Disclaimer: I do not own any of the characters from Grey's Anatomy. I just manipulate them to my will. Also, any line or phrase or setting that seems remotely familiar from any other show, movie or book, also not mine. I borrow…

Prompt: Callie and Arizona never met before..meets in a train and immediately they feel the sparks fly between them, thereafter they have sex in one of their train's chamber.

AN: Since when did I become a 'smut writer'? Somehow I have about 20 prompts requesting SEX. Not that I mind, of course. But… oh well. Here's some dirty times for your enjoyment!

Chapter 1

The muggy air of summer night makes Arizona's top cling to her skin as the blonde marches down the stairs into the depths of Boston's subway system. She usually doesn't travel this late at night, especially by herself, but an extended study session at her university's library kept her out later than she had planned. The med student tries not to let the idea of muggers, rapists, and killers trickle into her brain, but when you flip on the news and find yet another woman has been victimized, it's hard not to have those kind of images.

Every couch and scuff of a shoe makes blue eyes flash to the source, a fair hand gripped tightly to her emergency can of pepper spray. She's not alone on the platform, but still it is deserted enough to increase her sense of dread. The weight of her bag pulls at her shoulder, and the hopeful surgeon in training readjusts it just as the subway comes barreling into the station.

Doors slide open and a handful of late night travelers disembark before the blonde hops on. Her nose scrunches at the usual smell of the subway, and she quickly takes a seat just inside the door so she has a clear view of the rest of the car. Her stop is a few minutes away so Arizona decides to get some more studying in during the trip and she pulls out her notebook.

Just as the doors start to glide close, she hears someone calling out "Wait, wait, wait…" Blue eyes look up just in time to see a woman barely make it through the doors before they close and the subway takes off.

Arizona turns her attention back to her notes in front of her, but her gaze is drawn to the woman who barely made the train. She's in her early twenties with a beautiful caramel complexion and dark locks that flow well past her shoulders. Arizona's eyes skim the delicious curves of this stranger's body and she finds herself crossing her legs a bit tighter. It's obvious that this gorgeous creature does not share Arizona's fear of the night because she has her earphones plugging into her ears and is swaying along to whatever lively music is playing. There are more than enough open seats in their subway car but the Latina chooses to stand, one hand grasping the pole next to her while she dips, sways and dances.

For some reason Arizona finds herself completely drawn to this woman. Her pure lack of regard of others judgment only enforced when the dark haired beauty starts to sing along with the tune playing on her iPod. Not only is it a feast for the eyes, but also the ears.

She's not sure how long she has been staring but when deep brown eyes find hers, Arizona just smiles. She knows she's been caught, but for some reason she doesn't care. And to her surprise the Latina smiles back, the air being knocked out of Arizona's body by the full force of that mega-watt grin the stranger has.

And if that smile wasn't enough, Arizona's heart starts to pound when the Latina takes a step towards her. Then another. Then another. Blue eyes don't pull away from the woman even when she is standing right in front of the blonde.

"This seat taken?" She asks, gesturing to the open seat right next to Arizona.

"Nope." The blonde answers. She uncrosses then recrosses her legs as the stranger sits, pulling one ear bud from her ear.

"Callie." The woman states, eliciting a confused look from the blonde. "My name. It's Callie." She adds, holding out her right hand.

"Oh! Um, Arizona." The blonde replies, taking the tanned hand in hers and the two exchange a quick handshake.

"So, Arizona…" Callie muses, almost like she's testing the woman's name on her tongue. "What brings you down to the depths this fine evening?"

Arizona holds up her notebook and says, "Studying at the university library. Got midterms next week. What about you? Are you a student at BCU?"

"No. No… I'm umm, I'm actually just getting resituated." The Latina answers, again earning another confused look. "I mean, eventually, yes I'll be going to school there but… I just finished a four year tour with the Peace Corps."

"Wow!" Arizona gasps. "Where did you go?"

"Botswana, mostly." Callie replies, turning a bit so she can face the blonde. "It was… amazing. I mean, of course it was sad and heart wrenching, but also beautiful."

"I can imagine…" Arizona sighs, the two women's gazes finding each other's and remaining locked. In most social situations it would be deemed awkward to stare at someone like this, but for some reason neither woman mind. It's almost as if a silent conversation is being had between them just through their shared looks.

