A/N: In the spirit of Halloween, I bring you another Halloween fic. This one is a collab in the bare-bones side of things. It was once a RPG. AlexHamato plays Mikey here! I claim the plot/narrator, Raph's lines/actions, and any ghost. This will be JUST a Mikey/Raph fic. It's long too, so enjoy!

Disclaimer: I don't own any familiar characters. I don't even hold a claim for Mikey's lines in this. Everything else is mine.

"Are you sure about this place Raph? It doesn't LOOK haunted." Michelangelo eyes the building towering before him. Iron gates hang from their posts of brick. The yard is overgrown from years of neglect. The old mansion itself stands framed by half-dead trees and coated in vines.

"It's haunted alright. All tha good creepy broken down houses are." Raph says as he looks on with a grin of anticipation. "The settin's even right. I saw it online."

Mikey snorts, "Setting? What's the history dude? Anybody kick the bucket around here? Maybe some dude cheated and a lady pushed him out of a window. Or a dude ate too many chicken wings and they choked him to death. Or maybe this old lady was doing laundry..."

"An ol' lady kicked tha bucket in one a' tha old rooms," Raph says before Mikey could finish his last guess.

"You read my mind!" Mikey exclaims before glancing back at Raph. "Hey, hey. Can we go see then? Please?"

"This was afta she killed all her fosta kids too." Raph continues before looking to his brother. "Ya sure ya won't get too scared?"

"...She killed her kids?" Mikey shivers a bit. "Don't be stupid. It's just ghosts. I mean, they're probably nice. Right?"

"With a hatchet. Swipe off tha litta heads," Raph swings an imaginary hatchet through the air in front of him.

"Shut up! You're enjoying this too much." He walks ahead, flustered. "I'm not scared."

"Yeah, ya are. Maybe I shoulda asked Don or Leo wit' me. Or mebbe go alone instead." Raph teases. "They might make it boring."

"I'm coming with you!"

"If ya can handle it then come this way." Raph easily makes his way towards the old mansion. "You can stay there if ya want too."

"I can handle it. No problem." He quickly follows. Once inside the door, he shivers, badly. "W-Wow it's c-c-cold..."

"Wimp." Raphael looks around at the old stairwell that doesn't look climbable and the old rotting floorboards. The room's just dark enough to allow the shadows to make tricks on the mind. "This place looks ancient."

"Like your porn collection," Mikey mutters.

"Ya think they'd have those butler types once upon a time?"

"Probably. You'd make an awful butler."

"I wouldn't be tha butler. I'd be tha masta'."

The front door suddenly slams shut.

Mikey jumps and squeaks. "Whatwasthat?!" He quickly moves closer to Raph. "Draft? It' an old... drafty house... right..."

Raph fearlessly walks to the door. "I wonda' why it slammed shut like that." He attempts to open it with no success. "Heh, looks like we're spendin' tha night. Mebbe ol' Mrs. Mallory could pay us a visit. Keep us company, yanno? With her bloody hatchet."

"NO! We can break a window or something. I could totally knock down a wall. Or a door." Mikey starts to pace around the room. "I mean, it's not like we're TRAPPED or anything... right? See, this is where they would start to pick us off. I'm prettier so they'll come after me first. I don't want to have aliens pop out of my chest! Oh wait, that's the wrong movie..."

"Don't worry, Mikey. It's jus' a litta ova'nighter 'til I can get tha door open. Fer now, I'm gonna check this place out." Raph looked back towards the other side of the room. "Do ya think those stairs are safe?"

"... Alright," Mikey stays close to Raph and looks down at the stairs as well. "No idea." He tests one that creaks, loudly, but is otherwise solid. He shrugs and makes his way up, slowly.

"Heh, guess so." Raph takes the stairs at a leap.

"Take it easy, oh fatass. These stairs are all weak and stuff."

"They ain't breakin' yet."

"Yet." Mikey says before racing Raph to the top. "You're so slow."

