Alright, time to begin the my first ever story. I have been a science-fiction fan for a very long time, and I write this story in dedication to some of my most favorite series. I hope it's any good. Read, rate and review as you see fit, and constructive criticism is appreciated.

The Alteran Homeworld was not a particularly nice place. On the contrary, its savage, barely hospitable environment gave much grief to its native inhabitants. Over the millennia, the Alteran people started to develop a natural healing ability, being able to recover from almost any injury. This eventually led to the birth of the Immortals, whose healing powers had advanced to the point that they could even return from death itself. The Immortals were initially feared and despised by the Alterans, especially by those who would become known as the Ori.

For centuries, the Immortals were regarded by many to be "unnatural". Like many other species, the Alteran people believed in an afterlife. They believed in a "Realm of the Dead", a place in a higher plane of existence, where the deceased spend an eternity living out their afterlives the way they are most remembered having done so in life. The Immortals, however, were thought of as soulless creatures, who were forbidden from entering the Realm of the Dead.

Eventually, some of the Alteran people grew to accept the Immortals as equals. This growing acceptance, however, caused the already growing tensions between the Ori and Alterans to reach a boiling point. Realizing that the increasingly religious Ori would stop at nothing to destroy them. The Alterans and the Immortals departed from their galaxy in search of a new home.

However, most of the Immortals, remembering the millennia of prejudice that they had endured, decided to take off on their own, some leaving in groups and some by themselves. One of these Immortals was the man who would one day be known as Adam Monroe.

An outcast amongst his people, Adam took the opportunity to leave as soon as it presented itself. The opportunity came shortly after the Alterans arrived in Avalon (their name for the Milky Way galaxy), and Adam took one of the shuttles and left, wishing to explore the galaxy. Using the ship's scanners, Adam detected a populated world many light-years ahead of him. Trying to use as little of the ship's power as possible, Adam routinely switched between using the sublight engines and the ship's thrusters, which he only used to gain

momentum, allowing the ship to drift to its destination without using power. Adam also made minimal use of the life support, relying on his immortality to sustain himself.

After what felt like an eternity of endless suffering, Adam's shuttle finally reached and, after scanning it for a breathable atmosphere, automatically landed on the planet. Afterwards, Adam discovered that the planet was called Gallifrey and its inhabitants were known as Time Lords. After explaining his situation to them, Adam was told that he could not stay on their world, but they did provide him with materials in order to modify his ship for more extended journeys.

In the weeks that followed, Adam made frequent visits to the Capitol, fascinated by the Time Lord society and wanting to know more about them. During one of these visits, he met the man who would one day be known as "the Doctor". The two found themselves to be kindred spirits, both wishing to travel across the universe. Adam also met the man's family, including his granddaughter, Arkytior, and took a liking to her.

As his ship neared completion, Adam decided to visit the Capitol one last time in order to say goodbye. However, he discovered that his friend had broken the Time Lords' law on non-interference and faced being erased from history by his own brother, Braxiatel. Being given the chance to escape by his brother, the man, along with his granddaughter and an artefact known as the "Hand of Omega", met up with Adam during their escape. Adam decided to tag along with them in order to ensure their safety. Fortunately, the trio managed to steal a Type 40 TARDIS (an obsolete model space-time capsule), and escaped from Gallifrey.

Realizing that they couldn't go back for his ship, Adam traveled with the man and his granddaughter for a while, before ultimately deciding to travel on his own once again. Upon arriving on a planet with a spaceworthy society, Adam said his goodbyes, "Aveo, mea amaci" ("Goodbye, my friends").

In order to acquire a ship, Adam sold several of his personal belongings, most of which were worthless trinkets. After finally purchasing a schip, this one being equipped with a hyperdrive, Adam set out for the stars, wondering what kind of adventures awaited him.

Well, that was the first chapter. Now that the prologue is out of the way, I can flesh out the characters more in the next chapter. I intend for this to be a shared universe, so expect to see some familiar faces. Please review.