I'd like to say that I'm sorry this took me so long. As you know, I've been working on my debut novel. I think that a part of me didn't want to say goodbye to Laters, Peach. Yes, this is a Fifty Shades Fanfiction, but Liam, Sophie, Jasmine, Hunter, and the gang were all me. The fact that you love them as much as I do means more to me than you will ever know. I feel so blessed to have the best readers on Fanficiton! I hope that this will bring closure to this story for all of you. I always wanted to tell Ava's story, but I felt this was the best way to do that and to conclude Laters, Peach.

I would love it if you check out my book. It will be available at online resellers starting November 12, 2015. It's called Floured by Lane Martin.

Without you none of this would have ever been possible! The words thank you are simply not enough. XOXO - D


It's not easing being Grey. I know poor me. I realize I'm lucky to have such an amazing family, but sometimes it's a major pain in the ass, and things only got harder after Teddy pulled his little stunt and eloped. I swear Dad, Uncle Christian, and Uncle Ethen went out and ordered chastity belts for all of us girls. I don't even want to talk about my brothers, Trev and Thomas, or Greysen, and James. I swear if a boy just looks at any of us girls they are up shit creek. Phoebe and I just graduated, I could have gone on a fancy graduation trip with her, but instead I opted to go to Hawaii with my grandma Birdie. Just the two of us, I don't know how she did it, but she convinced my parents that we didn't need a security detail. Honestly, all I want to do is sit on the beach and work on my tan.

"This is incredible Gram." We just got to our suite. It's a two bedroom villa that I'm sure is bigger than most normal single family homes. It's certainly more space than we need but I love that it is so close to Polo Beach. We even have our own plunge pool. It's late and I should probably try to get some sleep so that jet lag doesn't kick my ass, but I can't. The sound of the crashing waves coming through our open patio doors is calling me. "I'm going to head out to the beach."

"Okay sweetheart. I'm headed off to bed. Don't you go in the water by yourself." I'm blessed to have the best grandmother's on the planet. I love and admire them both more than they will ever truly know.

"I won't Gram. I promise." To be perfectly honest, I'm a little afraid to swim in the ocean ever since hearing about the time mom got stung by a jelly fish. I know if my brothers were here they would be more than happy to pee on me, but they aren't here and besides, that's just gross.

The moon is full and the temperature is perfect as I sink down into the sand and dig my toes into the wet soil. I could sit here and listen to the water all night. I don't know how long I sat there before I heard a throat clear behind me. For the first time in my life, I was worried that I was completely alone. Well, not alone, but without protection. Instead of fight or flight, I was frozen. Moments passed before I felt him come closer. "They call this white heaven." He said. His sultry voice was as calming as the waves. For some reason I found myself instantly relaxing. I didn't know this stranger, but somehow I just knew that I was safe. Beside, thanks to the "Grey method", I could probably kick just about anyone's ass who tried to mess with me. Thank you Grandma Grace. The man with the voice that could melt ice sat down beside me on the beach. He was close enough that I could smell him, but far enough not to further raise my hackles. I hadn't chanced a look at him, but I recognized his scent as something a lot of the boys at my school wore, only he wasn't drowning it like so many of them did. "Seems like such a waste not to get in, but mama taught me to never swim alone." I wasn't cold at all, but a shiver ran through me. "I'm not alone now am I?" He asked as he stood and took a step closer towards the water giving me my first real glimpse at him, and good lord it was a lot to look at. He was tall, about the height of my brothers, but trimmer and he did that thing where guys pull their shirt off by grabbing it at the back of his neck. Thank god for the full moon, because I could see that he was pure muscle. He turned towards me and actually winked when he tossed his shirt at me. Yeah, he totally caught me gawking at him. Then he ran in into the water. When he emerged he lifted his muscular arms and wiped his hair back. "Don't make me lie to my mama. Get in here." He smiled and sweet baby Jesus, he had dimples. I've been around a lot of guys. I have brothers and cousins and they have always played sports, shit Liam is an Olympic athlete, but something about this guy, did something to me. I didn't have on a swimsuit, but I didn't care. I reasoned with myself that one of my father's favorite sayings, "life isn't lived when you're sitting on the sidelines watching" was true. I mentally thanked my sister-in-law Sophie for our recent shopping trip to Victoria's Secret when I took of my shirt and then lowered my shorts revealing my matching bra and panty set. Thankfully I had opted for a pair of shortie panties and a sports style bra to travel in. They actually covered more than some of the bikinis I have packed for this trip. Still, I rushed into the water to cover myself to him. It wasn't my lack of clothing that made me feel exposed, it was the way he looked at me. It was unnerving. When I came up out of the water he began to speak and clumsily sign his words. He was trying so hard, it was cute. I couldn't help but laugh at him.

