Naruto shut the Hokage's door, a bit pissed. Sure, he had just been a mission that was relatively easy to understand; incognito, infiltration, and all that good stuff, but he had to go as a girl. A freaking girl. He could understand where Tsunade was coming from, but that didn't mean he had to like it. Naruto shut his eyes and imagined himself dressing up as a girl; he would be wearing girl underwear, girl top, and probably a skirt. Him, Uzumaki Naruto, flaunting around the village in a miniskirt, with nothing underneath it but the girly underwear, and then there would also be a breeze blowing around down there… he shuddered. Surely, he could complete this mission without showing off his manhood to others, even if he was in his Sexy-Ninjutsu form. Tsunade might not understand his reasoning, but Naruto would not go around like that. He refused to do so. In fact, now that he thought about it, he could simply refuse to be a girl at all. Maintaining his Sexy-Ninjutsu that long was no problem, the problem was going around like that permanently would make him seem like some old perverted geezer; like Pervy-Sage, for example. He had a sudden bad mental image of Pervy-Sage doing Sexy-Ninjutsu, and almost gagged. He immediately turned to Tsunade's door. He would not be a girl.

The door hit the wall loudly as Naruto opened it, causing Tsunade to look up from her paperwork. She sighed, exasperated, as he stormed up to her desk, shuffling her papers into neat piles.

"I refuse." Naruto said firmly.

"Refuse what?"

"On the mission, to be a girl! I won't do it!"

Tsunade raised an eyebrow at him. "Why? You need too."

"Why?! Give me a good reason to go to the sand wearing a bra and skirt. What if Gaara recognizes me?!" Naruto almost yelled out the last part.

Tsunade snorted at him with annoyance. "He won't. That's the point. As I've told you, this is a covert operations mission. Your reputation as Uzumaki Naruto is too well known, especially as the guy who saved their Kazekage. You'd be recognized immediately if you just waltzed into their village."

"I can just say I want to see Gaara." He said stubbornly.

"Yea. Go ahead and try that. Just don't drag me into it when they catch you. Look Naruto," she paused here and glared at him, daring him to interrupt, "if you go as you are now, people will be curious what you're doing. You could be followed, and people will be especially wary of you, being the famous Uzumaki Naruto and all. Any odd business from you would be reported, and then you'd fail the mission. So obviously, a disguise is needed, someone unlike you."

"Why not send someone else?" he countered. "after all, 'and people will be especially wary of me.'".

"Every ones busy, and besides, you wouldn't want someone else to do this particular mission, would you?" She looked at him smugly.

"No, I guess not, but still…" He paused, and then suddenly flashed a quick grin as an idea came to him. "So, any disguise, right? Someone unlike me?"

Tsunade looked at him warily. She had seen that grin, and had an idea what it meant. "Yes. That's why a girl is preferable."

"Preferable, but not necessary." He flashed another foxy grin at her.

Tsunade stayed quiet, waiting for him to continue.

"So, say something like a gothic or emo guy. That would work, right? After all, it is unlike me."

Tsunade looked at him for a while. It could actually work. She ran a hand through her hair, looking for any possible problems, and then she found one.

"You'd have to change your entire personality for that role. You need to be a good actor. Can you do it?"

"Yes, I know I can. I have gotten the hang of the depressed, lonely attitude in those beginning years, ya know?" He grinned at her ruefully, remembering his sad childhood.

She nodded, understanding what he was saying. "Alright, that works. Give me a summary of your mission."

"Yes! I am to travel to Sunagakure, three days travel from here, under a disguise of an ambassador checking up on the alliance, while actually looking for any secret activity that might take place. We have reason to believe that Sunagakure is having secret meetings with an unknown group." Naruto said enthusiastically. He was glad to finally get a chance to get away from the village.

"Very good." Tsunade nodded, pleased. "We also have to deal with your appearance. I think I know someone who will know what to do." She bit her thumb, drawing out a drop of blood, and placed it on her desk in one of the few clear spaces. "Kuchiyose no Jutsu." She muttered. Immediately there was the small burst of white smoke, and when it cleared away, there was a slug sitting there.

"Katsuyu," she said to the slug, "go get Ino and tell her to come here immediately." Another burst of smoke and Katsuyu disappeared.

"Ino? Will she know what to do for my appearance?" asked Naruto, a bit surprised.

"Hopefully. We'll ask her to design your costume, name, makeup, and whatever else."

"What?! Makeup?!" He was horrified. He had just escaped having to go as a girl, but he still had to wear makeup?

Tsunade smiled wickedly at him. "Oh yes. I can bet you'll be wearing makeup…" she paused for a dramatic effect, "…every day." Just then there was a knock on the door. "Come in." she said, smiling evilly at him before turning her attention to Ino, who had just entered.

"Yes, Tsunade-sama?" She asked, s bit apprehensive upon seeing Naruto there as well.

"Ino, Naruto has been assigned a mission which requires him to go incognito. We decided upon the gothic look. Do you think you can do it?"

Ino came closer to Naruto, inspecting him. She examined his hair, its texture, length, everything she could find. She looked him up and down, probably thinking about the clothes which she would assign to him. She nodded slowly, still looking. "I think I can do it. It's just up to Naruto to coöperate with it."

"Do you have a plan?" Naruto asked worriedly. He didn't like Ino looking at him like an experiment.

She nodded more enthusiastically this time. "Yep! We can grow your hair out till it reaches your shoulders, and put you in a dark themed outfit. I know where to get all the stuff I need."

Naruto looked pleadingly at Tsunade one last time. However, she ignored the pitiful looks her sent her way and continued to talk with Ino


"Growing the hair out will take months. Do you have another plan? He has to leave in five or six days at the most."

"Don't worry, Tsunade-sama! I just need around 4 days alone with him. It's a jutsu I invented a while ago. Basically, it's just transferring ones chakra to the hair, and it's not hard or anything."

Tsunade looked at her for a while, and then nodded her consent. Naruto groaned audibly. These two were pure evil.