Not At Home.
Couple: Nell Jones and G Callen.
TV Show: NCIS: Los Angeles
Disclaimer: All characters/quotes you recognise belong to Shane Brennan. All mistakes are mine.
Based on the sneak peek for 'Out of the Past' that may seem it's Nelric but it has Nallen written all over the ending.
Established Nell/Callen.
Characters may seem slightly OC.

She didn't get home until late, it had to be almost 2200 hours when she had finished all of the paperwork and written up the reports on what she had found from their recent case. When she pulled up, she sat in the driver's seat staring at the Aston Martin that sat idle on the curb. They had plans for dinner, she'd forgotten.

With a sigh, she closed her eyes for a moment, opening as she pushed the car door open and got out of the car. The duffle bag in the back seat with her clothes from the previous day and her broken pair of heels could wait. The front porch light had been on and from where she was standing she could see lights coming from the two front windows, his shadow showing that he was moving from the lounge room into the kitchen. He'd probably cooked and put it in the over while he waited for her to come home.

The intelligence analyst slowly unlocked the door, pushing it open and closing it behind her as she entered her apartment, listening out for anything that he might call out to her. When she realised that she could only hear the sound of him pulling something from her oven, she dropped her keys and phone with his in a bowl on the small table by her front door and pulled the draw open to find the gun safe locked. While she kept her own personal piece in another safe in her bedroom, he had begun using the one by her front door.

Slowly walking towards the kitchen area, she listened to the sound of his footsteps around her kitchen area. He knew where everything was in the room, and everywhere else in the house, he was completely at home whenever he walked through the door. Nell knew she should be taking that as a sign that they were ready to move in together, but she still felt confused.

"Lasagne?" he said, not turning away from her fridge as he searched for the bottle of wine that had been bought almost a month earlier and not touched.
"Uh, yeah," she answered hesitantly, everything feeling too casual after the day they'd just had.

She walked further into the bright room, placing her hands on the kitchen island before hopping up onto one of the bar stools. Her eyes followed him as he moved away from the fridge, carrying a bottle of wine in one hand as he moved to grab two wine glasses with the other.

"Paperwork finished?" the exCIA-agent questioned as he placed the glasses on the marble bench with the glass bottle.
"Yeah, should be good for a couple of weeks," Nell nodded slowly, taking one of the glasses he passed to her, "or at least until the next big undercover operation."
"Or until Deeks hands in his next expense report," Callen chuckled.

Giving a small smile she took a sip from the glass, continuing to watch him as he moved around the kitchen. He hadn't attempted to make eye contact with her since she'd arrived. It made the entire thing feel even more awkward than it was.

"Just have to reheat the food, it should only be-"
"G, please just stop," she said louder this time, "can you look at me?"

Her eyes followed him, slowly standing and turning around to face her with his eyebrows raised while he tried to pretend her was oblivious to what was happening.

"Can we talk about this?" Nell asked – demanded – him, "this giant elephant that's dancing around this kitchen?"
"Talk about what Nell?"
Running a hand down her face, she placed the wine glass back onto the bench and sighed, "last night, we sat here, and you talked about moving in together, getting married, having kids, having a life together. You sat there and talked about commitment, something we both know you're completely scared of, something I'm terrified of, and you just shrugged it off like it never happen. Hell, we ended up back in bed with each other when we got back to your place, and personally, this is all too casual for me," she told him, "normally you'd be terrified at the idea of us being together, and we both know how long it took for us to get used to the idea of being a couple, and that was still nearly four months into this 'relationship'"
"God, you're adorable you know that?" he replied simply, a smirk on his face as her eyes met his.
"I'm sorry, what?"
"When you get confused, and you begin to over think things, you get all flustered and you talk at about 100 miles an hour and you just don't stop. I guess it's just one of those things that will never stop amazing me," Callen murmured, his smirk turning into a large smile.

Nell frowned, confused at what he was saying. His attitude about the entire thing was confusing, so unlike him.