"I can hear." I giggled at him.

"She speaks." He said with a smile on his face. I don't know what came over me, but I had the sudden urge to splash him, so I did. Soon we were both splashing each other like crazy. I was laughing so hard that I caught a mouthful of sea water that caused me to start coughing. Strong arms surrounded me and he wiped my hair out of my face as I recovered from our battle. "Hi," he said as he held me close.

"Hi," I was glad for the dim light because I knew I was flushed.

"And I thought the ocean and the full moon were beautiful," he said as he looked deep into my eyes. "They don't even compare to you." I was tempted to bury my head in his chest to hide my embarrassment, but that would have been to intimate. We were already in each other's arms half naked. I did the only thing I could and pushed away. Both of us were breathing hard and at least for me it had little to do with the excursion of our water fight. Without water flying between us I could now see that his chest was as well defined as his back. He had that sexy all American boy look about him. "I'm Donovan." He put his hand out for me.

I don't know what came over me, but when I placed my hand in his, I gave him my middle name, Rose. He didn't seem to have any idea who I was and for once in my life, I just wanted to be a normal girl. He lifted my offered hand to his mouth and kissed it.

"The rose is without explanation; she blooms, because she blooms." A shiver ran through me. It wouldn't have surprised me if he had said something corny like, "What's in a name?" by Shakespeare, but for him to quote the words of Angelus Silesius, my favorite poet, nearly knocked the wind right out of me. "Are you OK?" He asked as he pulled me close again. Without hesitation he lifted me into his arms and carried me back to shore. He sank into the sand with me in his lap. I should have been mortified. I should have moved or gone into the villa, but instead I let him hold me. All my life I've been surrounded by great loves. It's a little intimidating to say the least. That's a lot of pressure to live up to. I've never been a believer in "insta love", but maybe that saying that "when you know, you know" is true. Right now I feel like I'm exactly where I am meant to be.

"Are you a fan of Silesius?" I asked after what seemed like an eternity.

"More like Scorsese." He said as he ran his hand up and down the length of my arm.

"Cape Fear is a classic." What can I say? I'm a fan of thrillers.

"She reads poetry, has great taste in movies, and is stunning. I think I've won the lottery Rose. Please tell me you don't have a boyfriend."

I couldn't help but giggle at the desperation he had in his voice. As tempting as it was to tease him, he had shifted me off his lap and I missed it. I liked the fact that he seemed so respectable, like he shouldn't be holding me if my answer was yes and earlier he had mentioned listening to his mother and not lying to her. I for one believe that the relationship a man has with his mother tells a lot about him. "No, I don't have anybody at home waiting for me." This seemed to put him at ease.

I don't know how long he sat on Polo Beach and talked, but I do know that the sun was starting to come up, and when I finally laid my head down on my pillow, I dreamed of Donovan and his dimples.

We were inseparable the rest of the trip, without fail everyday he showed up at the villa. While I originally thought I wanted to spend my days in a lounge chair catching rays, I was wrong. The adventures we shared together were some of the best of my life; zip lining, snorkeling, showing off my sailing skills, trying to surf, surviving the road to Hana, and so much more. Donovan and I never exchanged last names and we didn't need to exchange numbers because we were always together. Don't get me wrong, we knew each other. Sometimes it felt that he knew me better than anyone ever had before. Without the fear that I wouldn't live up to the Grey name, I shared all my hope and dreams with him. Somehow it seemed like we had come to an unspoken agreement. He told me things about himself too. He also said that he had never felt so comfortable with anyone else in his life before, and when he kissed me I felt it everywhere.

"He's never been this late before." It was our last day on the island. I wasn't ready to say goodbye. I told myself that it didn't have to end. That we could date, or whatever he wanted to call it, long distance. That we could make things work if we put in the effort. Jasmine and Hunter and Sam and Spencer had both done it successfully. Gram watched me nervously pace in front of the doors to the patio of the villa as I clutched at the gift I had made for him. We had to try. In my heart I felt like we were meant to be together. Everyone always told me that I would know when I found "the one". That remained to be seen, but I was starting to believe it too.

