Hello my dears! I am back! Oh my, it surely is a long time since I've written a fanfic; actually I've quite missed it.

But I'm delighted by the reviews I've been getting from my 'Blue to yellow' short story, so I've decided to make a new Alice in wonderland story, because I just can't leave it alone. What can I say? I love a bit of madness.

Now, this isn't a long chapter, actually I'm not entirely sure I would call it a chapter, let's more call it a preview, to just see what kind of reactions I will get out of it, aye?

The next, or rather the first official chapter, will of course be longer.

Anyway you know the drill, once you've read and given it a bit of though and judging, I would love to hear about it, and you can do so by leaving a review for me to read.

Continue, and I hope you'll enjoy it.

At first, she had paid it no thoughts, but when the same thing keeps showing up wherever you go, you start to wonder.

The first time it had appeared, it had been at a trip to the city, to find a new dress, for yet another garden party at another rich, fancy and posh pair of friends of her mothers that, of course, had a son her mother was absolutely dying for her to meet.

Honestly she didn't get why she had to come along anyway, it wasn't like she got to pick her own dresses, which were absolutely absurd that she had no saying in the matter, after all she was the one wearing them last time she checked.

Her mother was yanking her into one store after another, exclaiming every time they left one for a new one, that the next one would have that one dress that would make the bloke, she, or rather her mother, was trying to impress to get to fall head over heels over her by first look.

But she really couldn't care less about whom he was, she was not interested.

She was starting to get tired by being rushed around, not even allowed to catch her breath for one single second, because if she did; "Alice, get up, stop acting like a five year old, if we don't hurry up, the dress will be gone" but how on earth could the dress be gone, if they had no idea what dress they were looking for in the first place? She just didn't get it.

And then that had caught her eye.

She wasn't entirely sure how though, it wasn't that big, actually she seemed to be the only one to have noticed it from where it sat in the window at the old antic store on the opposite side of the street.

Maybe it was because it was so out of place.

But as her mother gripped her arm a bit tighter, which she had found impossible since her mother was already holding it in a death grip, she let it slip her mind.

Unknown to her, it was not the last time she would see it.