"And I ain't fat."

"Okay, lardbutt."

"Chucklehead." Raph flips to get ahead of his brother.

"Craterface." Mikey races him to hold his lead.


"Nuh-uh! I'm not chicken. I'll prove it too!"

"Oh yeah? Go ova there into Mrs. Mallory's old room. She hanged herself jus' down tha hall." Raph points out the room he had stopped next to.

"F-Fine!" Mikey walks into the room, slowly.

Raph slams the door behind him with a hearty laugh.

Mikey jumps at the sound. "RAPH!" He immediately tries to open the door, but it remains firm. "You asshole! Let me out! So not cool!"

"It ain't like I locked it."

"Well, it's not opening!" Mikey furiously jiggles the doorknob.

"Ya sure?" Raph tries from his side but finds it too hard. "Shit, I'll find some way ta get in. Look around fer somethin' on yer end!"

The sounds of children crying fill the room whispery soft in a growing chorus.

"R-Raph?" Mikey shivers. "Do you hear that?"

"Hear what?"

"The k-kids... You said she killed th-them?"


The disembodied sounds of a dress dragging on the floor slowly move around the room. Mikey immediately backs away from where he thought it was coming from. "Have you ever seen Paranormal Activity?" He asks Raph through the door.

"Tha one wit' tha dog or before that?"

"I'm, I'm just saying that if I get all creepy and try to break your neck. You have total permission to stab me. Just saying." He catches the stray glimpse of a female figure in the full length mirror.

"What? You scared or some shit?"

"There's real creepy stuff going on in here, Raph."

"Like what? It's probably just your imagination. I toldja not ta watch so much junk."

"It's not my imagination! I swear!"

"Oh, right, so yer tellin' me Mrs. Mallory's out ta getcha now? Heh, bet you'll be her next victim wit' tha way yer screamin'."

"Fine!" Mike grumbles and sits in the middle of the floor, defiantly. "I'll just sit here then. When I'm hacked up with a hatchet you totally don't get my Xbox." Suddenly, the air fills with the sound of someone being hanged right above him. Before he can react, something drips on his head. Mikey screams, jumping up, and wipes it off. His eyes widen at the blood coating his fingers.

The door is finally yanked open and Raph storms in. "Finally! Damn door!" He takes in Mikey's appearance and laughs. "Ya sure look freaked out, bro."

"But... there was... huh?" Mikey quickly looks back at his hands. His bare hands. "The blood is all gone..."

"What blood? Didja get hurt?"

"I'm fine," He says as he stomps off. "Let's get out of here. I don't like this place."

"Front door's still jammed. Remember?"

"I''ll kick it down." When he gets back to the front door, he tries to kick it open. He finds out a little late that it won't work when he badly bruises the ball of his foot. "DAMN IT! It's just wood!"

"I ain't finished lookin' around anyway," Raph says as he moves about the dark room, carelessly knocking things over in the process.

"Oh yeah, Raph. Go piss off the ghosts. That's real smart."

"I ain't doin' nuthin' wrong. There's no one here ta be bothered. Watch." He grabs an old vase with dried flowers and slams it into the wall. "See?"

Mikey flinches at the sight and sound. "Can you stop it? Please?"

"What do ya think's gonna happen?" He moves onto some more pretty crystal. "You scared, Mikey?"

"No..." Mikey puts up an irritated front. "It's just stupid to break perfectly good stuff."

"It ain't use ta anyone now." He smashes something else, unaware of the sudden eerie feeling encasing the mansion as the room grows cold.

"Stop it, please!"

Raph smirks as removes delicate china from a cabinet and walks over to Mikey. He moves to drop it, but he freezes.


Raph's eyes turn kind of glazy as he sets what's in his hands on the ground, carefully.

"R-Raph?" Mikey slowly closes the gap between them. "You okay?"

Raph doesn't respond. Instead, he starts walking away towards the room Mikey got locked in before.