"I'm sorry Sweet Pea, but we need to leave for the airport." I had been watching the clock all day. Minutes had turned into hours and he still hadn't shown up. I had no way of contacting him. I didn't even know where he was staying. Heart broken, I left his gift and the letter that I had written him on the patio. I sent a prayer to anyone who was listening that Donovan was okay and that he would find this so that he could find me.

"You're coming tonight." Thomas demanded as I tried to come up with excuses on how to avoid going to a football party with them. Emily, Thomas, and Trev had all moved in to the house or the "mini comp" as we liked to call it this year. James, Phoebe, and I were all starting our sophomore year. I do have to admit it was easier to hide out in my room before they moved in. I didn't join a sorority and drink my way through my freshman year, no I buckled down. Took more courses anyone ever should and tried to forget about the chocolate brown eyes and dimples of Donovan or "Maui boy" as my brothers and male cousins called him. They all threatened to murder him for breaking my heart if they ever got the chance. I would give anything for that chance. In fact, this summer with the help of my mother and grandmother, I had secretly returned to the villa on Polo Beach. Mom thought it would be therapeutic. Gram said she prayed everyday that a shadow would fall over me as I sat in my lounger, a six foot four inch shadow with wavy brown hair and coco colored eyes. He never came and if it weren't for more gram I might have believed that I made him up. The trip back to white heaven hadn't healed my heart like my mother had hoped. Instead it cemented the idea firmly in my head that love wasn't in the cards for me.

"You need to come. We gotta get Van his luck back." Trev said as he shoveled food into his mouth.

"Who's Van?" Honestly I had no idea who they were even talking about.

"God Ava, don't you know anything about your own school?" Emily asked as she sat down beside me. "He's the quarterback of the team." She had a dreamy look in her eyes as she said it. She was still wearing her outfit from the game; she looked cute, but ridiculous in her head to toe yellow and green. She even had one of those temporary duck tattoo's on her face.

"That's what I have you for M." I patted her knee and she rolled her eyes at me.

"We're rolling in ten. Now go get your ass dresses or you're going like that." I knew my brother would toss me over his shoulder and carry me kicking and screaming all the way to the party if I wasn't ready. Now way in hell was I going to frat row in my current attire.

"Fine." I huffed as I got up to go to my room. "I'll stay for one hour, but this is the only party I'm going to this year unless you make it to a bowl game." From what I had heard, the team was struggling, but this was important to my brothers, so it was important to me.

I had no idea what to wear to a college party, so I called Teddy's wife Lauren. "Sorry, is this a bad time?" I asked as I heard Tiny giggling in the background. She's cute as a bug. Almost as adorable as my nieces and nephew. Teddy's accident was tough on all of us, but he worked his ass off and is on the road to a full recovery. People can say what they want about us, but we Grey's work hard, play hard, and love hard. It's who we are. We've learned firsthand that tomorrow is never promised, so we all try to live life to the fullest.

"No, it's fine." I heard some shuffling and then it was quiet. "What's up?"

"The boys are dragging me to a party tonight. What should I wear? I could have asked Phoebe or Emily, but I only had ten minutes and I really didn't feel like playing dress-up with my cousins.

"Those black sorts with the coral shirt paired with the gold hoops and your brown wedge sandals. It's always hot at those crowded house parties and your legs look amazing in those shorts."

This is what I loved about Stroke; she was an artist with a keen eye for fashion who knew exactly what to wear and really who would have thought to wear those shoes with the black shorts, it was brilliant. "That's perfect. Thank you." I couldn't help but smile as I heard Christina call for her Mommy Angel. "I'll let you go. Have a great night."

"Anytime Ava, you know I'm always just a phone call away and I happen to know a guy with a helicopter on standby." My uncle wouldn't hesitate to fire up his bird for any of us if we just asked. Sometimes I feel like Lauren is the one person who truly understands me. She never thought she would see Teddy again after the chance meeting they had at the castle in Italy. True, she was younger and only spent one day with him, but she always believed that he was special and that they had met for a reason. I had ten amazing days with Donovan, and then he was gone as un-expectantly as he had come. I think I would be able to move on if I only knew why he never even said goodbye. I continued to get ready as I thought about him and our time together. Once Lauren had said that she "wished that maybe one day she would find a place where her dreams and reality collided." I guess I was wishing for the same thing. After exactly ten minutes Thomas barged into my room, clearly surprised to see me actually dressed and ready to go to the party.