When the subway starts to slow, Callie reaches forward and brushes a lock o blonde hair behind the woman's ear and asks, "So, Arizona, is there someone waiting for you at home? A boyfriend perhaps?..." She's fishing, and she knows the blonde knows, but Callie doesn't care. The intensity of those blue eyes have drawn her in since the Latina barely made the train.

Arizona chuckles softly and answers, "No. Definitely no boyfriend. …Or anyone else for that matter."

"That's too bad." Callie whispers, a soft smile pulling up just one corner of her mouth. She leans in an inch and stops, allowing the blonde time to put on the brakes if she doesn't want this to happen, but Arizona finds herself leaning in as well. The screech of subway breaks and the whipping of the train flying through the tunnel is the only thing they hear as their eyes close and lips touch in their first kiss. It doesn't last long, a seemingly chaste kiss but still packing as much electricity as an entire thunderstorm.

The subway comes to a halt outside the next platform, the doors opening and the few other people in the couple's car stepping off. Their faces remain close, forehead resting against forehead as they stare into each other's eyes. And when the subway doors close, Callie's lips seek out the blonde's for another kiss. This one more demanding, pressing into the other woman and seeking admittance. Arizona gasps at the suddenness of it, but eagerly invites her in, a fair hand coming up to cup the Latina's cheek.

Their embrace starts to heat up and before she realizes it, Arizona finds herself straddling the other woman's lap. Strong hands squeeze the blonde's thighs, knead her shapely ass and pull Arizona's center into the Latina's body even harder.

Callie breaks their kiss first, stars exploding behind her eyes from the lack of oxygen, and she gasps, "Tell me to stop." But Arizona wouldn't dare to stop this, and instead sucks on the sweet, tanned flesh of the Latina's neck.

Caramel hands dip under the blonde's skirt, skimming naked flesh as she makes her way further and further north. They wrap around and find very little material covering Arizona's ass, groaning at the feel of the blonde's skin against palms.

When Arizona feels those hands hesitate in their exploration, lips leave the Latina's neck and she pulls away to find dark brown eyes looking up at her. They're questioning, almost pleading for permission.

"Yes." Arizona gasps, her hips undulating into Callie's body in search of some sort of relief. "Please, God, yes." Callie doesn't need to be told again and she quickly pulls aside the blonde's panties, her fingers sinking into moist heat. The blonde cries out in pleasure, her nails digging into the nape of the Latina's neck where she is holding on for dear life.

Arizona bucks and rides Callie's hand, a skilled thumb playing with her bundle of nerves on every down stroke. All this is so new and foreign and exciting for the blonde. This stranger, in essence, bringing her this much pleasure. The feel of the soft, yet strong woman beneath her. The idea of how easily they could get caught… but she doesn't care. Something about Callie sets Arizona on fire like never before. And it's not long before a familiar tightening pulls at the pit of her stomach.

"Yes…" Arizona groans, her breath washing over the Latina's face as they stare into each other's eyes. "Don't- don't stop- I'm so- oh god-" Her broken sentences and strangled whimpers of pleasure make Callie tingle with desire. Her fingers hook within the blonde, playing on that sweet spot with every outward thrust.

Muscled walls start to tremble and strong fingers are pulled in even deeper as Arizona tumbles over the edge. Thighs clamp around the Latina as the blonde's orgasm rips through her, and Callie holds the woman close as she rides out her high. Cries and moans and whispered 'Callie's' spill from pink lips, blending into some kind of magical soundtrack that Callie immediately becomes addicted to.

When strength returns to her muscles, Arizona pulls away slightly from the Latina and a shaky hand runs through blonde hair. She doesn't know what to say, because… what do you say to a perfect stranger after doing what they just did? But Callie doesn't mind, she just smiles and withdraws her slick fingers from the blonde's depths, bringing them up to her lips and groaning at Arizona's sweet taste.

Their knocked from their bubble by the subway coming to a halt and the doors sliding open. Arizona is shocked to see that this is her stop, afraid that this encounter might be at its end. But instead, she says, "I live about five minutes from here. Do you want to get a cup of coffee… or something?"

A crooked smile pulls at Callie's lips, the blonde's taste still on her tongue, and she answers, "Definitely."