"I'm not scared of commitment, at least not anymore," he explained, taking a sip from the wine glass in front of him before adding, "not with you I'm not scared, I guess being with someone as scared about it as me makes it a lot easier to handle."
"I don't get it."
"I run from relationships Nell, they normally only last a few weeks, and here we are, six months later, and neither of us have run yet. I was confused, sure, but I guess I didn't worry about it too much because we were comfortable with what we'd become."

Her feet rested on the bar at the bottom of the bar stool, her leg bouncing up and down nervously. She felt jittery, as though she had some big secret that she wanted to tell, but there was no secret. Everything she wanted to say was out in the open.

"So, yes, I sat here and talked about us moving in together, getting married, having a future," he smiled at the thought, "because I'm not scared of this anymore. With that being said, I guess this is it for me. You're it for me."
"I'm terrified G."
"I know you are, I know," Callen said, leaning forward towards her and grabbing her hand, "and I don't care if we don't take another step in this relationship for another few months, or even years, I just needed you to know that I'm not scared anymore."

She nodded slowly, squeezing his hand when she felt his grip tighten slightly. In her head she thought over it, everything just a jumble of words, blurring together and confusing her further.

"Let's do it."
"Do what?"
Nell smiled, "let's move in together."
"What happened to being terrified?" he asked, eyebrows raised.
"If I keep thinking this over, I'm just going to put it off. I'm never going to answer and eventually we'll end up in a dead-locked relationship running around in circles and that'll just cause it to fizzle out and it'll be gone," she said, mentally slapping herself for rambling again, "and besides, I prefer your lounge room, more space for a larger bookshelf."

Her eyes flittered to their hands, clasped in the middle of the bench, and she only looked up when she heard his laughter. His smile was large and highly contagious, cocking her head to the side she watched him reach for his glass.

"Guess you can go back and tell Kensi that she got her wish," Callen commented, taking a sip from the wine glass in front of him.
"How do you know that Kensi came to talk to me?" the intelligence analyst's eyes widened.
"I may have gotten a speech from her just before I left, telling me that I'm lucky and she will hurt me if anything happens. Basically just backing up the speech from last month," he chuckled slightly, "and we thought Hetty was scary."

Nell laughed, leaning across the bench to kiss him. She felt him drop hand to cup the back of her neck trying to pull her closer.

"Sam owes me twenty," he murmured against her lips with a smile.
Pulling away with wide eyes she said, "you made a bet on whether or not I'd agree to move in with you?"
"No, we made a bet on what house you'd go to."

Her eyes narrowed in confusion, watching his step away from the bench, and her, to pull a dish from the oven.

"Why would you do that?"
"Deeks started it," he shrugged.
"Deeks wasn't with you at all today, he was with Kensi."
"Still started it," Callen smirked, looking up from the dish of food that he began serving, he stopped her from talking by continuing, "Deeks and Kensi are betting on whose house we'll move into."
"Yours obviously," she answered, looking at him as though he was going crazy.
"This I want to hear," Callen told her, raising an eyebrow smugly, "why my house."
"It's simple."
"Really how?"
"More room in your lounge room for a large bookshelf."
The federal agent in front of her laughed, "of course."

Smiling at him, Nell stood off the bar stool and moved around the bench to grab knives and forks, listening to him talk about Kensi and Deeks' reasoning for each other their bets. As she took a plate and moved to follow him into the lounge room, she continued to tell herself that this was right. Because neither were going to run away from this commitment.

Egh. So. I sorta got like, really weird at the end. And everyone became just so OC. And yeah. And it's mostly the last episodes fault. Because like. Nelric looks so canon there. And I don't want Nelric canon. And yeah.

Enough rambling!

I'm writing up the plan of 'Told From Here' and maybe sure I have it backed up this time. So I'm hoping to have it started again before school starts next year (maybe mid January?) but it's a working progress!

Thank you for the reviews on the last two parts!