"Mum! I'm scared!" Six year old Rose Weasley complained. She hopped quickly on both feet.

Hermione couldn't help but chuckle at her daughter. She was just too cute sometimes. "I know, Rose, but it'll be fun! You get to have free candy and dress up in very fun costumes."

But Rose shook her head and tightened her grip on her small plastic orange pumpkin. One of her bunny ears started to droop down into her face.

Hermione bent down and fixed her daughter's bunny ears to her costume. "It'll be alright, Rosie. You'll be safe. Daddy will be with you and he'll scare away and monsters."

"Even Voldi-voldimort?" She asked innocently. Hermione's smile slightly faded. She wished Harry and Ron didn't brag about the downfall of Voldemort and how they defeated Voldemort.

"Especially him." Hermione kissed Rose's forehead, causing her to giggle. She smiled at her daughter as Ron walked in the room with four-year old Hugo Weasley who was wearing a dragon green costume.

"Well, are we ready to go? It took quite a while to get Hugo into his costume, but with bribing him with galleons-"

"Galleons!" Hermione exclaimed. "He's only four years old! Bribing isn't the-" Ron pecked her quickly on the lips and grabbed both of his children's hands. He knew when he got Hermione mad, it took a while for her to calm down.

"Love you, Mum!" Rose yelled as she stared to walk out the door. Hugo turned aroung smiled at his mum and called, "I-I love you, mummy!"

Hermione's previous anger vanished quickly. She smiled once again and waved at her children. "I love you too!"

Ron turned his head and gave a small smile at his wife. "I love you..?"

Hermione rolled her eyes and lightly grinned. "We'll talk about it later."