Amnesia Chapter 40:

Ichigo and Kisshu's Wedding

It had been five years since Ichigo, Lettuce and Pudding had moved to Cyniclonia. Ichigo was 18, Kisshu was 19, Pai was 23, Lettuce was 20, and Pudding and Taruto were both 14. Pai and Lettuce had gotten married about a year ago, and Lettuce's parents and younger brother had come to Cyniclonia for a while.

Now, however, it was Ichigo and Kisshu's turn. They were about to get married as well, much to both of their joy. Pai had gone to Earth to get Ichigo's parents, Moe and Miwa, and had just returned. Moe and Miwa were both 18 now, and they had their own little fashion design shop in Tokyo. Ichigo had invited them to be bridesmaids, while Pudding was the flower girl, and Taruto was the ring-bearer.

Pai was Kisshu's best man, and Shintaro was giving the bride away. Sakura and Kasumi had decided to make the wedding cake together, but the rest of the catering was being done by the staff at Haroshi-sama's mansion, since that's where the wedding was being held.

Sakura, Shintaro, Moe, and Miwa had been there for a few days, and were helping Ichigo get ready.

Finally the big day came. Moe and Miwa helped Ichigo get ready and do her hair. Ichigo was wearing the traditional Cyniclon outfit- a top that showed her stomach, with full sleeves and a square neck. It laced up in the back, and hers was pale pink. Her skirt was long; it went down to her ankles, with a four-foot-long train embroidered with white sakura blossoms. Her shoes were white flats with a pink sakura blossom on each. Her jewelry was all pink and silver; she was wearing long silver earrings with a pink pearl on the end of each, and a sliver chain with a sakura blossom made of pink sapphires and diamonds hanging from it. Moe and Miwa were doing her hair, and she hugged them when they were done.

Her hair was much longer than it had been five years ago, and Moe and Miwa had pulled it back into a braid, leaving two curls to hang on either side of her face. They then coiled the braid into a bun, and attached the pale pink lace veil to the braided bun. Then they left to get dressed.

When they came back, they were both wearing light green dresses with pink flowers embroidered on the hems, which came down a little past their knees. The dresses had three-quarter-length, puffy sleeves, and scoop necks. They also both had forest green sashes tied in a bow behind them.

Moe had kept her bobbed hairstyle, and was wearing a pair of gold flower-shaped clips in it. She also wore a gold chain around her neck, with a pale jade heart hanging from it.

Miwa had let her hair grow out, and she had pulled it into a ponytail that hung over her right shoulder and was secured by a gold ribbon. She was wearing a gold chain with an ivory heart on it. They both were wearing forest green flats with white flowers embroidered on them.

Finally it was time to go. They all had stayed over at the mansion the night before, so they simply walked down to the garden to wait for their cue. They were met at the door by Shintaro, who was wearing a black sports jacket with a white shirt and a forest green tie. His pants were black, as were the dress shoes he wore. "Are you ready, Ichigo?" he asked. "You look beautiful."

"Thanks, Dad," Ichigo said with a smile. "I'm ready. Where's Mom?"

"She's already sitting in the audience, it's almost time," Shintaro said. "Moe, Miwa, you two look great."

"Thanks, Mr. Momomiya," Miwa said with a smile.

Suddenly they heard the music start playing, and Shintaro offered Ichigo his arm. She took it, and followed by Moe and Miwa, walked out to the aisle.

Kisshu was waiting at the end of the aisle, dressed in a forest green sports jacket, white shirt, forest green tie and black pants. His hair was the same as usual, and he beamed when he saw her. She was radiant. Pai stood next to him, wearing a gray sports jacket, white shirt, purple tie, and gray pants. A Cyniclon priest was waiting to perform the ceremony.

Ichigo reached the end of the aisle, and let go of Shintaro's arm, smiling at him as she took Kisshu's hands. Shintaro went to sit with Sakura as Moe and Miwa stood a few steps behind Ichigo. Taruto was standing next to the priest, holding a pillow with the rings on it. As Ichigo and Kisshu looked at each other, the priest began to speak.

"We are gathered here today, two races, to celebrate the joining together of Ikisatashi Kisshu and Momomiya Ichigo," the priest said. "Kisshu, do you promise to love Ichigo forever? To hold her, cherish her, and be there for her, in sickness or in health, for as long as you both shall live?"

"I do," Kisshu said, the joy clear in his voice and on his face.

"Ichigo, do you promise to love Kisshu forever? To hold him, cherish him, and be there for him, in sickness and in health, for as long as you both shall live?"

"I do," Ichigo said happily.

"In that case, you may give each other the rings," the priest said. Taruto stepped forward with the rings, and Kisshu put a silver ring with a pink sapphire on it on Ichigo's ring finger, while she put a silver band with an emerald on it on his ring finger.

The priest cleared his throat, and said, "I now pronounce you Mr. and Mrs. Ikisatashi! You may kiss the bride."

Kisshu kissed Ichigo passionately as she wound her arms around his neck, kissing him back with equal passion.

Everyone cheered, and they finally broke apart. Then Kisshu and Ichigo walked hand in hand to receive the congratulations of their families and friends.

Alright, I know you'll all be sad, but this is the end of Amnesia, and there will not be a sequel. Please review, and I hope you all enjoyed this story!