"How's he doing?" Trev asked another guy from the team as we made our way through the crowd.

"He's a little tipsy and he won't stop talking about her." I didn't know as much about the team as I should have, considering both my brothers were on the team. "He keeps saying how he lost is lono, whatever the hell that means." My brothers seemed to know exactly who their teammate was talking about.

"Okay." He gave his friend and firm nod and then preceded to hand me a green solo cup. I actually think red solo cups have been outlawed in this part of Oregon. "Here drink this but don't take anything from anyone else and never put it down." I raised my brow at him and he smirked.

"What? This isn't my first college party." Even over the band and the crowd around us I could hear both of my brothers laughing. Jerks!

"You should sing something with the band. You are so much better than them and you haven't sung in so long." Other than singing happy birthday and Christmas carols, I hadn't sung since Donovan took me to a sports bar in Wailuku. If I had known what I know now, I surely wouldn't have sung "Wake Me Up Before You Go-Go" by the 80's group Wham. "Come on Ava. It's time for you to start living again." Apparently I wasn't fooling anyone. Maybe they were right.

Without hesitation, I chugged my beer. "Fine, I'll sing one song." I agreed. Tonight was the night I let go of the past and start living again.

Trev jumped up on the stage and said some words to the lead singer. He nodded his head and smiled before taking the mic. "So we weren't lucky today on the field," everyone in the crowd let out a round of boo's, "but that's all about to change because my amazing sister has agreed to sing for us. Van this one is for you." I didn't know Van, but I knew exactly what song I wanted to sing the moment I had agreed. Thomas lifted me up onto the stage and I shared a few words with the band. They knew the song I wanted to sing. A silence fell over the crowd as I sang the first verse with my back facing them.

Walking round with my head down

But I can't hide with these high heels on

Downtown in a thick crowd

But it's just you that my mind is on

Dressed up, got my heart messed up

You got yours and I got mine

It's unfair that I still care

And I wonder where you are tonight

I slowly turned to face the horde of college kids that filled the yard. Emily had her arm around Trev and she wiped a tear away from her eye as I continued to pour my heart out on the stage.

Thinking it could be different

But maybe we missed it yea

Thinking it could be different

It could, it could

As I continued to sing, I noticed that the crowd seemed to part before me. I swear my eyes were playing tricks on me because as the people separated, I noticed a form coming towards me. In my mind it made sense since I was singing it for him. I had to be dreaming. This couldn't be real. I faltered when I saw his dimple.

It should've been us

Shoulda been a fire, shoulda been the perfect storm

It should've been us

Coulda been the real thing, now we'll never know for sure, ooh

We were crazy, but amazing, baby we both know

It should've been us, us

It, it, it should've been us

I jumped off the stage but the band kept on playing. The night air was filled with the male singer from the band continuing where I left off.

Back and forth like a tug of war

What's it all for, do I want it back

I still got a little flame for ya

Even though you drove me mad

Now and then, I pretend

That it's you when I close my eyes

You got yours, I got mine

But I wonder where you are tonight

This couldn't be real. I moved towards him and when I reached out to touch him like I did in a thousand dreams he didn't fade away.

It should've been us

Shoulda been a fire, shoulda been the perfect storm

It should've been us

Coulda been the real thing, now we'll never know for sure, ooh

We were crazy, but amazing, baby we both know

It should've been us, us

It, it, it should've been us

Donovan, my Donovan was here. I don't know when I started crying. He put his arms around me and I buried my tear streaked face in his shirt. The crowd started going crazy around us. Yelling, "Van, Van, Van." over and over again. Oh my god, the Van my brothers have been talking about for as long as I can remember is my Donovan.

All I could say were the words from the song, "it should have been us." I don't even know how we got to a quiet empty room or how long he just held me before he put me down. He looked different. He now had a scar on his forehead over his left eye. I traced my thumb over it. "When did you get this?" I asked as he looked at me like I too had just walked out of his dream.

