"Dumbass," Darcy muttered, pulling Bruce back down beside her as he made to get up to leave. "Do I have to do everything around here?" And finding his face with her hands, Darcy pressed her lips to his. At first he was shocked and froze. Then he seemed to realize how close of a proximity there was between his lips and that of the girl he loved, and he kissed her. It was no weak, indecisive kiss, either. It was the kiss of a man in love.

"This means that there will be no more running away," Darcy breathed.


"Where are you taking me to dinner?"

Bruce broke away to laugh. "Wherever you want, love. Anywhere."

"Hmm, I've always wanted to try cuisine from Antarctica."

Bruce chuckled. "No, you don't," he told her. "Believe me when I say it consists of army rations and mac n cheese."

"Nope, doesn't sound like my kinda joint. How bout curry. Know any good ones, Doc?"

"Oh, a few," Bruce told her, leaning down to kiss Darcy's nose. She shivered again, and Bruce groaned. "As nice as it sounds to hide out here and not ever see Tony again, we're going to freeze if we stay up here, and I don't want to deny you your dinner."

"That would be disastrous," Darcy agreed, accepting Bruce's hand as he rose. "Oh look! Snow!"

Indeed, tiny snowflakes were just starting to drift from above.

"Oh, Bruce, I love the snow!" Darcy twirled a few times, arms outstretched and face tilted upward to demonstrate her point. Bruce grinned and pulled her close.

"I never liked snow much," he told her, wrapping his arms around her waist and swaying to an inaudible song. "But you make it beautiful." He began humming to her,

"When they begin the beguine . . ."

Finally, they broke apart when Darcy sighed, "I can't feel my toes."

Bruce laughed at her and swooped her up in his arms, eliciting a shriek of "Bruce put me down!" and lots of giggles as he carried her off the roof.

"Okay, now put me down," she finally said, breathless from laughing, as they neared the kitchen. He complied, but suddenly she grasped at his arm again, eyes shining with mischief and life. "Wanna do something evil?"

Two minutes later, shouts drifted into the kitchen, halting the still- going argument of how nosy Stark should be.

"Bruce Banner, I hate you and never want to speak to you again! You are a heartless bastard, and this time I hope you stay in Antarctica!"

"Fine! You know what, Darcy? I never loved you! You're selfish and conceited and an absolute BITCH!"

The occupants of the kitchen stared at each other, then jumped as Darcy slammed into the kitchen, Bruce on her heels.

"A green monster? I hate the color green!"

"Yeah, and I hate your face."

Jane stared at Natasha. "What is this?"

"He is a bastard . . ." Darcy screamed at the same time Bruce yelled, "she slapped me!"

"And I'll do it again!" Darcy lunged at Bruce, and Steve caught her; Thor, munching on a Pop tart, casually stepped in between the two.

Natasha rubbed her eyes. "A brilliant scientist and a genius graduate student, and this is the best you can do? Can't you just kiss and make up?"

Darcy leaned around Steve and Thor and eyed Bruce.


Then they were kissing, and no one quite knew what to say.

". . . well, that was unexpected," Stark grinned, pulling Pepper close. "But overall, I think I like happy endings."

"Darcy Lewis!" Jane yelled. "You did that on purpose, you . . ."

"Help me," Darcy squeaked, putting Bruce in between them, but he just laughed and kissed her again.

"Whatever you say, dear."

And this concludes my first ever story! Thank you to all you lovely people who reviewed, and I hope that everyone enjoyed. Thank you for reading!