I stood next to Ivy with Jenks sitting on my shoulder. The wayward witch we had been trying to catch was careening down the street in his little Volkswagen Beetle, burning rubber as his tires squealed. I looked at Ivy, and found her looking back at me with an eyebrow raised. "Should we take the bus?" she asked, and I glowered for a second.

I followed her across the street to where her motorcycle sat. She quickly swung her leg over the seat and stood the bike up, starting it. I climbed on the back and felt Jenks nestle into the scarf that I wore around my neck. I put on my helmet, watched as Ivy put hers on, and then we were off, driving at a steady pace.

The witch we were chasing was running from us, but we knew where he was headed. We were chasing him down for the insurance company, but I had no doubt that the witch didn't realize we knew where he lived. Traffic was steady as we crossed over into the Hollows. Ivy soon turned her bike down a side street, and we wandered through the residential areas. As the yards became dirtier, my anticipation rose. Sure enough, as we turned a final corner, there was the Volkswagen, parked in the driveway of a tiny, compact house.

Ivy cut the engine on the bike and we coasted to a stop in front of the house. I quickly jumped off and opened my scarf for Jenks to fly free. He shook himself and I watched as red dust fell to the ground.

Ivy headed for the front door while I moved past the Beetle and into the backyard. I knew he'd run the moment Ivy rang the door, and I was ready for him. I couldn't figure out why he'd be running when he only owed the company a few thousand dollars, but I wasn't surprised either.

As the witch came exploding from the house, I realized this was the first real run Ivy and I had had in a good long while. I grinned as the witch saw me. His eyes grew wide and he turned to vault over the rickety backyard fence into his neighbour's yard.

I heard Jenks' wings clattering and I knew he was relaying this information to Ivy. I took off at a run and easily jumped the fence after the guy, and I cleared it just in time to see him hightailing it down the drive. I followed, my boots thunking loudly against the broken concrete.

I heard a terrified yelp and I caught sight of Ivy tackling the witch, and I winced as I watched him skid across the road. His elbows were not going to be happy. I raced after Ivy and watched with satisfaction as she fastened her cuffs to his wrists. She looked up at me, grinning. "We need to do this more often," she said.

I nodded, "I've missed it," I agree.

Jenks chirped his wings in agreement, and Ivy and I hauled the witch up.

God, it was good to be a runner.

So Volkswagen was my fiftieth word! The plan had been to write only fifty chapters, and well, I'm completed that plan. I've had a lot of fun writing these, and I'm sad to see the end. So sad that I'd be willing to continue writing these if you, the readers, want me to. But I need input – lots of it! I know we're a quiet bunch, us Hollows readers, but I'm giving you the option of weighing in on my creative efforts!

If you want me to continue writing these chapters, I'm going to need some suggestions. I already have 66 more words over at my blog, but I'm not sure if I'm going to use them for the Hollows. If you want to continue seeing these little fics, either let me know in the reviews or head over to my blog to give me suggestions for words.

I'll make a direct link to the blog post to reply to on my main profile here on . You do not need a Wordpress account to reply to my blog, so you can add suggestions anonymously if you'd like. :) If you'd like to go to it from this page, just type in "kogoshuko . wordpress . com" plus the following:


In any case, if you do want me to continue to write, I'm going to need a break for a few weeks. I'm currently reading Ever After and I'm considering writing parts of it in Trent's perspective at some point, as I have had requests for that in the past.

So let me know if you'd like to see more Where Demons Dare. I've had fun writing it for everyone! :)