He shook his head as if trying to get himself out of a fog. "Lono, that is the only thing in the world that could have ever kept my away from you that day." Lono? That was the second time I had heard the expression. He must have sensed my confusion. "It's Hawaiian for abundance or luck. I've been looking it for you since the day I lost you." Now it was my turn to smile.

"You never lost me Donovan. I'm right where I'm supposed to be." His smile was contagious.

"I don't understand Rose. Grey said his sister was going to sing. I though his sisters name was Ava."

"I'm Ava Rose Grey." Holy shit, he knew about Ava and I knew about Van. If only we had known about Rose and Donovan.


Ava isn't just my lucky, she's my everything, and I think I knew it the moment I set eyes on her. I swear her last day on the island reads like a script from Hawaii 5-0. I wanted to get her something special to let her know that no matter where she was in the world that I was committed to making things works between us, but it had to be special. Instead what I got was a trip to the hospital and a scar that would remind me of her, of what I lost every single time I looked in the mirror.

I knew I wanted to get her something that would remind her of not only of me, but of our time in paradise, so I asked around and was told that I had to go to Na Huko. I was standing at the counter trying to decide between several beautiful pieces when two masked men entered the store and demanded that we all get down on the floor. I followed directions, but when one of the guys started getting rough with the sales clerk I couldn't just sit back and watch. That's when I learned my head isn't as hard as my mom has always said. By the time I finally arrived at the villa my Rose was gone and apparently so was the letter she left me with all of her contact information and her gift. My parents tried to console me, and my father promised that if it was meant to be, our paths would cross again.

"Stop, you're going to be fine and I brought you a study guide." I don't think I was this nervous at the Orange Bowl or at the national championship game last week as I am right know. I know that may sound ridiculous, but on the field I have my entire team. I also know that I have my number one fan in the stands cheering me on. As soon as we found each other again, everything on and off the field just seemed to click right into place. Yes, I know her younger brothers and a few of her cousins, and yes, I've met her parents, and of course Bridie, but today I'm meeting her extended family. All of them! That's a shit ton of people and don't even get me started on how rich they are. My parents are coming too. Ava though it would be a good idea for them to meet her family. Maybe's it's just her way of making me feel like I'm not alone. The funny thing is I could never feel alone with her by my side. I already endured sixteen months of torture without her, so I should be able to get through this.

"Do y'all where nametags at these things?" Ava giggles every time I say "y'all", what can I say, I'm a simple country boy. My mom is a school librarian and my dad is the PE teacher and football coach. He was headed to the NFL when he blew out his knee, but his love of the game makes him a great coach. His love of me makes him an even better dad. He never pushed me to play. He never made me feel like I had to follow in his footstep. He always told me to follow my own path.

"Ha, ha. You'll be fine." She kissed my cheek and squeezed my hand before she opened up her "study guide" which was really a photo album. We're in the back of a large SUV being driven from Corvallis to Seattle. I recognized the couple in the photo as Liam and Sophie Grey. I can't believe I'm going to meet not one, but two Olympic medal holders. "You don't need to worry about Sophie, she is as sweet as they come. Now Jasmine is another story."

"As sweet as a Peach?" I asked with a wink using the nickname I know her husband calls her.

"Yes. Smarty. Now these are the loves of my life; Taylor, Lizzy, and Eme." The kids are mini versions of Liam and Sophie.

"I thought I was the love of your life?" I of course was teasing her I know how much her family means to her. I don't think I could ever fall for a girls who doesn't love her family.

She brushed her lips against mine tenderly, "always." She whispered before turning the page.

"Jesus, that a lot of kids." The picture was a group of children. I knew there were a lot of them, but this was crazy. "Lizzy and Eme are so little," I pointed to the twins. "How do I tell them apart?"

"You should have seen them when they were born. They were both under 2 pounds. "

"What happened?" I asked.

"Car accident, at first we thought it was a drunk driver, but she wasn't drunk. She was texting when the accident happened." I guess that explains why Kate Grey was instrumental in changing texting and driving laws all over the country. I admire her tenacity. "Sophie was incredible. I would have fallen apart seeing my two little girls like that. They had breathing tubes and hoses and wires everywhere." From what I know, the girls are fine now, but I can see that it still bothers Ava. She's going to be a great mom someday. A can't help but pull her closer to me. "According to Grandma, the minute Sophie saw them in the NICU, she demanded that they be moved to one bed. The second they were put together they started doing better. Even now, they hate to be separated. Anyway, Sophie normally puts pink bows in Eme's hair and purple in Lizzy's but once you get to know them you'll be able to tell them apart." I wish I was as sure as she is.

