he was fighting for consciousness from shock of blood loss and shock of getting shot. And two, having something like that to think about, really made him humble in a situation like this. If the man had shot him six inches up, Tony'd be toast.

Tony realized just how lucky he was. He realized just how lucky McGee was as well… It was a miracle they were both still alive. Tony went back to thinking about his leg, how it could've been totally destroyed, his life ruined. It was a pivotal moment in his life. Six inches up, and his life would've changed forever. Ten minutes or so passed, and Tony had completely zoned out. He was thinking about whatever he could to keep himself awake.

Suddenly, something snapped DiNozzo to his senses. He wasn't sure what it was… but then it came again! It sounded like a voice… a voice? Impossible! Maybe he was going crazy. It sounded like it was in his head, but then again… it didn't really feel like just his own thought…

It's too quiet DiNozzo… The voice, or the thought, whatever it was, had whispered.

Then, suddenly, Tony's eyes snapped open. He recognized the voice!

Something's not right, Tony…

It was Kate! It was Kate's voice!

Check on your partner!

Suddenly, Tony woke up. He must've fallen asleep thinking about Sammy… He couldn't have been asleep for more than a moment or so. But what an odd dream he'd had… He'd dreamt that he was here, in the back of the semi, and all of the sudden, Kate was talking to him! What had she said? Something's not right… it's too quiet… check on your partner… McGee!

Tony sat up as best he could and moved over to his young partner. That's when he realized something was very, very, very off. McGee was still. Way too still. His face was pale and his lips were turning blue. On instinct Tony felt for a pulse and for several, terrifying moments, felt nothing. Tony began to feel tears pricking the back of his eyes.

"No, no, no! You can't leave me yet, probie! That's an order!" He cried growing panicked.

Still, Tony felt nothing. He was about to start CPR, when, much to his relief, he found a pulse that was so impossibly faint, any other person in the world would've called him dead.

That's when he realized that McGee wasn't breathing!

He rolled the agent onto his back and, being extremely careful of the pipe, began to start CPR. He clasped his hands together and pressed down on McGee's sternum with all his weight until he went down two inches. One, two, three, four, one, two, three, four. He did thirty chest compressions and checked again. Still not breathing! He continued the chest compressions. One, two, three, four, one, two, three, four. Crack! Crack! One, two, three, four, one, two, three, four. Tony felt bad, as usually happens when doing CPR, he'd cracked one of McGee's ribs. Sure, McGee would be a little soar, but it didn't matter if it was going to save his partner's life!

"Come one, McGee… Don't make me kiss you…" He said quietly. He was talking to himself. Telling himself things like that, trying to lighten the mood. Trying to keep himself calm.

One, two, three, four, one, two, three, four. Thirty compressions. Still nothing. Tony propped McGee's head up, and plugged his nose, before breathing into the younger agent's mouth. With his hand on McGee's chest, Tony realized that even when he breathed for him, McGee's chest still wasn't moving! There was something obstructing his wind pipe!

Tony held McGee's mouth open, and put his finger down Tim's throat hoping to find anything that would be obstructing the way. Tony fished out clumps of thick phlegm and blood. Hoping that did it, he pinched Tim's nose closed and breathed out. Much to his relief, McGee's chest moved up and down, he'd managed to clear out the blockage. He breathed a couple more times before starting chest compressions. One, two, three, four, one two, three, four. One, two, three, four, one, two, three, four, all the way to thirty. Still nothing, so he went back to mouth-to-mouth. A couple of breaths then back to chest compressions. One, two, three, four, one, two, three, four. One, two, three, four, one, two-

McGee began to cough and sputter. Tony sighed in relief, feeling his whole body ache from the tension he's been holding, and his leg throbbed. He didn't notice how badly it had been hurting until now. Thank adrenaline for that. He rolled Tim onto his side into the Recovery Position, letting the blood and phlegm dribble from his mouth, so it wouldn't choke him. He wiped the young man's mouth with the towel he'd found, and used to stop the bleeding of his own wound. Even though he was asleep, pain coursed across Tim's face. Tony knew that if they didn't get him medical attention, fast, McGee would die.

Obviously, the truck driver didn't want either of them to die, because he took the time to hunt Tony down when he escaped, and didn't kill him. So Maybe, Tony could get the man to take McGee to a clinic in some tiny town… but first he had to get the driver's attention.

Looking around, Tony got an idea. He got to his feet and cried out from the pain of putting pressure on his leg. He hobbled over to the other end of the truck. He undid the latch and the bolts that kept the door closed, and forced the door open. Tony was surprised to see the sun beginning to rise on the horizon, but quickly shook his head. There was no one else on the road, and he was grateful for that, because he didn't want to hurt anybody with the stunt he was about to pull.

There were several boxes in the back of the truck and Tony pushed them, limping, over to the edge of the truck. The driver hit a pot hole and the truck lurched. Tony nearly fell out. The boxes flew out the back and scattered on the road. Tony smiled. This is what he wanted to happen. Surely this would get the driver's attention!

And it did.

The driver slowed down greatly and pulled over to the side of the road, slamming on his breaks, which forced Tony out of the truck. He skidded across the road, getting covered in a pretty nasty road rash, but was other wise OK.

The man jumped out of the truck and stormed over to Tony, picking him up by the throat and threw him in the back of the truck.

"Just what in the heck do you think you're doing?!" He roared. "You attempting another stupid escape attempt boy? 'Cause if you are, I'mma have no choice but to punish you for it,"

Tony grunted, but smirked and got to his feet. "I had to get your attention," He said simply.

"By wingin' all my cargo out the back?" He roared. "You idiot! I need that stuff! They was all other shipments!" He yelled. "Come here, boy! I'm gonna beat you so bad, that-"

"Would you just shut up for a second?" Tony yelled.

The man was so stunned, that he actually did shut up.

"Listen. I know that it's important to whoever you're delivering us to, that we get there alive. Both of us. I'm going to make it there just fine. But McGee, he's going to die unless we get him to a hospital. Fast,"

"So, let me get this straight. You want me to take you two to a hospital? And blow my cover?" The man growled.

"No us, just McGee. It'll go faster if it's just him," Tony bit the inside of his cheek. He had an idea. A bribe of sorts. "Twenty-four hours in the hospital. That's all I ask. That'll be enough time to perform surgery and get the pipe out, and get him in a stable condition. Then after twenty four hours, you can sneak him out. And we'll be on the road again," Tony felt horrible about making this deal. That meant that McGee wouldn't have any pain medication after surgery. He was going to be in a world of hurt. But it was the only way that McGee would possibly survive this ordeal. "And look, he'll be in so much pain that he won't be able to fight back. It'll make your trip a lot easier," Tony gulped feeling worse with every word he spoke.

"Why are you telling me this? It seems an awful lot like your helping me," The man said skeptically.

"Look, he's my partner… and I just don't want him to die," DiNozzo said truthfully. Then he wished he hadn't. Know the man knew how to bribe Tony, how to get him to do what he was told. All he had to do was threaten the life of McGee.

The man thought about this for a long time. "You'll die anyways. But it seems I don't have a choice now do I. Clytemnestra and Aegisthis demanded I bring both of you to them alive. They made it very clear that it had to be the two of you, and you both had to be alive. So I'll do what you ask," He said with a smirk. "There's a clinic a few miles from here, about half an hour. Think the kid can make it that long?" He asked.

Tony looked back at his fallen partner and gulped. I hope so…