"Raph?" Mikey follows his silent brother. "Come on, snap out of it."

While in the room, Raph opens the closet and searches for something inside as Mikey watches in confusion. The joyous echo of children laughing and playing begin to whisper through the room.

"Let's get out of here," Mikey says as he shakes his brother's shoulder. "Okay?"

That's when Raph finally turns, slowly, towards his brother. In his hands, he holds a hatchet covered in age-old blood.

"Raph..." Mikey slowly backs away. The whispers in the room begin to make since. The echoes of years long past play their scene once again.

"Mrs. M, Mrs. M! Can we play outside today?!"

"Why don't you all stay QUIET!"

Raph slowly walks towards Mikey. The orange-masked brother swallows dryly and gets into a defensive stance. "Don't make me kick your ass, dude. I don't know who you are, but get out of my brother."

"I'll make you all quiet," Raph says as he raises the hatchet.

Mikey throws a back knuckle to his face, a cross stomp to his calf, and reaches to disarm him with his free hand in quick succession.

Raph doesn't react much to Mikey's attack. "All quiet..."

Mikey grips his wrist, puts a foot behind his left and pushes him over it, twisting his wrist with the hatchet. Suddenly, Raph screams as his hands move to his head.

"Raph!" Mikey kneels by him and starts shaking him. "Snap out of it!"

The hand with the hatchet comes near his leg as he crumples, still screaming and crying. "Stop!" He yells.

Mike quickly takes the hatchet away and throws it across the room. Raph squirms a little as Mikey fearfully holds him. "Raph?" A gust of air breathes against Mikey's neck, causing him to shiver. "Raphie... Snap out of it, please?"

"Why don't you come with me to my room?" A woman's voice asks from behind Mikey. A ghostly old woman forms there with the hatchet in her hands and blood down her chest.

Mikey shakes Raph again, quickly. "Come on, just snap out of it Raph..."

Raph shakily points at the ghost as it raises her favored weapon down at Mikey.

Mikey quickly dodges. He just manages to avoid a deadly hit, but the hatchet easily slides into his shoulder and he cries out in pain.

"Too much noise!" The ghostly figure screeches.

Mikey grunts in pain as drags Raph away from her. The ghost swings the hatchet again, but this time, he catches it. "Raph... Get out!"

Raph tries to push himself up, but is hampered by exhaustion.

"Damn it." Mikey throws the arm of the hatchet aside and takes Raph, before running out of the room. "That's it. If I die, I'm totally going to haunt you now. I'll sing to you every night so you can't sleep and trip you up in practice. I'll put bugs in your cereal and dye in your shower. I'll...I'll tell bad jokes all the time and you can't hit me 'cuz I'll be a ghost and stuff."

"There was so much blood..." Raph almost whispers.

Mikey frowns. "You saw her death? Or... the kids?"


"Here," Mikey sets him up against a wall. "You okay? I mean... I guess you're not..."

"I killed them. Or maybe she did. I don't know."

"She did... You just saw her."

"I didn't see her. Just her reflection."

Mikey blinks. "Reflection?"

"I was her. Maybe she was me." Raph's eyes finally caught the blood dripping down his brother's shoulder. "You're bleeding."

"I'm fine." Mikey grabs his shoulder. "You were NOT her. You are Raph. Not some crazy bitch lady who was evil enough to kill her children. Okay? You don't own enough cats to be that psycho. That and you need the wig."

"It seemed like it was me."

"Well, it's not. Trust me." Mikey smiles. "I know my own brother, okay?" He sneaks a hug, being careful of his injury.

"That should be wrapped up."

"Huh? No bandages. It'll be fine. We have to get out of here." He stands and offers Raph a hand. "Can you stand? I'll carry your ass if I have too."

A/N: This fic is continuous as it was once a RPG so I will be echoing the last line here onto the next chapter to keep you all straight :D Please feed the comment box!