"Anything else I should know about them?"

"Uhm, I don't know. Just don't call Sophie Peach and whatever you do, don't refer to them as America's sweethearts." I could do that.

"Are all of these ones siblings?" They all looked alike. Were some of them twins too?

"No, cousins; this might be a little confusing." A little? Ugh, why couldn't they all just wear jerseys with numbers on the back? Ava laughed again, obviously my discomfort was amusing to her.

"Hunter and Jasmine Knight have these three." The three raven haired little girls she pointed at were all wearing the same dress. "Hunter is Liam's best friend and Jasmine is Sophie's best friend. He works for my dad and is one of the most sought after architects in the state of Washington. She work's part time for my uncle Christian."

"Three girls, he's got his hands full."

"And another one on the way." She added. "That's Isabella or Ducky as we all call her, that's Adriana, and that's Gabriella. Hunter says he's not stopping until they get a boy. Jasmine says that he's going to have to get pregnant if he wants another one after this.

"So what about these two?" I pointed to the two boys who looked a lot like the girls.

"They belong to Joey and Delaney. They are Donatelli's. That's Angleo and that's Lucca. Joey is Jasmine's brother. But these three are the girls other cousins. That's Sadie, Shane, and Silver. Scott is Hunter's brother and his wife is Sara."

"Silver Knight?" I asked with a raised brow. Who would name their kid that?

"Yep. Oh, and this little one belongs to Ellie Knight and Nic Donatelli." Good lord, you've got to be kidding me. 'What?" She asked with a smile as I rubbed my eyes.

"I think I'm glad I'm an only child." I teased as I motioned to her brothers who were sitting in the row in front of us. They were both rocking out to whatever they were listening to with headphones.

I was completely overwhelmed and I still didn't know everyone. Getting sacked by a 6 foot 6, 325 pound tackle over and over again was starting too sounded easier than meeting Ava's entire extended family. As usual she seemed to pick-up on my unease. "Hey, look at me." I turned to meet her gaze and she placed her hand on my cheek. "They are going to love you, because I love you." Yeah, I could do this. I could do anything with her by my side.

"I don't understand why they came without us." We were getting closer to "the ranch" and my heart was beating faster. My parents had apparently headed over earlier and were meeting us along with everyone else.

Ornate ornamental iron gates swung open as we approached the property. We continued past a historic looking home. An apple orchard was on our right and soon a large barn came into sight. It reminded me of my grandparent's ranch in Texas. "This place is amazing." I said as the SUV came to a stop and we all began to pile out. Ava took my hand and I squeezed it in appreciation of the simple act. James, Phoebe, Emily, Thomas, and Trev all started walking towards the building, but Ava held me back. "I want to show you something before we go inside."

Hand in hand, we walked back towards the large house. On the side we hadn't seen from the road we drove in on was a large garden. "This is where most of the weddings take place," she offered up in explanation. I could understand why people would want to get married here. We stopped in front a well that was somewhat hidden from the rest of the garden. She lifted my hand and placed a penny in the palm of my hand. "Close your eyes and make a wish."

"What about you?" I asked the girl that I once thought would only come back to me in my dreams.

"I already got my wish." She said as she stood on her tip toes and placed a chaste kiss upon my lips.

She wasn't the only one, so instead of tossing the penny into the well and making a wish, I placed it on the ledge of the well for someone else. She looked at me with a puzzled look on her face. "I don't need any more wishes or luck because I have you Ava Rose Grey. You are my lono, my abundance, and I don't plan on ever losing you again."


Sophie wrapped her arms around me from behind as we watched my sister and Donovan at the well without them knowing. "Are you OK?" I wasn't, but I would be.

"Yeah Peach, it's hard to say this out loud but I really like the guy."

"Me too," she said as she kissed the side of my neck causing my body to react in the only way it knows how when my wife, my lover, my best friend, and the mother of my children is nearby. You see, love isn't always easy, but it's worth it when you find the person that makes you the best version of yourself that you can be and from the looks of it, Ava had found it too.

The End

Song credit – Tori Kelly, Should've Been Us